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A "vanilla" JavaScript library for creating simple, event-driven pixel art games in your browser.



Once initialized, SprigganJS will call the "SprigganBoot" function. A SprigganContentManager is given as the argument; a simple loading screen will be shown for it. The returned function will be called when the content manager has loaded and the simple loading screen has been removed.

function SprigganBoot(contentManager) {
    // contentManager and this are equivalent here.

        .add(SprigganJson, "path/to/json/file")
        .add(SprigganSpriteSheet, "path/to/sprite/sheet")
    return function(referenceToContentManager) {
        // contentManager, referenceToContentManager and this are equivalent here. 
        alert("All content has loaded and can be used here.")

Error handling

In the event of an unhandled exception or error (such as a failure to load), SprigganJS will display the error message and stop.

To trigger this yourself, all you need to do is throw an Error:

throw new Error("This is the problem which occurred")


This class handles the lifespan of content - waiting for it to load, loading the same file only once at a time, handling errors, disposing of it all when no longer required.

Generally, it is used as such:

var contentManager = new SprigganContentManager({
    progress: function(loaded, total, referenceToContentManager) {
        // contentManager, referenceToContentManager and this are equivalent here. 
        console.log(loaded + " out of " + total + " have been loaded")
    loaded: function(referenceToContentManager) {
        // contentManager, referenceToContentManager and this are equivalent here. 
        console.log("All content has been loaded")
        console.log(this.get(SprigganJson, "path/to/json/file"))
    // Errors trigger the error handler.
.add(SprigganJson, "path/to/json/file")
.add(SprigganSpriteSheet, "path/to/sprite/sheet")


To implement custom content types, create a function similar to the following:

function YourContentType(url, successCallback) {
    /* perform asynchronous work */
    /* perform asynchronous work */
    return function() {
        /* called once when disposed
           only called once
           only called after loading */


Reads the text from a file as a string.

function SprigganBoot(contentManager) {
    contentManager.add(SprigganText, "path/to/text/file")
    return function() {
        alert(contentManager.get(SprigganText,  "path/to/text/file"))


Reads the text from a file as a JSON object.

function SprigganBoot(contentManager) {
    contentManager.add(SprigganJson, "path/to/json/file")
    return function() {
        alert(contentManager.get(SprigganJson, "path/to/json/file")["this"])
        alert(contentManager.get(SprigganJson, "path/to/json/file")["and"])


Reads the text from a file as a JavaScript value. This allows you to dynamically load scripts. However, this should only be used with trusted files; do not ever allow users to submit files to be read by this, or direct where it will load files from.

function SprigganBoot(contentManager) {
    contentManager.add(SprigganJavaScript, "path/to/javaScript/file")
    return function() {
        contentManager.get(SprigganJavaScript, "path/to/javaScript/file")(3)
        contentManager.get(SprigganJavaScript, "path/to/javaScript/file")(17)

/* Content of "path/to/javaScript/file": */
return function(parameter) {
    alert("You've called dynamic script with " + parameter + ".")

/* This should show:
    You've called dynamic script with 3.
    You've called dynamic script with 17.


Combines a PNG image and JSON file describing the sprite frames within it. The ".png" and ".json" extensions are added automatically.

This is to be given directly to SprigganSprite, and contents may vary by platform.

// Loads both "path/to/sprite/sheet.png" and "path/to/sprite/sheet.json"
contentManager.get(SprigganSpritesheet, "path/to/sprite/sheet")

JSON File Format

    "frames": [
        [10, 30, 20, 50, 15, 25, 0.886],
        [40, 30, 70, 50, 45, 25, 0.656],
        [80, 30, 110, 50, 85, 25, 0.182]
    "animations": {
        "animationA": [0, 2, 1, 1, 2],
        "animationB": [2, 0, 2, 1]

This file:

  • Defines sprite 0 as covering all pixels from 10-20 on the X axis and 30-50 on the Y axis. It should be centred on 15 on the X axis and 25 on the Y axis. It should be displayed for 0.886 seconds in animations.
  • Defines sprite 1 as covering all pixels from 40-70 on the X axis and 30-50 on the Y axis. It should be centred on 45 on the X axis and 25 on the Y axis. It should be displayed for 0.656 seconds in animations.
  • Defines sprite 2 as covering all pixels from 80-100 on the X axis and 30-50 on the Y axis. It should be centred on 85 on the X axis and 25 on the Y axis. It should be displayed for 0.182 seconds in animations.
  • Defines animation "animationA" as frames 0, 2, 1, 1 and 2.
  • Defines animation "animationB" as frames 2, 0, 2 and 1.

The X axis runs from left to right. The Y axis runs from top to bottom. All ranges are inclusive; 3-8 includes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Exporting from Aseprite

A Grunt task is included in the "tasks" directory which automatically converts Aseprite files into PNG/JSON pairs for use in-engine.

The aseprite executable should be accessible via the command line; ensure that "aseprite -?" displays details on how to use aseprite's command line interface.

I would recommend adding Aseprite to the PATH environment variable, or adding a symbolic link or shortcut to where it is installed.

Configuration example
module.exports = function(grunt) {
        "sprigganjs-aseprite": {
            a: {
                options: {
                    sheetWidth: 128
                files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    src: "**/*.ase",
                    dest: "dist",
                    cwd: "assets",
                    ext: ""
    grunt.registerTask("default", ["sprigganjs-aseprite"])

This takes every .ase file in the "assets" directory and its subdirectories, and creates .png/.json files in the "dist" directory:

Given "assets/subdirectoryA/subdirectoryB/test.ase", creates

  • "dist/subdirectoryA/subdirectoryB/test.png"
  • "dist/subdirectoryA/subdirectoryB/test.json"

Every "tag" in the timeline is exported as an animation using the tag's name.

The centre pixel (or pixel to the lower right) is the "origin" of the sprite.

The sheetWidth/sheetHeight options are not required, but specify a maximum width and/or height in pixels for the sprite atlas generated when given.


Allows fire-and-forget play of MP3 audio. On many platforms, it is only possible to load audio in direct response to a user-generated touch, click or tap event. An example can be found in "examples/SprigganSound".

contentManager.add(SprigganSound, "path/to/mp3")


var sound = contentManager.get(SprigganSound, "path/to/mp3")
sound() // Plays once.


Allows looping playback of MP3 audio. On many platforms, it is only possible to load audio in direct response to a user-generated touch, click or tap event. Additionally, looping may be "imperfect"; a small skip or gap may be present at the loop point depending upon your browser and/or MP3. An example can be found in "examples/SprigganSound".

contentManager.add(SprigganMusic, "path/to/mp3")


var music = contentManager.get(SprigganMusic, "path/to/mp3")   // Starts the music from the beginning.
               // Restarts it if already playing.
music.stop()   // Stops the music and rewinds to the beginning.
music.pause()  // Pauses the music without rewinding.
music.resume() // Resumes the music from where it was paused.


Represents a virtual display. Created with a fixed resolution which is then scaled to fit the user's display or browser window.

var width = 320  // pixels
var height = 240 // pixels
var horizontalAlignment = "centered" // "left", "right" or null/undefined/"centered"/"centred"/"middle"
var verticalAlignment = "centered" // "top", "bottom" or null/undefined/"centered"/"centred"/"middle"
var viewport = new SprigganViewport(width, height, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, function(){
    // Called when the viewport is clicked.

viewport.pause() // Pauses every group and/or sprite inside.
viewport.resume() // Unpauses every group and/or sprite inside.

viewport.hide() // Hides the viewport and all contained groups/sprites.
                // Any animations/movements continue.
                // Clicks on underlying objects are no longer blocked by the sprites inside this viewport. // Shows the viewport and all contained groups/sprites.
                // Any animations/movements continue.
                // Clicks on underlying objects are now blocked by the sprites inside this viewport.        

viewport.dispose() // Deletes the viewport.


Represents a group of SprigganSprites and/or SprigganGroups in a SprigganViewport. This allows them to be controlled as a single object.

var group = new SprigganGroup(viewportOrGroup, function(){
    // Called when any sprite in the group is clicked.

group.move(20, 40) // Moves to 20 pixels from the left edge, 40 pixels from the top edge instantaneously.

// Moves to 80 pixels from the left edge, 70 pixels from the top edge over the course of 0.4 seconds.
group.moveOverSeconds(80, 70, 0.4, function() {
    // Called when the movement has completed.
    // Not called if the movement is interrupted by another call to .move, .moveOverSeconds, .moveAtPixelsPerSecond.

// Moves to 30 pixels from the left edge, 90 pixels from the top edge at a constant 25 pixels per second.
group.moveAtPixelsPerSecond(30, 90, 25 function() {
    // Called when the movement has completed.
    // Not called if the movement is interrupted by another call to .move, .moveOverSeconds, .moveAtPixelsPerSecond.

group.pause() // Pauses every group and/or sprite inside.
group.resume() // Unpauses every group and/or sprite inside.

group.hide() // Hides the group and all contained groups/sprites.
             // Any animations/movements continue.
             // Clicks on underlying objects are no longer blocked by the sprites inside this group. // Shows the group and all contained groups/sprites.
             // Any animations/movements continue.
             // Clicks on underlying objects are now blocked by the sprites inside this group.       

group.dispose() // Deletes the group.


Displays a frame of a SprigganSpriteSheet inside a SprigganViewport or SprigganGroup.

You can find an example of this in examples/SprigganSprite.

var sprite = new SprigganSprite(viewportOrGroup, contentManager, urlToSpriteSheet, function(){
    // Called when the sprite is clicked.
})"animation name", function(){
    // Called when the animation has completed.
    // Not called if the animation is interrupted by another call to .play or .loop.

sprite.loop("animation name")

sprite.move(20, 40) // Moves to 20 pixels from the left edge, 40 pixels from the top edge instantaneously.

// Moves to 80 pixels from the left edge, 70 pixels from the top edge over the course of 0.4 seconds.
sprite.moveOverSeconds(80, 70, 0.4, function() {
    // Called when the movement has completed.
    // Not called if the movement is interrupted by another call to .move, .moveOverSeconds, .moveAtPixelsPerSecond.

// Moves to 30 pixels from the left edge, 90 pixels from the top edge at a constant 25 pixels per second.
sprite.moveAtPixelsPerSecond(30, 90, 25 function() {
    // Called when the movement has completed.
    // Not called if the movement is interrupted by another call to .move, .moveOverSeconds, .moveAtPixelsPerSecond.

sprite.pause() // Pauses any animation/movement.
               // Changes in animation/movement will be frozen until resumed.
sprite.resume() // Unpauses any animation/movement.

sprite.hide() // Hides the sprite.
              // Any animations/movements continue.
              // Clicks on underlying objects are no longer blocked. // Shows the sprite.
              // Any animations/movements continue.
              // Clicks on underlying objects are now blocked.    

sprite.dispose() // Deletes the sprite.


Creates and returns a SprigganGroup which renders a string of text. Each letter is rendered by playing the appropriate animation; "hello" loops the animations "h", "e", "l", "l" and "o".

Examples can be found in "examples/SprigganWrite" and "examples/SprigganWrite2".

var font = {
    lineSpacing: 2,    // 2 pixels between the top of bottom line and the top of the next.
    lineHeight: 10,    // Characters should generally be 10 pixels high.
    letterSpacing: 1,  // Add one extra pixel of space between characters horizontally.
    kerning: {
        a: 10,          // 10 pixels between the left of "a" and the left of the following character.
        b: 16,          // 16 pixels between the left of "b" and the left of the following character.
        "default": 8    // 8 pixels between the left of any other character and the left of the following character.

var horizontalAlignment = "centered" // null/undefined/"left", "right" or "center"/"centre"/"centered"/"centred"/"middle"
var verticalAlignment = "centered" // null/undefined/"top", "bottom" or "center"/"centre"/"centered"/"centred"/"middle"    

var group = SprigganWrite(viewportOrGroup, contentManager, urlToSpriteSheet, font, "This is text to\nrender.", horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment)


An event which can only be raised one time. Listeners added following raise() are automatically called.

An example can be found in "examples/SprigganEventOnce"

var ev = new SprigganEventOnce()

ev.listen(function(a, b){
    console.log("First listener: " + a + ", " + b)
ev.listen(function(a, b){
    console.log("Second listener: " + a + ", " + b)

ev.raise(77, 85) // This calls the above listeners.
ev.raise(77, 85) // This does nothing as the event has already been raised.
ev.raise(185, 200) // This also does nothing.

// Listeners added after raising the event are automatically called.
ev.listen(function(a, b){
    console.log("Third listener: " + a + ", " + b)

/*  Output
    First listener: 77, 85
    Second listener: 77, 85
    Third listener: 77, 85


An event which can be raised repeatedly. Listeners are only called for raise() calls after their listen() calls.

An example can be found in "examples/SprigganEventRecurring"

var ev = new SprigganEventRecurring()

ev.listen(function(a, b){
    console.log("First listener: " + a + ", " + b)
ev.listenOnce(function(a, b){
    console.log("Second listener: " + a + ", " + b)
ev.raise(77, 85) // This calls the above listeners.

ev.raise(185, 200) // This calls them again with different arguments.

// Listeners added after raising the event are automatically called.
function ThirdListener(a, b){
    console.log("Third listener: " + a + ", " + b)
ev.raise(40, 20) // This calls them again with different arguments.

ev.raise(70, 23) // And again.

function FourthListener(a, b){
    console.log("Fourth listener: " + a + ", " + b)
ev.raise(882, 14) // One of the listeners will not fire for this.

/*  Output
    First listener: 77, 85
    Second listener: 77, 85
    First listener: 185, 200
    First listener: 40, 20
    Third listener: 40, 20
    First listener: 70, 23
    Third listener: 70, 23
    First listener: 882, 14


Implements a pausable timer.

/* This 900msec timer does not start until resumed. */

var timer = new SprigganTimer(0.9, {
    paused: function() {
        console.log("Paused; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
    resumed: function() {
        console.log("Resumed; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
    completed: function() {
        console.log("Completed; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
    progress: function() {
        console.log("Progress update; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")

/* timer.elapsedMilliseconds() returns the number of milliseconds passed. */
/* timer.elapsedSeconds() returns the number of milliseconds passed. */
/* timer.progress() returns 0.0 at the start and 1.0 at the end. */

console.log("Created; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")


console.log("Started; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")

    console.log("Check; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
    /* After pausing, the timer stops updating until it is resumed. */
    console.log("Check; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
        /* These values will not have changed as the timer is paused. */
        console.log("Check; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
        /* The timer is now running again. */
        console.log("Check; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
            /* These values will have changed as the timer is running. */
            console.log("Check; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
                /* The timer will complete before this. */
                /* As such, the values logged will indicate the end of the timer. */
                console.log("Check; " + timer.elapsedMilliseconds() + "msec " + timer.elapsedSeconds() + "sec (" + timer.progress() + ")")
            }, 400)
        }, 400)
    }, 400)
}, 400)

/* Output varies, but should be approximately:
    Created; 0msec 0sec (0)
    Resumed; 0msec 0sec (0)
    Started; 2msec 0.002sec (0.0022222222222222222)
    Progress update; 71msec 0.071sec (0.07888888888888888)
    Progress update; 100msec 0.1sec (0.11111111111111112)
    Progress update; 151msec 0.152sec (0.1688888888888889)
    Progress update; 201msec 0.201sec (0.22333333333333333)
    Progress update; 256msec 0.256sec (0.28444444444444444)
    Progress update; 303msec 0.303sec (0.33666666666666667)
    Progress update; 357msec 0.357sec (0.3966666666666666)
    Progress update; 409msec 0.409sec (0.45444444444444443)
    Check; 412msec 0.412sec (0.45777777777777773)
    Paused; 413msec 0.413sec (0.45888888888888885)
    Check; 413msec 0.413sec (0.45888888888888885)
    Check; 413msec 0.413sec (0.45888888888888885)
    Resumed; 413msec 0.413sec (0.45888888888888885)
    Check; 414msec 0.414sec (0.45999999999999996)
    Progress update; 468msec 0.468sec (0.52)
    Progress update; 513msec 0.513sec (0.57)
    Progress update; 563msec 0.563sec (0.6255555555555555)
    Progress update; 633msec 0.633sec (0.7033333333333334)
    Progress update; 662msec 0.662sec (0.7355555555555556)
    Progress update; 712msec 0.712sec (0.7911111111111111)
    Progress update; 762msec 0.762sec (0.8466666666666667)
    Progress update; 812msec 0.812sec (0.9022222222222223)
    Check; 815msec 0.815sec (0.9055555555555554) 
    Progress update; 863msec 0.863sec (0.9588888888888889)
    Completed; 900msec 0.9sec (1)
    Check; 900msec 0.9sec (1)


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