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A simple application to startup TiDB clusters with web ui, written with Java and Vue.

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A simple application to startup TiDB clusters with web ui, written with Java and Vue.

See tidb-docker-compose to learn more.

Quick Start

You can download latest release from github release.

Here are 2 versions for this app: cli and web. Base actions on both of them are totally same, you can use anyone to startup a TiDB cluster.


JRE 8u212, docker and docker-compose


Your can use chmod +x tidb-docker-compose-panel-cli-${version}-exec.jar, and then execute ./tidb-docker-compose-panel-cli-${version}-exec.jar directly.
Instead of java -jar, this way is much more "clear". XD So do on tidb-docker-compose-panel-web-${version}-exec.jar.

Run java -jar tidb-docker-compose-panel-cli-${version}-exec.jar, then you enter the interactive shell like this:

2019-08-29 12:13:26.383  INFO 28767 --- [           main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication               :
  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.1.7.RELEASE)

2019-08-29 12:13:26.492  INFO 28767 --- [           main] com.github.strrl.panel.cli.Application   : Starting Application on eiu.lan with PID 28767 (/Users/strrl/playground/GitHub/tidb-docker-compose-panel/tidb-docker-compose-panel-cli/target/tidb-docker-compose-panel-cli-1.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar started by strrl in /Users/strrl/playground/GitHub/tidb-docker-compose-panel/tidb-docker-compose-panel-cli/target)
2019-08-29 12:13:26.492  INFO 28767 --- [           main] com.github.strrl.panel.cli.Application   : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
2019-08-29 12:13:28.028  INFO 28767 --- [           main] com.github.strrl.panel.cli.Application   : Started Application in 1.968 seconds (JVM running for 2.393)

Then enter commands after prompt shell:> appear. Here are 3 commands for managing TiDB clusters: list, purge,startup. And also some built-in commands such as help, exit. Use TAB for auto-completion is supported.


Built-In Commands
        clear: Clear the shell screen.
        exit, quit: Exit the shell.
        help: Display help about available commands.
        history: Display or save the history of previously run commands
        script: Read and execute commands from a file.
        stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.

TiDB Cluster Commands
        list, ls: Get all cluster from workspace.
        purge: Purge a cluster.
        startup: Startup a cluster.


Use startup -n my_cluster can startup a TiDB cluster called my_cluster with default config: 1 TiDB instance, 3 TiKV instance, 3 PD instance, 1 Prometheus, 1 Grafana, 1 pushgateway. Should use other parameter to change instance name, expose port, tag for docker image and others.

See help startup for more information.

shell:>help startup

        startup - Startup a cluster.

        startup [-n] string  [[--tidbs] integer]  [[--tikvs] integer]  [[--tidb-server-port] integer]  [[--tidb-status-port] integer]  [[--prometheus-port] integer]  [[--grafana-port] integer]  [[--pd-version] string]  [[--tidb-version] string]  [[--tikv-version] string]

        -n or --cluster-name  string
                Cluster name.

        --tidbs  integer
                Number of TiDB instance.
                [Optional, default = 1]

        --tikvs  integer
                Number of TiKV instance.
                [Optional, default = 3]

        --tidb-server-port  integer
                TiDB server port
                [Optional, default = 4000]

        --tidb-status-port  integer
                TiDB status port
                [Optional, default = 10080]

        --prometheus-port  integer
                Prometheus port
                [Optional, default = 9090]

        --grafana-port  integer
                Grafana port
                [Optional, default = 3000]

        --pd-version  string
                Version for docker image pingcap/pd.
                [Optional, default = latest]

        --tidb-version  string
                Version for docker image pingcap/tidb.
                [Optional, default = latest]

        --tikv-version  string
                Version for docker image pingcap/tikv.
                [Optional, default = latest]



Run java -jar tidb-docker-compose-panel-web-${version}-exec.jar, then open localhost:18080, you can see web-ui like this:


web-ui web-ui-2

Create new cluster:


Build from source

git clone
cd tidb-docker-compose-panel
mvn package

Then your can find *-exec.jar in ${module-name}/target directory.

It will download node and yarn while building module tidb-docker-compose-panel-web-ui. See frontend-maven-plugin to learn more.

Todo List

  • Core concepts.
  • Single cluster.
  • docker-compose.yml syntax check
  • Multi cluster.
  • Web application.
  • Cli tool.
  • Web ui.
  • Fetch available image versions from docker hub.
  • Run in docker:dind.
  • docker swarm support.


A simple application to startup TiDB clusters with web ui, written with Java and Vue.






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