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React IronBeers


We will be building a React app so the API (server) needs to be built somewhere for us, right? You are completely right, it's deployed on heroku and the root fo the API is:

The available endpoints are the following:

Method Endpoint Response (200) Action
GET / [beers] Get all the beers from the DB
GET /:id { beer } Get the a single/specific beer
GET /random { beer } Get a random beer from the DB
POST /new { message: "New beer successfully saved to database!"} Create a new beer (the fields are specified in the instructions)
GET /search?q={query} [beers] Get beers from the DB whose name contains the search term. For example /search?q=lager searches for all beers with lager in the name.

The IronBeers project will include the following features:

  • A Home page with three different options:
    • All Beers
    • Random Beer
    • New Beer
  • A List Beers page where you should display all the beers
  • A Single Beer page to display the details of the beer the user clicked on
  • A Random Beer page to display a Random Beer
  • A New Beer page to show a form where a user can create new beers

Iteration 1 | Home Page

Home Page.Include three links to separate pages:

  • /beers
  • /random-beer
  • /new-beer

Iteration 2 | Header

header with a link to the root of the app.

Iteration 3 | List all the beers

On the /beers route, we should display all the beers from the database. So, in this case, you need to "hit" the API's route and the API will return an array of beers.

You should display the following from each of the beers:

  • image
  • name
  • tagline
  • contributed_by

The first time you call the API, it might take a bit to respond. It's hosted on Heroku, and it goes to sleep after 30 minutes, you know! 😉

Iteration 4 | Display a single beer

When a user click on one of the beers, you should display a detailed view of it, including the following fields:

  • image
  • name
  • tagline
  • first_brewed
  • attenuation_level
  • description
  • contributed_by

Iteration 5 | A random beer

On the /random-beer route, we will render a single beer that will be retrieved from the database. The endpoint will do all the job for us, all we need to do is to call We should receive an object including all the info about a beer. The same way we did with the Single Beer view, we should render the following fields:

  • image
  • name
  • tagline
  • first_brewed
  • attenuation_level
  • description
  • contributed_by

Iteration 6 | Create a new beer

Finally, on the /new-beer route (remember, this is you react route, you're displaying the form on this route), we should render a form where user can create new beers. The form should include the following fields:

  • name - must be type text
  • tagline - must be type text
  • description - must be type text
  • first_brewed - must be type text
  • brewers_tips - must be type text
  • attenuation_level - must be type number !!!
  • contributed_by - must be type text

Iteration 7 | Filter the beers

Yes! One endpoint left! On the /beers route, add an input where users can search for beers. Every time a new letter is typed, you should call to{query} passing the value of the input in the q param.

We are done!


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  • JavaScript 79.7%
  • CSS 17.0%
  • HTML 3.3%