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supported cordova plugin

Hyojin Kim edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 12 revisions

Supported platforms

  • browser
  • sectv-orsay (sectv-orsay)
  • sectv-tizen (sectv-tizen)
  • tv-webos (tv-webos)

Supported cordova plugins

There are 3 cordova plugins which are supported on TOAST

  • cordova-plugin-device
  • cordova-plugin-globalization
  • cordova-plugin-network-information


Please note that device plugin is based on cordova spec. If you want get more details for usage, refer cordova-plugin-device


This plugin defines a global device object, which describes the device's hardware and software. Although the object is in the global scope, it is not available until after the deviceready event.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {


  • device.cordova
    • Cordova version
  • device.platform
    • 'sectv-tizen', 'sectv-orsay', 'tv-webos'
  • device.model
    • Device modelCode
  • device.version
    • Firmware version
  • device.uuid
    • device unique id
  • device.manufacturer
    • 'Samsung Tizen TV', 'Samsung Orsay TV', 'LG Webos TV'


Please note that globalization plugin is based on cordova spec. If you want get more details for usage, refer cordova-plugin-globalization


navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(successCallback, errorCallback);

This function retrieves language.

  • Parameters

    • successCallback: The method to call when a list of supported keys are retrieved successfully.
    • errorCallback: The method to invoke when an error occurs.
  • Return value N/A

  • Examples

    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(function (language) {
        console.log('language : ' + language.value);
    }, function (e) {
        console.log('Error getting language : ' + e.message);}

navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(successCallback, errorCallback);

This function retrieves locale name.

  • Parameters

    • successCallback: The method to call when a list of supported keys are retrieved successfully.
    • errorCallback: The method to invoke when an error occurs.
  • Return value N/A

  • Examples

    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(function (locale) {
        console.log('locale: ' + locale.value);
    }, function (e) {
        console.log('Error getting locale : ' + e.message);}


Please note that network-information plugin is based on cordova spec. If you want get more details for usage, refer cordova-plugin-network-information



  • connection.type


  • Connection.UNKNOWN
  • Connection.ETHERNET
  • Connection.WIFI
  • Connection.CELL_2G
  • Connection.CELL_3G
  • Connection.CELL_4G
  • Connection.CELL
  • Connection.NONE

document.addEventListener("online", yourCallbackFunction, false);

This event fires when an application goes online, and the device becomes connected to the Internet.

  • Examples

    document.addEventListener("online", onOnline, false);
    function onOnline() {
        // Handle the online event
        var networkState = navigator.connection.type;
        if (networkState !== Connection.NONE) {
            // TODO
        console.log('Connection type: ' + networkState);

document.addEventListener("offline", yourCallbackFunction, false);

The event fires when an application goes offline, and the device is not connected to the Internet.

  • Examples

    document.addEventListener("offline", onOffline, false);
    function onOffline() {
        // Handle the offline event

See others


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