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UiManager for Unity3D


  • Modal dialog management.
  • Common dialog boxes such as MessageBox and InputBox.

How to use

Modal Dialog management.


This library provides basic modal dialog managements on Unity-GUI. Modal dialog box works like a function which gets input argument, does work, and returns return value. When a modal dialog box shows, input of other windows under showing dialog box will be blocked.

// show up TestDialogBox with an arugment
var handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalRoot<TestDialogBox>("Input your name?");
// waits for dialog to finish it's work
yield return StartCoroutine(handle.WaitForHide());
// gets return value from dialog

Define modal dialog box

DialogBox should inherit UiDialog. When dialog box shows up, OnShow handler will be invoked with param is passed by ShowModalRoot. When work done and there is a return value, Hide method can be used.

public class TestDialogBox : UiDialog
    public override void OnShow(object param)
        // gets an argument from caller
        Message.text = (string)param;
        Input.text = "";

    public void OnOkButtonClick()
        // returns values to caller

Show modal dialog

It's quite simple to show modal dialog boxes but there are several ways for showing dialog box.

  • ShowModalPrefab: Use the prefab dialog box. Whenever show up new dialog, dialog box will be instantiated.
  • ShowModalTemplate: Use the template dialog box in the scene. Whenever show up new dialog, dialog box will be cloned.
  • ShowModal<T>: Use a passed dialog box whose type is T.
  • ShowModalRoot<T>: Use a named dialog box under Canvas/DialogBox in the scene.

For getting return value of it, there are two ways.

First one is using Hidden callback.

var handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalRoot<TestDialogBox>("Input your name?");
handle.Hidden += (dlg, val) => { Debug,Log(val); };

Second one is using coroutine. It's quite useful under modal chaining.

var handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalRoot<TestDialogBox>("Input your name?");
yield return StartCoroutine(handle.WaitForHide());

Common dialog boxes.

Common message box


UiMessageBox.Show("This is a message question <b>box</b>",
                  r => { /* Callback */ });

Common input box


UiInputBox.Show("Please input your name:",
                r => { /* Callback */ });