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Indian Recipe API

This API is built in NodeJS and ExpressJS to find complete recipe of most of the Indian food. The dataset is taken from - in a CSV file separated by pipe and imported the same in SQLite3 database.

How to Use?

  1. To run this API, clone this repository in your server or download and extract the zip in server path.
  2. Run the commands in terminal - npm install followed by npm i sqlite3
  3. Create a SQLite3 database using command - sqlite3 recipe.sqlite (Name anything for your database)
  4. Create a table to hold recipe details with below query -
   Srno INTEGER,
   RecipeName TEXT,
   TranslatedRecipeName TEXT,
   Ingredients TEXT,
   TranslatedIngredients TEXT,
   PrepTimeInMins INTEGER,
   CookTimeInMins INTEGER,
   TotalTimeInMins INTEGER,
   Servings TEXT,
   Cuisine TEXT,
   Course TEXT,
   Diet TEXT,
   Instructions TEXT,
   TranslatedInstructions TEXT,
  1. Import the data of CSV file to SQLite3 database using below query in SQLite3 database -
.mode csv
.header on
.separator ","
.import IndianFoodDataset.csv recipe
  1. You can test the data by running select queries eg. SELECT * FROM recipe LIMIT 5;
  2. You may notice that the first row contain the header data. You can delete the first row using below query -
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE Srno in (SELECT Srno FROM recipe LIMIT 1);
  1. Come out of SQLite3 database and run the script with command - npm start Note: port is 3000 you can change from it bin/www.

You can run the app on port defined in bin/www file and search for the recipe with parameter q. End URL would look like - ?q=tomato


This API is built in NodeJS and ExpressJS to find complete recipe of most of the Indian food.






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