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Setup Guide

Naman edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 55 revisions

Setting up the Minecraft Server

Please have Java 8 installed on the server machine prior to starting this guide.

Download PaperSpigot from PaperMC, vanilla spigot will also work, however, we recommend using PaperMC.
Create a folder for your minecraft server, for this example we're gonna call it minecraft-server.
Copy the minecraft jar file you downloaded in step 1, and rename the file to spigot.jar.
Note:paper-226 could be any number so it is paper-###
Navigate to the minecraft-server folder in commandline.
Step One Important: Mac/Linux users use terminal, while Windows users use Windows Powershell: Step Two In case if you can't find the folder. Check if it is in the intended directory. If you can't find the folder. Check and make sure it is in the intended directory!
Run the command java -jar spigot.jar, the server should generate some files and then turn off.

In case of an error such as this: Check if your file name is correct!

This should generate a file called eula.txt, open it, and change the value of eula to true.
Run the command java -jar spigot.jar again, and the server should start successfully.
Note: This is the step that determines if you did step 1-6 correctly. If this step fails to work, I recommend rereading steps 1-6 and pay attention to the details you put. Once you got this down, it should be easy to reach the end.
Download the latest SkyblockX jar file from the releases section.
Put this file from step 8 inside of the plugins folder inside of the minecraft-server folder.
Reload or restart the minecraft server.

Initial Setup

Before you configure this plugin, SkyblockX uses json for it's config files instead of the yml files plugins traditionally use. If you are not familiar with this filetype I urge you to use a JSON supported editor, you can use this online editor like jsoneditoronline or a local one like VSCode.

World Setup

When SkyblockX loads it creates the world it needs automatically.
This world is named skyblockx by default.
You can go into the config.json file found inside /plugins/SkyblockX/ and change the setting skyblockWorldName to your desired value.
Be sure to turn the server off after, and delete the old world file to prevent cluttering your server with unused worlds.


You will need a permissions manager for this part, I recommend LuckPerms as it is the most popular permissions manager at the time of writing.

Take Note: SkyblockX automatically lists the permission required if an action is denied. This action requires the permission skyblockx.obsidiantolava

Authorize User:

Run /lp and follow the setup guide it outputs if this is a fresh install.
The latest version of LuckPerms is 4.4.1 at the time of writing and it requires you to run
/lp user SavageFactions permission set luckperms.* true.
If you're using an alternate permissions manager follow its respective setup guide.

Adding Permissions to default group:
The default command to set a permission for the default group in LuckPerms is /lp group default permission <permission.node>, with <permission.node> being the permission node.

Due to the plugin listing missing permissions, from here you can simply de-op your self and try different actions like /is create.
[!] This command requires the permission skyblockx.create
The plugin will show the missing permission like the example above, and you can simply add them (Permissions Kits SoonTM).

The permission list can be found here.