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Sandra edited this page Jul 13, 2023 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the Age-dependent-Reference-Intervals_Generator (AdRI_Generator) Wiki!

This Shiny App is a generator for creating age-dependent analyt-data. The generated data can be downloaded and used in the Shiny App AdRI (See the Wiki).

Available are the following distributions: Normal-Distribution (NO), Log-Normal-Distribution (LOGNO), Box-Cox Cole & Green Distribution (BCCG), Box-Cox t-Distribution (BCT) and Box-Cox Power Exponential Distribution (BCPE). The parameters μ (Mean), σ (Variance), ν (Skewness) and τ (Kurtosis) are changing over the patient age with a linear or an exponential function.

The linear function is: y = m*x + b and the exponential y = a*e^(x*b).

The data can be downloaded as a CSV file. Negative values are deleted automatically. The generator save "Generator" as the stations-name and determines that all values ​​are unique and have no gender. To add pathological cases (only by Normal-Distribution) a factor can be added to μ.

Normally distributed data can be generated with given reference intervals (Data for the reference intervals must be from normally distributed analytes!). Use the Percentile_Table_Template.csv as template for this. The formula to calculate µ and σ is: µ = (LL + UL)/2 and σ = (UL - LL)/3.92 (Lower and upper reference limits LL and UL).



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Zierk J, Hirschmann J, Toddenroth D, et al. Next-generation reference intervals for pediatric hematology. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2019;57(10):1595‐1607. 10.1515/cclm-2018-1236

Zierk J, Arzideh F, Rechenauer T, et al. Age- and sex-specific dynamics in 22 hematologic and biochemical analytes from birth to adolescence. Clin Chem. 2015;61(7):964‐973. 10.1373/clinchem.2015.239731

Hoffmann, G., Klawonn, F., Lichtinghagen, R., & Orth, M. (2017). Der zlog-Wert als Basis für die Standardisierung von Laborwerten, Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 41(1), 23-32.

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