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Games For Geeks


Welcome to 👾 Games For Geeks 👾, a web application developed within a mere four days for all my fellow indecisive board game lovers. I designed this app in aims to simplify the process of game selection, allowing users to effortlessly browse, explore, and delve into the intricate details of various games. This app transforms game night into a seamless and enjoyable experience.

The user-friendly interface allows for easy game selection based on specific events or preferences. Moreover, user's are able to store and manipulate data by favoriting games of interest, modifying, and viewing their selected games as desired. In addition, if you want more details about a game you can click on the individual card and be taken to another page with comprehensive information and even a link to a YouTube video tutorial, ensuring that users grasp the rules and gameplay mechanics before diving into the game.

During this project, I challenged myself to build a responsive React application in a short deadline with using React, Router, TypeScript, and end to end testing with Cypress.

Deployed Link:

Deployed Link

Local Installation:

  • Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  • In your forked respository, click the code drop-down menu and copy the SSH key.
  • On your local machine, open the terminal and navigate to the location you'd like the repository directory cloned to.
  • Change directories into client and run npm install, then npm start to start the application locally.
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to use the application.


Animated GIF



This was the showcase project for Module Three of the Front End Engineering program at Turing School of Software and Design. The goal was to demonstrate skills in React, Router, Asynchronous Javascript, and end to end testing with Cypress.

Technologies/ Metholodologies

  • React & React Router
  • End to end testing using Cypress
  • Fetch API
  • Git/GitHub/ GitHub project board
  • Javascript/ CSS/ HTML/TypeScript
  • Utilizing Agile/ Scrum project management
  • Responsive design


  • Successfully integrated and utilized data from an unfamiliar API
  • Efficiently created and followed user stories, ensuring features catered to our target audience.
  • Fully tests user flows with ample error handling.
  • Maintained a steady pace throughout the project to deliver an MVP in a short timeframe

Future Development Opportunities

  • User login feature, enabling saving favorites between visits.
  • Expand the search functionality to include a wider range of board game selection types and multiple pages with selection.
  • Build a feature to assist with planning a full game night with different themes and selecting a random game to play.
  • Build my own API using Express.js to have more control over the data and customize it to meet specific needs.


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