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For this project, we will use MapReduce to find the most profitable month for hotel bookings over a period of four years. To do this, compute the total revenues recorded every month and arrange them in descending order. This can give us some interesting information like which months of the year show higher revenue for a particular market segment.
The problem is that the hotel company decided to change the way they keep their data, so there are two separate datasets with different schemas (but similar information) that we need to use.

The first dataset (hotel-bookings) provides booking information from 2015 to 2016. The second dataset (customer-reservations) provides information about the reservation details from 2017 to 2018. More detailed explanation of the two datasets is below (note: you may not need all the columns for each dataset).

The goal of the project is to find out which month was most profitable from 2015-2018.

Hadoop Installation

Hadoop Installation on Ubuntu


1. Start Hadoop

Inside Hadoop user Id

sudo service ssh start
ssh localhost

Format the HDFS Namenode

hdfs namenode -format

Start the Hadoop Cluster

Inside Hadoop/sbin


Access Hadoop UI from Browser


This command retrieves the classpath required for Hadoop

export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath)

2. Preprocessing Part

In Hadoop Cluster

Create following directories

hdfs dfs -mkdir /preprocessing
hdfs dfs -mkdir /preprocessing/Input
hdfs dfs -mkdir /preprocessing/Output
hdfs dfs -mkdir /max
hdfs dfs -mkdir /max/Input
hdfs dfs -mkdir /max/Output
hdfs dfs -mkdir /sorting
hdfs dfs -mkdir /sorting/Input
hdfs dfs -mkdir /sorting/Output

Adding hotel-booking.csv and customer-reservations.csv inside preprocessing/Input folder.

hadoop fs -put '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/hotel-booking.csv' /preprocessing/Input
hadoop fs -put '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/customer-reservations.csv'  /preprocessing/Input

Verify the Files

hadoop fs -ls /preprocessing/Input

Not on Hadoop Cluster Only in Hadoop local

Copy and Paste the
Compile the file using javac, specifying the classpath and output directory.

sudo javac -classpath  ${HADOOP_CLASSPATH} -d '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/classes' '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/'

Create a JAR file named combine.jar from the contents of the classes/ directory.

sudo jar -cvf combine.jar -C classes/ .

Run a Hadoop job using the combine.jar JAR file, specifying the main class and input/output paths.

hadoop jar '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/combine.jar' Combiner /preprocessing/Input  /preprocessing/Output

In Hadoop Cluster

Verify the output file for preprocessing

hadoop fs -ls /preprocessing/Output

This command Hadoop is used to display the contents of a file stored in HDFS

hadoop fs -cat /preprocessing/Output/part-r-00000

Copy the output of the Combiner to the Input of Max

hadoop fs -cp /preprocessing/Output/part-r-00000 /max/Input

Verify the file

hadoop fs -ls /max/Input

3. Max Part

Not on Hadoop Cluster Only in Hadoop local

Copy and Paste the
Compile the file using javac, specifying the classpath and output directory.

sudo javac -classpath  ${HADOOP_CLASSPATH} -d '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/classes' '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/'

Create a JAR file named max.jar from the contents of the classes/ directory.

sudo jar -cvf max.jar -C classes/ .

Run a Hadoop job using the max.jar JAR file, specifying the main class and input/output paths.

hadoop jar '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/max.jar' Max /max/Input  /max/Output

In Hadoop Cluster

Verify the output file

hadoop fs -ls /max/Output

This command Hadoop is used to display the contents of a file stored in HDFS

hadoop fs -cat /max/Output/part-r-00000

Copy the output of the Max to the Input of Sorting

hadoop fs -cp /max/Output/part-r-00000 /sorting/Input

Verify the file

hadoop fs -ls /sorting/Input

4. Sorting Part

Not on Hadoop Cluster Only in Hadoop local

Copy and Paste the
Compile the file using javac, specifying the classpath and output directory.

sudo javac -classpath  ${HADOOP_CLASSPATH} -d '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/classes' '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/'

Create a JAR file named sorting.jar from the contents of the classes/ directory.

sudo jar -cvf sorting.jar -C classes/ .

Run a Hadoop job using the sorting.jar JAR file, specifying the main class and input/output paths.

hadoop jar '/home/hduser_/DBMSPROJECT/sorting.jar' Sorting  /sorting/Input/part-r-00000  /sorting/Output

In Hadoop Cluster

Verify the output

hadoop fs -ls /sorting/Output

This command Hadoop is used to display the contents of a file stored in HDFS

hadoop fs -cat /sorting/Output/part-r-00000

5. Stopping Hadoop

Inside Hadoop/sbin



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