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Known Issues

Kangho Hur edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 13 revisions
  • Visual Studio Tools for Tizen

    • Multiple target frameworks selection on Visual Studio 2022 Preview is not yet supported properly for net6.0-tizen.
      • CLI works for the workaround.
        Build net6.0-tizen framework
          ~$ dotnet build -f net6.0-tizen ./MauiAppWithTizen.csproj
        Build & Run
          ~$ dotnet build -f net6.0-tizen ./MauiAppWithTizen.csproj -t:Run
    • Currently on Visual Studio 2022 Preview, net6.0-tizen as a single target framework project is supported.
    • Debug run is expected to be supported from the next general release of Visual studio Tools for Tizen.
  • Tizen Emulator supporting .NET6

    • Tizen emulators and devices supporting .NET6 have not yet been officially released. We will announce a binary for testing soon.
    • Tizen 7.0 emulator that support .NET 6 and .NET MAUI is now available. Please download and install Tizen Studio 5.0 here.
  • Supporting HotReload is not yet supported for Tizen.

  • Setting RuntimeIdentifiers is supported when build the projects, but not for running apps on Visual Studio Debug Run or Start Without Debugging.

<PropertyGroup Condition="$(TargetFramework.Contains('-tizen'))">    