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Modgen - Automatic Model Generator

Overview of Modgen

This program was created for rapid feature engineering without the need to optimize each model. Modgen is designed to develop a quick overview of how your updated features will react to each model. You can use one specific algorithm or a wide variety (depending on your interests) with a random feature range which can be easily changed at anytime by the user.

General Workflow

  1. Add the path of the train/test data folder to program
  2. Select the models you wish to create and the amount of each
  3. Feature Engineer in the designated location (be sure x_train, y_train, and x_test are set as shown in examples)
  4. Choose model options
  5. Run all models and analyze 'analysis_df'
  6. Input 'load_index' of the model you want and re-run the main block for submission file (be sure use_previous_model = True)

Libraries Used

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • SkLearn
  • Keras
  • LightGBM
  • XGBoost
  • tqdm

Algorithms Currently Implemented

  • Neural Network
  • LightGBM
  • XGBoost
  • Random Forest
  • K Nearest Neighbor
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Decision Tree
  • Grad Boost
  • Lasso
  • Ridge

How It Works

Data Upload and Feature Engineering

The main portion you will be coding on is shown below. First, designate the path where your train/test set are stored (all other files will be saved to this same path). Play around all you want with your data in the section designated 'Feature Engineering Code Goes Here'. When you are satisfied with the data you wish to feed into the model, assign the variables below (Do not split your data into train/validation set - will be done automatically in the code):

  • x_train
  • y_train
  • x_test
######################### Path / Train / Test Data ###########################
path = '~/Documents/'
train = pd.read_csv(path + "train.csv", nrows = 1_000_000)
test = pd.read_csv(path + "test.csv")

##################### Feature Engineering Code Goes Here #####################

##################### Feature Engineering Code Goes Here #####################

Model Options

The options below will be used to develop the models. I will go through each one below to get the program ready. If all options are set, then skip to section 'Model Maker'

Classifier or Regression

Determines if the models will be Classifiers(Binary) or Regressors(Continuous).

# Classification or Regression
is_classifier = False

Split / K-Fold Options

Determines if K-Fold Cross Validation will be used (if not used, then skip to next section for split). If it is used, then below sets the number of folds, the distribution of the split and the number of repeated K-Folds if 'normal_repeat' or 'strat_repeat' is selected (strat = stratify).

### K-Fold Options:
# 'normal', 'strat', 'normal_repeat', 'strat_repeat' - (type, # repeats)
use_kfold_CV = False
kfold_number_of_folds = 4
kfold_distribution = 'normal'
kfold_repeats = 1

If use_kfold_CV is false, then the default will use the option below to split the data.

### Data Split Options: Train/Validation split (Non-KFold)
# Percentage of total data to be used in the validation set (train set automatically set 1 - split_valid_size)
split_valid_size = 0.25

Scale Selector Options

Selects a scaler option if required (copy/paste any of the 4 or type None).

### Scaler Option: StandardScaler(), Normalizer(), MinMaxScaler(), RobustScaler()
# If scaler_select = None, then no scaling will be done
scaler_select = StandardScaler()

Model Creation Options

Options described below:

  • use_previous_model = False: Use new models_to_be_created dictionary to make models to be developed, else, use previous index to get saved parameters / model.
  • train_test_submission = True: Train data on test set and make submission file of results
  • submission_column_names: The key and predicted value column names for submission file (only required if train_test_submission = True)
  • ensemble = True: Ensemble all previous index models together [NOT CURRENTLY WORKING]
### Model Creation Options:
use_previous_model = False
train_test_submission = False
submission_column_names = ('key','fare_amount')
ensemble = False

Model Creation

Main model creator

  • use_previous_model = True: Insert an index number from previously saved analysis_df.csv. Model automatically selected and remade for submission.
  • use_previous_model = False: Creates models with random parameters for each model in dict. The # is the amount of random models to create for each key. Can delete / comment out any model you do not want in your creator (Caution: neuralnetwork can take awhile).
if use_previous_model:
    params, model_selector, model_selector_mod = getSavedParams(path, load_index = 41)
    models_to_be_created = {model_selector : 1}
    models_to_be_created = {
                        'lightgbm'     : 200,
                        'xgboost'      : 200,
                        'knn'          : 25,
                        'svm'          : 25,
                        'decisiontree' : 25,
                        'randomforest' : 25,
                        'neuralnetwork': 50,
                        'gradboost'    : 50,
                        # 'lasso'        : 500,
                        # 'ridge'        : 500,

Model Maker

Run the rest of the program. This process can take awhile depending on your computer (I usually run it in AWS with EC2/Jupyter). Once complete, a graph will appear graphing AUC/R2 scores and giving the max train/validation score.

Run the code below to display the dataframe with the results and parameters (if you wish to see the parameters in more detail - open - analysis_df.csv). This will sort the results in order of highest - validation set - AUC/R2 Score (You can also use it to sort by loss). IF KFold is activated, then the standard deviation of the AUC/R2 score will be displayed as well. 'analysis_df' is a pandas dataframe, which makes it easy to sort by model_type and various other features.

analysis_DF.sort_values(['Valid Auc(C)-R2(R)','Train Auc(C)-R2(R)'], ascending = False)

Run Previous Model

To run a previous model from a saved dataframe, insert any of the index values into the ## Insert Index Here ## area and change use_previous_model to False.

if use_previous_model:
    params, model_selector, model_selector_mod = getSavedParams(path, load_index = ## Insert Index Here ##)
    models_to_be_created = {model_selector : 1}

How To Add New Algorithms To Program

Adding new algorithms is easy for this program with this 2 step approach. Each algorithm has the same arguments for their function and has a classification and regressor (except Lasso and Ridge).

First Step - For Loop Addition

Add into the main for loop an elif statement for the model with the model_selector name you prefer with the function name to be stored in (lightGBM example shown below).

elif model_selector == 'lightgbm':
      params, model = getModelLightGBM(use_previous_model, params, is_classifier)

Second Step - Function Addition

The function for each algorithm is stored in Each function has a dictionary of parameters which are fed into the model. If custom options are needed for classification or regressors, then you can insert it into the correct location using is_classifier.

def getModelLightGBM(use_previous_model, params, is_classifier):
    if not use_previous_model:
        params = {}
        params['boosting_type'] = getRandomFromList(['dart', 'gbdt', 'rf'])
        params['Model_type'] = 'lightgbm_' + params['boosting_type']
        params['learning_rate'] = getRandomNumber(-3,-1, random_type = 'exp_random')
        params['num_leaves'] = getRandomNumber(2,100)
        params['min_child_samples'] = getRandomNumber(2,100)
        params['max_depth'] = getRandomNumber(1,10)
        params['n_estimators'] = 10000

    if is_classifier:
        objective_ = 'binary'
        params['metric'] = ['binary_logloss','auc']
        model = LGBMClassifier(boosting_type = params['boosting_type'], num_leaves = params['num_leaves'],
                              max_depth = params['max_depth'], learning_rate = params['learning_rate'],
                              n_estimators = params['n_estimators'], objective = objective_,
                              min_child_samples = params['min_child_samples'], random_state = 0)
        objective_ = 'regression'
        params['metric'] = ['l2']
        model = LGBMRegressor(boosting_type = params['boosting_type'], num_leaves = params['num_leaves'],
                              max_depth = params['max_depth'], learning_rate = params['learning_rate'],
                              n_estimators = params['n_estimators'], objective = objective_,
                              min_child_samples = params['min_child_samples'], random_state = 0)
    return params, model

Random Number / String Selection for Models

There are 2 main functions for randomly selecting parameters for models.


This function will return one random value from your list (can use numbers as well)

getRandomFromList(['dart', 'gbdt', 'rf'])

getRandomNumber(lower_range_limit, upper_range_limit, random_type = 'int')

random_type = 'int' returns a random int between lower_range_limit and upper_range_limit. Example: will return (inclusive) a single int between 2 and 100


random_type = 'float' returns a random float between lower_range_limit and upper_range_limit (Do not use for < 0.1) Example: will return (inclusive) a single float between 0.5 and 2.5

getRandomNumber(0.5,2.5, random_type = 'float')

random_type = 'exp' returns a random float with exponential power. All numbers will be 1^n. n = range(lower_range_limit, upper_range_limit) Example: will return (inclusive) a single value between 1e-13 and 1e3

getRandomNumber(-12,3, random_type = 'exp')

random_type = 'exp_random' returns a value similar to 'exp', however the 1 in (1^n) is also randomized between 1-9 Example: will return (inclusive) a single value between (1-9)e-13 and (1-9)e3

getRandomNumber(-12,3, random_type = 'exp_random')

Known Bugs

  • Neural Network and Grad Boost have a bug with dataFrameUpdate with KFold


Project designed to automatically pick parameters (AutoML) for multiple models for rapid feature engineering.







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