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Sam Lewis edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 11 revisions

##Welcome to the Lunchbox wiki!## A selection of tools to use in C++. These are here mainly for my own sake, but anyone is welcome to use these in their own projects. I'm welcome to any suggestions, and would appreciate any feedback.


  • lbConfig: Lightweight config file reader.
  • lbCSV: Reads CSV files into your program.
  • lbFile: File reading, searching and manipulation. WIP.
  • lbLog: Run-time and external file logging.
  • lbRNG: Random number generation on certain distributions. WIP.
  • lbString: String manipulation and searching.

Install Details

Download the repository to your project.
Include lunchbox.h anywhere in your project where you want to use it.
You can optionally only include individual headers, but try and keep the toolset together as they are reliant on each other.

There is a generic Makefile included, to be used however you like. Instructions and commands for it are within the file itself.

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