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This is the open soure implementation of the paper "DVC-P: Deep Video Compression with Perceptual Optimizations" [paper], which is accepted by VCIP 2021.

Our work is based on OpenDVC (an open source Tensorflow implementation of DVC), but improves it with perceptual optimizations (i.e., a discriminator network and a mixed loss are employed to help our network trade off among distortion, perception and rate, and nearest-neighbor interpolation is used to eliminate checkerboard artifacts).

Please refer to technical report for more details of OpenDVC. If you find their open source codes are helpful, please cite their work

  title={Open{DVC}: An Open Source Implementation of the {DVC} Video Compression Method},
  author={Yang, Ren and Van Gool, Luc and Timofte, Radu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.15862},

Please refer to OpenDVC for more training details and downloading necessary dependencies.

If our paper and open source codes are helpful for your research, please cite our paper

  title={DVC-P: Deep Video Compression with Perceptual Optimizations},
  author={Saiping Zhang and Marta Mrak and Luis Herranz and Marc Gorriz Blanch and Shuai Wan and Fuzheng Yang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10849},

If you have any question or find any bug, please feel free to contact:

Saiping Zhang



Since our work DVC-P is totally based on OpenDVC, OpenDVC is considered as our base software. To ensure that you can successfully run our codes, we strongly suggest that you firstly try to learn how to run OpenDVC according to their detailed instructions. For better illustration, detailed instructions are also shown below. Note that most of them are referred to those in OpenDVC.


(plesae put the folder "tensorflow_compression" to the same directory as the codes after downloading.)

(Note that BPG encoder is used to compress I frames, and our DVC-P is only used to generatively compress P frames.)

Here we give an example of the folder structure.

Input Preperation

Input frames need to be in RGB format. To compress a video in YUV format, please first convert the YUV to sequential PNG images with the following command.

ffmpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p -s WidthxHeight -i Name.yuv -vframes Frame path_to_PNG/f%03d.png

Since our network requires input frames with the height and width as the multiples of 16 (followed by OpenDVC), please make sure you have cropped input frames to meet the requirements. The following command can be used to crop images.

ffmpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 1920x1080 -i Name.yuv -vframes Frame -filter:v "crop=1920:1072:0:0" path_to_PNG/f%03d.png

A prepared sequence BasketballPass (containing the first 100 frames in RGB format) is uploaded in OpenDVC as an example. Please check it if you have any questions about preperaing inputs.

Training your own models


  • Download the training data. We train the models on the Vimeo90k dataset (Download link) (82G) (followed by OpenDVC). After downloading, please run the following codes to generate "folder.npy" which contains the directories of all training samples.
def find(pattern, path):
    result = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for name in files:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
    return result

folder = find('im1.png', 'path_to_vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet/sequences/')'folder.npy', folder)
  • Compress I-frames. Followed by OpenDVC, we compress I-frames (im1.png) by BPG 444 at QP = 22, 27, 32 and 37 for the models of lambda = 2048, 1024, 512 and 256, respectively. The Vimeo90k dataset has ~90k 7-frame clips, we need to compress "im1.png" in each clip as I-frame. For example:
bpgenc -f 444 -m 9 im1.png -o im1_QP27.bpg -q 27
bpgdec im1_QP27.bpg -o im1_bpg444_QP27.png        

Training strategies

Similarly to the OpenDVC in which the framework design consists of various deep models, our proposed DVC-P requires carefully designed joined training strategy. In particular, the training process consists of 700k iterations in total. When iterations<20k, only optical flow network, MV encoder network and MV generator network are trained together. When iterations reaches to 20k, motion compensation network begins to join the training. When iterations reaches to 40k, residual encoder network and residual generator network also begin their joint training. When iterations reaches to 400k, the discriminator begins to be optimized. As for loss function, we only use MSE loss when iteration<20k, VGG-based loss is added when iterations reaches to 40k. Adversarial loss is added when iterations reaches to 400k.

Training models

Run to train your models, e.g.,

python --l 1024

Testing your own models

--path, the path to PNG files;

--frame, the total frame number to compress;

--GOP, the GOP size, e.g., 10;

--mode, PSNR;

--metric, PSNR;

--l, lambda value. The pre-trained PSNR models are trained by 4 lambda values, i.e., 256, 512, 1024 and 2048, with increasing bit-rate/PSNR;

--N, filter number in CNN (Do not change);

--M, channel number of latent representations (Do not change).

For example:

python --path BasketballPass --mode PSNR  --metric PSNR --l 1024

DVC-P generates the encoded bit-stream and compressed frames in two folders.

path = args.path + '/' # path to PNG
path_com = args.path + '_com_' + args.mode  + '_' + str(args.l) + '/' # path to compressed frames
path_bin = args.path + '_bin_' + args.mode  + '_' + str(args.l) + '/' # path to encoded bit-streams


Using our open source codes, compressed frames are in higher perceptual quality and without checkerboard artifacts compared with those compressed by OpenDVC.


DVC-P: Deep Video Compression with Perceptual Optimizations






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