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PartyRooms / Web



Table of contents

Directory layout

├── /bin/                                  # Executables
├── /config/                               # Configuration files
├── /coverage/                             # Test coverage reports
├── /dist/                                 # The folder for compiled output
├── /flow/                                 # flowcheck config
├── /docs/                                 # Documentation files for the project
├── /gulpfile.js/                          # Gulp tasks
├── /node_modules/                         # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /src/                                  # The source code and resources of the application
│   ├── /assets/                           # Static files which are copied to ./dist/public on compile
│   │   ├── /images
│   │   ├── /icons/                        # Icons 
│   │   ├── /fonts/                        # Additional fonts that used in project
│   ├── /scripts/                          # Application scripts
│   │   ├── /api/                          # REST API / Relay endpoints
│   │   ├── /constants/                    # Action type constants
│   │   ├── /components/                   # React components
│   │   ├── /decorators/                   # Decorators for various needs
│   │   ├── /forms/                        # React components representing forms
│   │   ├── /layouts/                      # Application layouts
│   │   ├── /lib/                          # App-specific code, utility classes and functions
│   │   ├── /pages/                        # React components representing pages
│   │   ├── /routes/                       # Routing configuration files
│   │   ├── /stores/                       # Stores contain the application state and logic
│   │   ├── /widets/                       # React widget components
│   │   └── /index.js                      # Applicaton entry point
│   ├── /styles/                           # Additional fonts that used in project
│   └── /templates/                        # Templates for server-side rendering
├── /webpack/                              # Webpack configuration files
│   ├── /common                            # Common build settings for webpack
│   ├── /development                       # Webpack settings to be applied only for development env
│   └── /production                        # Production webpack settings
│── browserlist                            # The list of supporter browsers for autoprefixer
│── config.js                              # The main configuration file
└── package.json                           # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities


For a smooth dev process you can install these tools (not required):


  • cp .example.env .env and set required environment variables
  • npm install
  • you have to npm i and build modules that is pulled from github by yourself

There is a config section in package.json:

"config": {

  "https": false,
  "host": "localhost",
  "ports": {
    "app": 3000,
    "socket": 3001,
    "browserSync": 3002,
    "browserSyncUI": 3003
  "sourceMap": true,
  "locale": "en_US",

  • sourceMap ­ enable source maps for production (its enabled by default in dev env)



  • verbose ­ set verbosity to the maximum level
  • profile
  • quiet - set this to true and you'll see no error output in the console and it will make much harder to now whats wrong
  • debug
  • lint

By default source maps is generated using cheap-module-inline-source-map option. If thats not enough for you then you can change it to eval-source-map or even the slowest source-map. Here is some more info about devtool.

manifest.json is generated automatically for you


In dist directory you can find webpack stats file named webpack.stats.json and feed it to webpack stats analyzer to see some useful info about your bundle.



If you want to install any additional postcss plugin, first check if its already in precss or in postcss-cssnext


Base knowledge

Markup & CSS






  • web: docker-compose up web


  • shell: docker-compose run shell
  • rebuild: docker-compose build
  • deploy: heroku docker:release

To get more info you can read the docs at Heroku devcenter. And here is the docker cheatsheet.


  • try to run with --verbose --profile keys


debug package is used for debugging. So to turn it on simply specify the DEBUG environment variable:

  • DEBUG=app:server:(log|info|error) — to see nodejs server debugging output.
  • DEBUG=app:webpack — to see app-related webpack output.
  • DEBUG=app:* — to see everything.