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🚀 🟪 Animated Portfolio 🟪 🚀

This application is a conclusion of my study about website perfomance and animations with NextJS

|   Overview   |    Technologies   |    Project   |   Run   |   Author   |   

| 🛰️ About:

In this project, the target is to build a website that beats all the main factors and metrics that measure how fast and well-structured an application can be, along with good ranking and SEO strategies. These metrics are known as Web Vitals and improve all tech skills related to website animations

For this, i build a Dev Portfolio website, that you can use as a template, because i can apply all features and visual designs and animations that i have in mind.

📡 | Hosted on Vercel: [ ]

🏗️ | Technologies and Concepts Studied:

  • NextJS
  • TailwindCSS
  • SASS
  • Typescript
  • Docker
  • EmailJS
  • Zod
  • Zustand
  • Framer Motion
  • Inversify
  • React Hook Form
  • React Hot Toast
  • eslint
  • Prettier
  • husky
  • lint-staged
  • Caching
  • Perfomance
  • SEO
  • Scalability
  • Web Vitals

Among Others...

💻 | Application:

This Portfolio show the highlights of a developer, social media, and some projects with a call to action in the end of the page. Parallax, drawn, fade in, are some of animations here. This project have a module system with email sending, form validations and more.

*Remember this software runs on free machines, that is, with the minimum of resources to fit into free plans, so with scarce resources in the production environment these were the results I obtained

GT Metrix

PageSpeed Insights - [ PC ]

PageSpeed Insights - [ Mobile ]

📡 | Hosted on Vercel: [ ]

👨‍💻 | How to use

Open your Git Terminal and clone this repository

  $ git clone ""

Make Pull

  $ git pull ""

This application use Docker so you dont need to install and cofigurate anything other than docker on your machine.

Navigate to project folder $ cd ./animated_portfolio/ and run it using docker-compose

  # After setup docker environment just run this commmand on root project folder:

  $ docker-compose up --build   # For First Time run this command

  $ docker-compose up           # to run project

  #Apps Running on:

  $ APP: http://localhost:3000

  See more: ./animated_portfolio/docker-compose.yaml

:octocat: | Author:

- Samuel Ricardo