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AwesomeMarley edited this page Nov 17, 2022 · 13 revisions


Welcome to the documentation of SaMoTech Robotics code for the FTC competition of Power Play (2022-2023). All code that our team made is inside of the folder TeamCode. The documentation may be behind at times but should be update fairly regularly.

Code Structure

To make our code friendly to work with as well as scalable and secure we developed a standard structure to use. Our code consists of OpModes, Constants, and Classes to ensure a strong code structure.

  • Classes are used to simplify the backend and increase programmer efficiency.
  • Constants are used to make the code easily editable and configuration/tuning simple.
  • OpModes are the main part of the code that is actually run on the robot. OpModes bring all the different parts of the code together in a simple syntax. There are two types of OpModes, TeleOp and Autonomous.


Below our links to the other pages in this documentation. You can also find Javadoc comments inside the code going into detail per variable or method.

  • Classes - Code documentation on the Classes
  • Constants - Code documentation on Constants
  • Controls - Gamepad controls for the robot
  • Refrence - External libraries used
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