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Leveraging, we spin up an EKS stack behind an existing private VPC that has scale-to-zero capabilities. To deploy this stack:

TODO: Instructions need to be re-writen. Deployment is occuring through

To connect to the EKS stack running in AWS you'll need to make sure that you have SSO setup for the account you'll be using. Once setup run the commands below:

# Login with the profile you're using to authenticate. For example mine is called 
# `dpe-prod-admin`
aws sso login --profile dpe-prod-admin

# Update your kubeconfig with the proper values. This is saying "Authenticate with 
# AWS using my SSO session for the profile `dpe-prod-admin`. After authenticated 
# assuming that we want to use the `role/eks_admin_role` to connect to the k8s 
# cluster". This will update your kubeconfig with permissions to access the cluster.
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name dpe-k8 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::766808016710:role/eks_admin_role --profile dpe-prod-admin

Future work

  1. Create a separate VPC dedicated to the K8 cluster
  2. Create CI/CD to deploy this stack
  3. Push this entire stack behind a module
  4. Create a module for the node groups so we can attach node groups to EKS cluster

Adding a node group (WIP)

  1. Add an EKS node group
two = {
    name         = "seqera"
    desired_size = 1
    min_size     = 0
    max_size     = 10

    instance_types = ["t3.large"]
    capacity_type  = "SPOT"
  1. Add an AWS IAM instance profile
data "aws_iam_instance_profiles" "profile2" {
  depends_on = [module.eks]
  role_name = module.eks.eks_managed_node_groups["two"].iam_role_name
  1. Add an ocean virtual node group
module "ocean-aws-k8s-vng_gpu" {
    source = "spotinst/ocean-aws-k8s-vng/spotinst"

    name = "seqera"  # Name of VNG in Ocean
    ocean_id = module.ocean-aws-k8s.ocean_id
    subnet_ids = var.subnet_ids

    iam_instance_profile = tolist(data.aws_iam_instance_profiles.profile2.arns)[0]
    # instance_types = ["g4dn.xlarge","g4dn.2xlarge"] # Limit VNG to specific instance types
    # spot_percentage = 50 # Change the spot %
    tags = var.tags


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