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Quick Start

sam.gerene edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 3 revisions


Install the VCD-Generator as a dotnet tool

dotnet tool install --global vcdg

Annotate NUnit tests

Annotate your NUnit tests with the Test attribute including a Property key-value pair,

  • Value: the unique identifier of your requirement listed in the input requirements spreadsheet
public class ACoolTestFixture()
  [Test(Description = "a very fancy test"), Property("REQUIREMENT-ID", "REQ-01")]
  public void Some_fance_test()
    // ... test test test

Note Make use of the Property attribute which provides a key-value pair. For the VCD-Generator to work provide at least the following Property("REQUIREMENT-ID", "your-requirement-id")

Run Tests

Run the unit tests using the following command:

dotnet test VCD-Generator.sln --logger:"nunit;LogFilePath=TestResults/{assembly}.Result.xml" -- NUnit.ShowInternalProperties=true

Generate Report

Run the vcdg tool and generate the report

vcdg -rf VCD-Generator.Tests/Data/Requirements.xlsx --requirements-sheet-name requirements --requirements-id-column Identifier --requirements-text-column "Requirement Text" --source-directory . --output-report vcd-report.xlsx


Open the vcd-report.xlsx file and put a smile on your face

Verification Control Document Generator

  1. Home
  2. Quick Start

Developer Environment

  1. Developers Experience
  2. Build and Release
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