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Developers Experience

samatrhea edited this page Apr 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

We welcome contributions to the DEH-CSV Codebase, Please read the Contribution Guidelines. These explain how to make a Pull Request and the style Guidelines.

Tickets, Documentation and Code Review

GitHub is used as source repository, for ticketing to report issues, to plan work in sprints and to perform Code Reviews using GitHub PR's.


The core development team of the DEH-CSV makes use of Visual Studio 2022, the community edition can be downloaded here. We make use of Jetbrains Resharper Ultimate to make our developer lives easier. The solution contains a .DotSettings file that contains the core developer team's preferred Resharper code styles and formats.

In order to get started with DEH-CSV development, download VS2022 and open the .sln file to load all the projects.

Continuous Integration

GitHub actions are used to perform Continuous Integration:

  • CodeQL: semantic code analysis to find security vulnerabilities.
  • Build & Test & SonarQube: build, unit test/coverage, SonarQube Quality analysis

SonarQube Status:

Quality Gate Status Code Smells Coverage Duplicated Lines (%) Lines of Code Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating Technical Debt Vulnerabilities


  1. Home
  2. Quick Start
  3. Roadmap

Soultion Structure

  1. Solution Structure

Type Mapping

  1. Type Mapping

Developer Environment

  1. Developers Experience
  2. Build and Release
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