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2. Tabular data (clas)

Tabular data for classification

Dataset: Titanic


  • Feature preprocessing
  • Models
  • Validation
  • Classification metrics
  • Conclussion

Categorical features

Ordinal Encoding (aka Label Encoding)

👉 Use this encoding for tree based models (Random Forest, Gradient Boosting...)

One-hot Encoding

👉 Use this encoding for not tree based models (Linear models, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines...)

Numerical features

Números enteros o decimales: Ej: Edad, medidas, precios, ...

Ordinal features

Categorias con orden. No podemos asegurar que los intervalos son iguales. Ej: Carnet de conducir, nivel de educación, tipo de ticket


  • Si tienes el precio de la casa y los metros cuadrados, puedes añadir el precio del metro cuadrado.
  • Si tines la distancia en el eje x e y, puedes añadir la distancia directa por pitagoras.
  • Si tines precios, puedes añanir la parte fraccionaria pq es muy subjetiva en la gente.


Model Comment Library More info
Decission Tree Simple and explicable. Sklearn
Linear models Simple and explicable. Sklearn
Random Forest Good starting point (tree enesemble) Sklearn
Gradient Boosting Usually the best (tree enesemble) XGBoost, LighGBM, Catboost
Neural Network Good if lot of data. v2 blog

Jeremy Howard on twitter: Our advice for tabular modeling

We have two approaches to tabular modelling: decision tree ensembles, and neural networks. And we have mentioned two different decision tree ensembles: random forests, and gradient boosting. Each is very effective, but each also has compromises:

Decission Tree

Random Forest

Are the easiest to train, because they are extremely resilient to hyperparameter choices, and require very little preprocessing. They are very fast to train, and should not overfit, if you have enough trees. But, they can be a little less accurate, especially if extrapolation is required, such as predicting future time periods

Gradient Boosting

In theory are just as fast to train as random forests, but in practice you will have to try lots of different hyperparameters. They can overfit. At inference time they will be less fast, because they cannot operate in parallel. But they are often a little bit more accurate than random forests.

Random Forest
Gradient Boosting
Gradient Boosting
🔷 Number of trees N_estimators num_round 💡 num_iterations 💡 100
🔷 Max depth of the tree max_depth max_depth max_depth 7
🔶 Min cases per final tree leaf min_samples_leaf min_child_weight min_data_in_leaf
🔷 % of rows used to build the tree max_samples subsample bagging_fraction 0.8
🔷 % of feats used to build the tree max_features colsample_bytree feature_fraction
🔷 Speed of training NOT IN FOREST eta learning_rate
🔶 L1 regularization NOT IN FOREST lambda lambda_l1
🔶 L2 regularization NOT IN FOREST alpha lambda_l2
Random seed random_state seed _seed
  • 🔷: Increase parameter for overfit, decrease for underfit.
  • 🔶: Increase parameter for underfit, decrease for overfit. (regularization)
  • 💡: For Gradient Boosting maybe is better to do early stopping rather than set a fixed number of trees.

Neural Network

Take the longest time to train, and require extra preprocessing such as normalisation; this normalisation needs to be used at inference time as well. They can provide great results, and extrapolate well, but only if you are careful with your hyperparameters, and are careful to avoid overfitting.


Cross Validation


We suggest starting your analysis with a random forest. This will give you a strong baseline, and you can be confident that it's a reasonable starting point. You can then use that model for feature selection and partial dependence analysis, to get a better understanding of your data.

From that foundation, you can try Gradient Boosting and Neural Nets, and if they give you significantly better results on your validation set in a reasonable amount of time, you can use them.

Tree based models

  • Decission tree
  • Random Forest
  • Extra trees
  • Adaboost
  • Gradient Boosting
  • XGBoost
  • LightGBM
  • CatBoost

No-tree based models

  • Linear Models
  • Neural Networks
  • K-Nearest Neighbors
  • Suport Vector Machines
  • Label encoding
  • Frequency encoding
  • One hot encoding
  • Embedding
Numerical Nothing
  • MinMaxScaler
  • StandarScaler
  • Skewed?
    • np.log(1+x)
    • np.sqrt(x+2/3)
    • Box-Cox transform

A Box Cox transformation is a generic way to transform non-normal variables into a normal shape.

Lambda value (λ) Transformed data
-3 Y⁻³ = 1/Y³
-2 Y⁻² = 1/Y²
-1 Y⁻¹ = 1/Y¹
-0.5 Y⁻⁰·⁵ = 1/√Y
0 log(Y)
0.5 Y⁰·⁵ = √Y