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#Step6502 Documentation


Step6502 is a stand-alone 6502 windowed debugger similar to visual studio. The debugger is not associated with any particular computer and does not emulate peripheral components such as a display or a keyboard. The emulation code is based on the design of

Since the 6502 CPU context is just 8 bytes it is simple to store a complete machine delta for each instruction, which allows for an effective per instruction undo buffer. The undo buffer is used to step and run backwards in time, which fits nearly 2 million instructions or about two full seconds of 1 MHz running.

##VICE support

Remote monitor support is added for VICE!

  • Start x64.exe normally but add -remotemonitor as a command line option, and start Step6502.
  • Use the C= button in the toolbar to connect to Vice.
  • Syncronizing machine state on enter and exit monitor mode
  • Pause button now also stops Vice Connection!


This debugger is simply a fun project, Tinkering with 6502 assembler I've got too comfortable with modern GUI debuggers such as Microsoft Visual Studio and SN Systems debuggers.

If you're looking for a 6502 series command line assembler try this one:


Ready-to-play binaries can be downloaded from:


All address text fields are in hexadecimal, other text fields are in decimal.

To adjust the font size go to the View menu.

To load a binary file to memory use the LOAD toolbar button, which opens up a file dialog and then a load address dialog box to select how to load the file into memory. To reload a binary file with the same options click on the reload toolbar button (the circular arrow icon).

If there is a vice monitor command file with the same name as the binary with the extension ".vs" symbols and breakpoints will be loaded with the binary file, if the ".vs" can not be found a file with the extension ".sym" will be loaded.


toolbar image

The buttons on the toolbar can control most of the functions of the Code View.

  • Copy: Copy from the current pane (code, graphics, memory, registers)
  • Help: Brings up the About dialog
  • Pause: This button is enabled when the CPU is running, or enters monitor mode if Vice Connection is running
  • Run: Run the emulator
  • Run backwards: Undo instructions until paused, a breakpoint is hit or the undo buffer is empty.
  • Step: Step one instruction
  • Step backwards: Undo a single instruction
  • Breakpoint: If a line of code is marked in the code view, set a breakpoint on that line
  • Interrupt: Issue an IRQ
  • NMI: Issue a non maskable interrupt
  • Reset: Signal a reset, sets the PC to the reset vector address
  • Reload: Load the previously loaded binary with the previous options, even if the debugger has been reopened since
  • Load: Load a binary into RAM
  • C=: Connect to VICE running in remote monitor mode, when VICE enables the monitor the debugger will copy the machine state from VICE. If pressed while connected and Vice is running this button will disconnect vice.

###Code View


  • F11: Step forward
  • SHIFT + F11: Step backward
  • F8: Step over (forward)
  • F5: Run
  • SHIFT+F5: Run backward
  • TAB: Go to PC
  • SHIFT+TAB: Set PC to cursor

Left mouse button click selects a line in the current code view.

Double click a line in the current code view to edit the instruction at that address.

The CodeView pane accepts drag & drop of binary files.

Click and drag to select disassembly to copy to clipboard.

The toolbar can be used to control code as well.

##VICE Remote monitor

While VICE is running hit the commodore logo in Step6502 to connect and when you hit a breakpoint or alt+m in VICE 6502 will take a snapshot of the machine state.

To interact the monitor, enable the Vice Log from the View / Toolbars and Docking Windows drop down menu, it is not shown by default.

Right now there is no support for actually debugging the VICE machine state, the debugger will work with a cloned machine but I might add that if it seems useful to anyone.

Vice Command Line

x64 -remotemonitor

###Memory View

Enter address in the left edit box, and number of columns in the right edit box. 0 columns makes the number of columns fit the pane width.

Use arrow up/down and page up/down to move the address.

Click on a byte in the display to edit memory, move the cursor while editing with the arrow keys.

Click and drag to select hex bytes to copy to clipboard.

###Register View

Click on the fields to change them..

Copying after clicking in the register view will copy the registers to the clipboard.

###Breakpoint View

List of all breakpoints, select a breakpoint and press delete to delete breakpoint or doubleclick a breakpoint to show it in the code view.

Breakpoints can be disabled by unchecking the checkbox on the left side of the list item of the breakpoint pane.

Full expressions are supported for conditional breakpoints. The following operators and values are allowed:

  • Raw numbers (decimal by default, $ preceeds hex and % preceeds binary numbers). Numbers up to 16 bits.
  • PC: Current PC
  • A: accumulator
  • X: x register
  • Y: y register
  • S: stack register
  • C: carry flag (0 or 1)
  • Z: zero flag (0 or 1)
  • I: interrupt flag (0 or 1)
  • D: decimal flag (0 or 1)
  • V: overflow flag (0 or 1)
  • N: negative flag (0 or 1)
  • FL or P: all flags as a byte
  • = or ==: equals (compare value on left and right side of operator)
  • <: less than
  • >: greater than
  • <=: less than or equal to
  • >=: greater than or equal to
  • &&: conditional and (result is 0 or 1 regardless of values)
  • ||: conditional or (0 or 1)
  • [: byte from address within '[' and ']'
  • ]: end byte address sub-expression
  • {: two bytes (address) from address within '{' and '}'
  • }: end two byte address sub-expression
  • (: mathematical parenthesis
  • ): mathematical close parenthesis
  • +: add values
  • -: subtract values or negate number (depending on what preceeded sign)
  • *: multiply
  • /: divide
  • &: logical and (14 & 3 => 2)
  • |: logical or
  • ^: exclusive or (eor)
  • <<: shift Left
  • >>: shift right
  • !: not
  • S8: sign extend an 8 bit value
  • S16: sign extend a 16 bit value
  • Symbol names are interpreted as the imported value


  • Carry not set: !c
  • result of "lda ($a0),y" is greater than 0: [{$a0} + y] > 0

###Watch View

Double click on a row in the Watch View to edit the expression of that line. The expression is the same format as for Breakpoint View above with a couple of additions:

  • Prefixed by '*' the value will display bytes at the address that was evaluated from the expression
  • Prefixed by 'dis' the value will display disassembly at the address that was evaluate from the expression.


  • Show disassembly for where next address will be if current instruciton is a branch: dis PC + 2 + s8 [PC+1]
  • Show disassembly for next instruction if a jmp/jsr: dis {PC+1}
  • Show return address for rts: {$101+S} + 1

###Graphic View

There are eight different display modes, including Apple II 40 column text mode, hires b/w & color, and common C64 graphics modes. For c64 text mode a font is included at address $f000.

The width of the graphic view is in bytes, or sets of 8 to represent the memory layout. Apple II for some reason have 7 pixels wide text so the screen width is 280 pixels for 40 columns.

By default the Graphic View scales the image to the available space, double click on the image to set fixed scales (fit -> 1x -> 2x -> 4x -> fit)

If the image is larger than the pane it can be moved by dragging with the left mouse button.

Copying after clicking in the graphic view will copy the bitmap to the clipboard.

Apple II Hires view

Apple II Hires example

Apple II Hires Color view

Apple II Hires Color example

###Loading a binary file

When loading a binary executable or drag & dropping one into the code view a "Load Address" dialog box will ask how to load it.

load address dialog box

  • C64 PRG is a binary file preceeded by two bytes of loading address, the debugger will read out the address and put the file there.
  • Apple II Dos 3.3 files are preceeded by a load address and a load size.
  • Binary are pure binary files and the Address from the next line in Load Options will be used.
  • Force Address overrides the file address of C64 PRG and Apple II Dos 3.3.
  • The address file is used for loading pure binary files.
  • Set PC to load address forces the program counter to the address the file was loaded at.
  • Reset backtrace buffer removes all undo buffer instructions so that running backwards won't run past the start of the new executable.

###Boot RAM autoload

In order to debug code reliant on an operating system or similar Step6502 will attempt to load a file named "bootram.bin" from the same folder as the Step6502 executable at startup into the 6502 RAM. The file will be loaded at address 0 and should fill the entire 64 kb.

If the file size is 64kb + 2 bytes the first two bytes will be skipped (C64 PRG file).

If the file is not found there is a minimal program that accepts RESET, IRQ and NMI.

To generate a "bootram.bin" file using vice go to the File menu and select Attach Disk Image to device 8, select an appropriate folder and then type a filename with the extension .d64 into the File Name field. First hit Create Image and then Attach Image.

Now open the monitor by pressing Alt+m and type: s "bootram.bin" 8 0 ffff

Exit vice, open a command line prompt and go to the folder with the .d64 and run vice\c1541.exe <name>.d64 and type "extract" followed by "quit".


If the window panes in the tool bug out you can reset them by going to the Registry Editor (tap windows key, type regedit then enter), eixt the tool and go into HKEY_USERS/SOFTWARE/x65 and delete Step6502.

##Building the debugger project

The project was built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition with C++ and MFC installed, which can be downloaded from:


  • Syncronizing registers and memory before returning to Vice after monitor mode (either by entering x or g in Vice Monitor or by hitting the C= button while Vice is in monitor mode)
  • Added Vice Breakpoints and Symbols (add_label) synchronization when connecting with Vice.
  • Additional keyboard input fixes.
  • F5/F8/F9/F11/Shift-F5/Shift-F11 is not handled globally in the code so you can step while the window focus is outside of the code view.
  • Added VICE remote monitor support
  • Added C64 Multicolor Text Mode to graphic view
  • Added C64 Multicolor Bitmap mode to graphic view, using color ram at $d800, background color from $d021 and the screen data is the second pointer edit control in the graphic view.
  • Added Breakpoint View, Added copy to clipboard, Accept "Cancel" to be selected in dialogs.
  • Added conditional breakpoints with full expressions
  • Added watch pane
  • Added Apple 2 40 column text mode to graphic view, fixed step backwards not updating watch pane.
  • Added Apple 2 hires mode to graphic view, I think. Added some code hooked up to NMI to test it.
  • Added Apple 2 hires color to graphic view, if the mystics of the Apple 2 hires color framebuffer is what I think it is.
  • Fixed bug in indirect addressing in jmp (addr)
  • Fixed hires color issue (single white pixel should be single color pixel)


Standalone 6502 assembler windowed debugger







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