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Visual Explorer


Visual Explorer is a free and open-source file explorer written in C#. It is a light-weight alternative to Microsoft's Windows Explorer featuring basic and newly added features.


Visual Explorer features basic file exploring in Windows environment along with functions such as:

  • Basic files and folders operations like copying, cutting, pasting, deleting and renaming.
  • Back and forward buttons.
  • Changing between viewing modes.
  • Graphical UI with tree and list views for file exploring.

In addition, the program also have special features such as:

  • The Scheduler: a work organizer to link your projects with your workplace directories and dates.
  • Downloading from a URL
  • Command Prompt quick opening.


You can use the program by clicking on the tree view on the left or the list view on the right for exploring, using buttons and menu options for functions.


You can get the program or the source code for free from the Releases Page, or the following url:


The program was originally made by "Try Hard" team, including:

  • Trương Minh Sang
  • Hồ Nguyên Bảo
  • Nguyễn Thành Danh