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This repository contains the official Beats Docker images from Elastic.

Documentation can be found on the Elastic website:


A full build and test requires:

  • Docker
  • GNU Make
  • Python 3.5 with Virtualenv

Supported Docker versions

The images have been tested on Docker 17.03.1-ce

Running a build

To build images with a released version of Beats, check out the corresponding branch for the version, and run Make while specifying the exact version desired. Like this:

git checkout 6.3

To build images with the latest nightly snapshots of Beats, run:

make from-snapshot

Contributing, issues and testing

Acceptance tests for the images are located in the test directory, and can be invoked with make test. Python 3.5 is required to run the tests. They are based on the excellent testinfra, which is itself based on the wonderful pytest.

beats-docker is developed under a test-driven workflow, so please refrain from submitting patches without test coverage. If you are not familiar with testing in Python, please raise an issue instead.

The images are built on CentOS 7.




  • Python 61.7%
  • Makefile 32.6%
  • Shell 5.7%