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Daan Smienk edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the getting_started wiki!

This wiki serves as a guide to install and port Sailfish OS to the Fairphone 4. In this wiki you will find the information to build, update and flash Sailfish OS on the Fairphone4.

Within this wiki you will be able to find all the necessary information to build, update and flash Sailfish OS.

To find how to port Sailfish OS to the Fairphone 4 check out Sailfish-OS-HADK-For-The-Fairphone-4. This wiki is a fork of the official Sailfish OS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit located here.

Project introduction

This project is the result of a cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and different student groups for the innovation course.

The goal of this project is to provide a European alternative on the smartphone market against big data giants like Google and Apple, with a strong focus on the protection and privacy of the user.

Wiki overview

The assignment was split between two different teams. Both teams worked on a different assignment.

Team 498 - Implementation of e-ink module for the Fairphone

For team 498 the goal was to add a second display to the back of the Fairphone 4.

The necessary information from the team can be found on the wiki page: Overdracht groep 498 "Inkfinity"

Team 499 - Creating a functional Sailfish OS port for the Fairphone 4

The goal of team 499 during this project was to create a fully functional port of Sailfish OS for the Fairphone 4.

In short, by now the infrastructure necessary to build and image for the Fairphone 4 is completed. This image now contains the basic functionalities to run a functional version of Sailfish OS on the Fairphone 4.

All the documentation and information to continue this project can be found on the following wiki page: Handover information group 499