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AssetPlus Load Balanced Service Starter

A starter app to go from nodejs code all the way to a production deployment.

Project config

Core libraries:

  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • TypeScript

Additional libraries:

  • cors - to enable CORS access
  • helmet - for basic protection
  • morgan - for logging
  • dotenv - to load environment files (only used in local development)

Local Development

Uses docker compose to run the project locally. Also uses ts-node-dev to monitor typescript file changes and restart the process. The commands have been put in a makefile for ease of use

To start:

docker-compose up --build -d

To stop:

docker-compose down

Deployment Preparation

We use copilot to deploy our application.


All services will be deployed in the same application - platform


There are 2 environments available - test and prod


Each project is deployed as a service in the same application - platform

To create a new service:

copilot init -a platform -d "./Dockerfile" -t "Load Balanced Web Service" -n {{NAME}}
# Give No when prompted to deploy

Then go to manifest.yml and change http-path to '/'

  path: '/'

To deploy/re-deploy the service:

# In Test
copilot deploy -e test

# In Prod
copilot deploy -e prod

To delete a service

# In Test
copilot svc delete -e test -n {{NAME}}

# In Prod
copilot svc delete -e prod -n {{NAME}}

Environment variables

The following command allows us to add a new env var.

copilot secret init

It will end with instructions to modify the manifest.yml file.

After updating the env variable, need to redeploy the service.

Gitlab CI/CD

Ensure the following Env Variables are added in gitlab