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YouTube Mass Downloader

Download list of YouTube videos (by IDs) into rclone remote.


  • docker and docker-compose
  • rclone (for generating rclone.conf)


  1. Put a list of YouTube video IDs (YTIDs) into master/app/youtube-ids.txt
  2. Setup rclone remote (, copy the rclone.conf to worker/app/rclone.conf
  3. Edit worker/app/config.js: rclone_base to appropriate value. Also adjust queue_concurrent to appropriate value according to available RAM and network condition.
  4. $ cd master then $ docker-compose up, you will see a list of YTIDs are queued. The queue status is printed every 10 seconds.
  5. Open another terminal, $ cd worker then $ docker-compose up, you will messages like:
node_1  | [x2XWG7Pdt2w] Download success.
node_1  | [X36Sl_ji2x4] Starting...
node_1  | [X36Sl_ji2x4] Downloading thumbnail to WTAKO:/YTDownloads/X3/6Sl_ji2x4/thumbnail.jpg...
node_1  | [X36Sl_ji2x4] Downloading meta to WTAKO:/YTDownloads/X3/6Sl_ji2x4/info.json...
node_1  | [X36Sl_ji2x4] Downloading video to WTAKO:/YTDownloads/X3/6Sl_ji2x4/video.mkv...
node_1  | [x35EZfOyXb8] Thumbnail downloaded.
node_1  | [x36f6L8NBzw] Meta downloaded.
node_1  | [x2zW4i_qOUc] Thumbnail downloaded.
node_1  | [x2zW4i_qOUc] Video downloaded.

which means the YouTube videos are being saved in /YTDownloads of your rclone remote (like Google Drive).

Multiple worker across computers or networks

  • Adjust worker/app/config.js redis config, make it possible to connect to the redis server.
  • You may also want to add authentication, see and edit master/docker-configs/redis.conf, worker/app/config.js, master/app/config.js
  • The worker computers should only $ cd worker then $ docker-compose up, just ignore the master.
  • Basically you are on your own.


This program relies on a reliable message/job queue implementation bull. Honestly, I don't see any reasons why video would not download except bad config, bad network and google's server problem or rate limit.