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386 lines (309 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

386 lines (309 loc) · 15.1 KB
Simple things should be simple. Complex things should be possible.
Alan Kay


To run this tutorial you need to install streamline.js and its companion ez-streams library, which is the default streaming library for streamline.

npm install -g streamline
npm install ez-streams

Let us start with streamline's version of node's hello world:

"use strict";
var ez = require('ez-streams');

ez.devices.http.server(function(request, response, _) {
	response.writeHead(200, {
		'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf8'
	response.end("Hello world!");

}).listen(_, 1337);
console.log('Server running at');

To run it, save this source as tuto1._js and start it with:

_node tuto1

Now, point your browser to You should get a "hello world" message.

This code is very close to the original version. Just a few differences:

  • The server is created with streamline's ez.devices.http.server rather than with node's http.createServer call.
  • The server callback takes an additional _ parameter. This parameter is streamline's callback stub. This is the magic token that we will pass to all asynchronous calls that expect a node.js callback.
  • The request and response parameters are streamline wrappers around node's request and response streams. These wrappers don't make a difference for now but they will make it easier to read and write from these streams later.
  • listen is called with an _ argument. This is because listen is an asynchronous call. The streamline version prints the 'Server running ...' message after receiving the listening event, while the original node version prints the message without waiting for the listening event. This is a really minor difference though, and streamline makes it easy to avoid the wait if you don't care: just call listen as a future by passing !_ instead of _. If you're discovering streamline.js don't worry about all this now. I'll talk more about futures at the end of this tutorial.
  • The source file extension is ._js instead of .js and you run it with _node rather than node. This is because streamline.js extends the JavaScript language and the code needs to be transformed before being passed the JavaScript engine (note: _node has a --cache option which speeds up load time by shortcircuiting the transformation when files don't change).

Now, we are going to be a bit more ambitious and turn our page into a simple search form:

"use strict";
var ez = require('ez-streams');
var url = require('url');
var qs = require('querystring');

var begPage = '<html><head><title>My Search</title></head></body>' + //
'<form action="/">Search: ' + //
'<input name="q" value="{q}"/>' + //
'<input type="submit"/>' + //
var endPage = '<hr/>generated in {ms}ms</body></html>';

ez.devices.http.server(function(request, response, _) {
	var query = qs.parse(url.parse(request.url).query),
		t0 = new Date();
	response.writeHead(200, {
		'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf8'
	response.write(_, begPage.replace('{q}', query.q || ''));
	response.write(_, search(_, query.q));
	response.write(_, endPage.replace('{ms}', new Date() - t0));
}).listen(_, 1337);
console.log('Server running at');

function search(_, q) {
	return "NIY: " + q;

Nothing difficult here. We are using node's url and querystring helper modules to parse the URL and its query string component. We are now writing the response in 3 chunks with the asynchronous write method of the wrapped response stream.

We are going to implement the search function next. For now we are just returning a NIY message. Note that we pass _ as first parameter to our search function. We need this parameter because search will be an asynchronous function.

Now we are going to implement the search function by passing our search string to Wikipedia. Here is the code:

function search(_, q) {
	if (!q || /^\s*$/.test(q)) return "Please enter a text to search";
	// pass it to Wikipedia (was Google before but Google removed its simple API)
	var json = ez.devices.http.client({
		url: '' + q,
		proxy: process.env.http_proxy
	// parse JSON response
	var parsed = JSON.parse(json);
	// format result in HTML
	return '<ul>' + parsed[1].map(function(entry, i) {
		return '<li><a href="' + parsed[3][i] + '"><b>' + entry + '</b></a>: ' + parsed[2][i] + '</li>';
	}).join('') + '</ul>';

ez.devices.http.client is a small wrapper around node's http.request call. It allows us to obtain the response with a simple response(_) asynchronous call, and to read from this response with a simple asynchronous readAll(_) call (there is also an asynchronous read call which would let us read one chunk at a time, or read up to a given length). Notice how the calls can be naturally chained to obtain the response data.

In this example we do not need to post any data to the remote URL. But this would not be difficult either. It would just be a matter of calling asynchronous write(_, data) methods before calling the end() method.

If our search function fails, an exception will be propagated. If we don't do anything special, the exception will bubble up to the request dispatcher created by ez.devices.http.server(...). This dispatcher will catch it and generate a 500 response with the error message.

This is probably a bit rude to our users. But we can do a better job by trapping the error and injecting the error message into our HTML page. All we need is a try/catch inside our search function:

function search(_, q) {
	if (!q || /^\s*$/.test(q)) return "Please enter a text to search";
	// pass it to Wikipedia
	try {
		var json = ez.devices.http.client({
			url: '' + q,
			proxy: process.env.http_proxy
		// parse JSON response
		var parsed = JSON.parse(json);
		// format result in HTML
		return '<ul>' + parsed[1].map(function(entry, i) {
			return '<li><a href="' + parsed[3][i] + '"><b>' + entry + '</b></a>: ' + parsed[2][i] + '</li>';
		}).join('') + '</ul>';
	} catch (ex) {
		return 'an error occured. Retry or contact the site admin: ' + ex.message;

Now, we are going to extend our search to also search the text in local files. Our search function becomes:

function search(_, q) {
	if (!q || /^\s*$/.test(q)) return "Please enter a text to search";
	try {
		return '<h2>Web</h2>' + webSearch(_, q) + '<hr/><h2>Files</h2>' + fileSearch(_, q);
	} catch (ex) {
		return 'an error occured. Retry or contact the site admin: ' + ex.stack;

function webSearch(_, q) {
	var json = ez.devices.http.client(...
	return '<ul>' + ...

function fileSearch(_, q) {
	var t0 = new Date();
	var results = '';
	var re = new RegExp("\\b" + q + "\\b", "i");

	function doDir(_, dir) {
		fs.readdir(dir, _).forEach_(_, function(_, file) {
			var f = dir + '/' + file;
			var stat = fs.stat(f, _);
			if (stat.isFile()) {
				fs.readFile(f, 'utf8', _).split('\n').forEach(function(line, i) {
					if (re.test(line)) results += '<br/>' + f + ':' + i + ':' + line;
			} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
				doDir(_, f);
	doDir(_, __dirname);
	return results + '<br/>completed in ' + (new Date() - t0) + ' ms';;

The forEach_ function is streamline's asynchronous variant of the standard EcmaScript 5 forEach array function. It is needed here because the body of the loop contains asynchronous calls. And steamline would give us an error if we were to use the synchronous forEach with an asynchronous loop body. Note that streamline also provides asynchronous variants for the other ES5 array functions: map, some, every, filter, reduce and reduceRight.

Otherwise, there is not much to say about fileSearch. It uses a simple recursive directory traversal logic.

Now, we are going to extend our search to a MongoDB database.

To run this you need to install MongoDB and start the mongod daemon. You also have to install the node MongoDB driver:

npm install mongodb

We have to modify our search function again:

function search(_, q) {
	if (!q || /^\s*$/.test(q)) return "Please enter a text to search";
	try {
		return '<h2>Web</h2>' + webSearch(_, q) //
		+ '<hr/><h2>Files</h2>' + fileSearch(_, q) //
		+ '<hr/><h2>Mongo</h2>' + mongoSearch(_, q);
	} catch (ex) {
		return 'an error occured. Retry or contact the site admin: ' + ex.stack;

Here comes mongoSearch:

var mongodb = require('mongodb');

function mongoSearch(_, q) {
	var t0 = new Date();
	var db = new mongodb.Db('tutorial', new mongodb.Server("", 27017, {}));;
	try {
		var coln = db.collection('movies', _);
		if (coln.count(_) === 0) coln.insert(MOVIES, _);
		var re = new RegExp(".*\\b" + q + "\\b.*", "i");
		return coln.find({
			$or: [{
				title: re
			}, {
				director: re
		}, _).toArray(_).map(function(movie) {
			return movie.title + ': ' + movie.director;
		}).join('<br/>') + '<br/>completed in ' + (new Date() - t0) + ' ms';;
	} finally {

where MOVIES is used to initialize our little movies database:

var MOVIES = [{
	title: 'To be or not to be',
	director: 'Ernst Lubitsch'
}, {
	title: 'La Strada',
	director: 'Federico Fellini'
}, {

The mongoSearch function is rather straightforwards once you know the mongodb API. The try/finally is rather interesting: it guarantees that the database will be closed regardless of whether the try block completes successfully or throws an exception.

So far so good. But the code that we have written executes completely sequentially. So we only start the directory search after having obtained the response from Wikipedia and we only start the Mongo search after having completed the directory search. This is very inefficient. We should run these 3 independent search operations in parallel.

This is where futures come into play. The principle is simple: if you call an asynchronous function with !_ instead of _, the function returns a future f that you can call later as f(_) to obtain the result.

So, to parallelize, we just need a small change to our search function:

function search(_, q) {
	if (!q || /^\s*$/.test(q)) return "Please enter a text to search";
	try {
		// start the 3 futures
		var webFuture = webSearch(!_, q);
		var fileFuture = fileSearch(!_, q);
		var mongoFuture = mongoSearch(!_, q);
		// join the results
		return '<h2>Web</h2>' + webFuture(_) //
		+ '<hr/><h2>Files</h2>' + fileFuture(_) //
		+ '<hr/><h2>Mongo</h2>' + mongoFuture(_);
	} catch (ex) {
		return 'an error occured. Retry or contact the site admin: ' + ex.stack;

We can also go further and parallelize the directory traversal. This could be done with futures but there is a simpler way to do it: passing the number of parallel operations as second argument to the forEach_ call:

	function doDir(_, dir) {
		fs.readdir(dir, _).forEach_(_, 4, function(_, file) {
			var stat = fs.stat(dir + '/' + file, _);

We could pass -1 instead of 4 to execute all iterations in parallel. But then we would have a risk of running out of file descriptors when traversing large trees. The best way to do it then is to pass -1 and use the flows.funnel function to limit concurrency in the low level function. Here is the modified function:

var fs = require('fs'),
	flows = require('streamline-runtime').flows;

function fileSearch(_, q) {
	var t0 = new Date();
	var results = '';
	// allocate a funnel for 20 concurrent executions
	var filesFunnel = flows.funnel(20);

	function doDir(_, dir) {
		fs.readdir(dir, _).forEach_(_, -1, function(_, file) {
			var stat = fs.stat(dir + '/' + file, _);
			if (stat.isFile()) {
				// use the funnel to limit the number of open files 
				filesFunnel(_, function(_) {
					fs.readFile(dir + '/' + file, 'utf8', _).split('\n').forEach(function(line, i) {
						if (line.indexOf(q) >= 0) results += '<br/>' + dir + '/' + file + ':' + i + ':' + line;
			} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
				doDir(_, dir + '/' + file);
	doDir(_, __dirname);
	return results + '<br/>completed in ' + (new Date() - t0) + ' ms';;

The filesFunnel function acts like a semaphore. It limits the number of concurrent entries in its inner function to 20.

With this implementation, each call to fileSearch opens 20 files at most but we could still run out of file descriptors when lots of requests are handled concurrently. The fix is simple though: move the filesFunnel declaration one level up, just after the declaration of flows. And also bump the limit to 100 because this is now a global funnel:

var fs = require('fs'),
	flows = require('streamline-runtime').flows;
// allocate a funnel for 100 concurrent open files
var filesFunnel = flows.funnel(100);

function fileSearch(_, q) {
	// same as above, without the filesFunnel var declaration

Fixing race conditions

And, last but not least, there is a concurrency bug in this code! Let's fix it.

The problem is in the code that initializes the movies collection in MongoDB:

		if (coln.count(_) === 0) coln.insert(MOVIES, _);

The problem is that the code yields everywhere we have an _ in the code. So this code can get interrupted between the coln.count(_) call and the coln.insert(MOVIES, _) call. And we can get into the unfortunate situation where two requests or more will get a count of 0, which would lead to multiple insertions of the MOVIES list.

This is easy to fix, though. All we need is a little funnel to restrict access to this critical section:

var mongodb = require('mongodb'),
	mongoFunnel = flows.funnel(1);

function mongoSearch(_, q) {
	try {
		var coln = db.collection('movies', _);
		mongoFunnel(_, function(_) {
			if (coln.count(_) === 0) coln.insert(MOVIES, _);
		var re = new RegExp(".*\\b" + q + "\\b.*", "i");
		return ...
	} finally {

Wrapping up

In this tutorial we have done the following:

This should give you a flavor of what streamline.js programming looks like. Don't forget to read the README and the FAQ.