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SammysHP edited this page Apr 15, 2022 · 2 revisions

flashlight-firmware git mirror

What is this repository?

It is a mirror of ToyKeeper's Flashlight Firmware Repository which is hosted at launchpad and and uses bizarre Bazaar Breezy.

As mirroring is done by hand it might not always be up-to-date. Also due to nondeterministic mapping between Breezy and Git objects stable hashes are not guaranteed. Be careful if you rely on these commits or if you want to mix it with your own Breezy branches.

Is there more?

Yes, I also maintain a collection of patches that I'm using on my flashlights. They are mostly modifications to Anduril to add features or fix bugs that annoy me. The goal is to get them merged upstream eventually, but this might take some time.

You can find a summary of all my patches at the Modifications-Overview page.

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