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This React Native application integrates a WebView to display the Gravity website and includes additional features like geolocation. The goal is to demonstrate clean code practices, ensure smooth performance, and provide an enhanced user experience.

Overall I'm pretty happy with how this has turned out with limited time. Hopefully all of the tasks are completed and the bonus tasks are done. Only thing I'm not happy with is an issue with the safe area for iOS not switching colour for dark mode but I'm going to keep looking at that after this is finished and try find a fix.

How to run

First clone the repo and run yarn.

The easiest way to run this is to download expo go and run it through this.

Once install run yarn start or if you are not connected to the same WiFi on your phone and terminal use yarn start --tunnel.

This will generate a QR code for you to scan and instantly run the app.

Please note that if you want to use the location feature you will need to get an API key from Geoapify, visit Geoapify Projects and create a project. Then place this api key in api/fetchLocationInfo.ts. In an ideal world I would deploy this with env files containing the key but I just didn't have time and didn't want to push a key (albeit a public api) to github

I've added a unit test for the fetchLocation file. Just run yarn test to spin that up.

I idealy had wanted to write more tests but had a really busy week and ran out of time and decided to go for functionality over unit testing.

Files Overview


The index.tsx file serves as the main entry point for the React Native application. It integrates a WebView component to display the Gravity website and incorporates various features such as pull-to-refresh, navigation controls, error handling, and geolocation support. The app also supports dark mode and adjusts its UI based on network connectivity. Developed using TypeScript, the code emphasizes clean, modular practices to ensure smooth performance and a responsive user experience on both Android and iOS platforms.


The NavBar.tsx component provides navigation controls and UI elements for the React Native application. It includes buttons for navigating backward and forward in the WebView, toggling between light and dark modes, and accessing location-related features. The component dynamically adjusts its appearance based on the application's dark mode status and WebView navigation state.


The LocationButton.tsx component facilitates location fetching and interaction within the React Native application. It integrates with Expo's location services to retrieve the user's current coordinates and fetches additional details using a custom API endpoint. The component includes functionality to display location information in a modal, copy details to the clipboard, and adjusts its appearance based on the application's dark mode setting.


The fetchLocationInfo.ts file contains the function fetchLocationDetails which retrieves location information based on latitude and longitude coordinates. It utilizes the Geoapify API to reverse geocode the coordinates and fetch the corresponding address details. To obtain an API key for Geoapify, visit Geoapify Projects and create a project.

Once you have your API key, replace the apiKey variable in the fetchLocationDetails function in this file with your actual API key. This ensures proper functionality of the location fetching feature in your application. Error handling is implemented to manage potential network issues or API errors during the data fetching process.


The LoadingSpinner.tsx component provides a spinning animation with a random (food related) emoji displayed, indicating loading activity within the React Native application. It uses React Native's Animated API to animate the rotation of the emoji in a continuous loop. The animation duration and easing are configured for smooth visual feedback. This component enhances user experience by visually indicating ongoing processes such as data loading or operations.


The WebViewContainer.tsx component encapsulates a WebView instance within the React Native application. It integrates with the Gravity website through the react-native-webview library, providing functionalities such as handling navigation state changes, managing WebView errors, and injecting custom JavaScript for dark mode styling. The component also includes a loading spinner while content is loading to enhance user experience. This component plays a crucial role in displaying external web content seamlessly within the application.


The styles.ts file contains predefined style constants used throughout the React Native application. It defines styles for containers, web views, loading overlays, error messages, headers, navigation bars, and modals, ensuring consistent visual presentation across different components.


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