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System Version 3.4.0: Sage Tools, Image Share and Disposition Improvements

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@Savantford Savantford released this 05 Mar 19:55
· 48 commits to main since this release

Hail, everyone!

This update brings a new application window available to every Sage: Sage Tools.

The idea for the Sage Tools app is to allow Sages, both new and old, to be able to track what is going on with the game currently - all in a single place. Think of it as a powerful cheat sheet for Sages!

In addition to the Sage Tools, another new feature was added: you can now right click a Character or NPC's image to display an enlarged version of it that can be shared with other players.

Also, the disposition toggle button in the NPC sheet was improved to support non-standard token dispositions (such as Neutral or Secret) that Foundry supports, albeit giving a warning that this is not a difference made in Shadow of the Weird Wizard.

Lastly, when a new world is first loaded, a new chat message is sent automatically with information about the system module and Shadow of the Weird Wizard game itself.

Oh, a few bugs were fixed as well, as always!

And that's it.

Have a nice week!

Sage Tools

A new tool is visible to Sages in the left sidebar: Sage Tools.

These tools act as a dashboard for Sages, allowing some quick access to important information and tools.

For now, the Sage Tools:

  • Show current World Time and allow people to skip 1 minute to end Effects easily, even if you are not using the Combat Tracker!
  • If a Combat is happening, it gives buttons to switch to the Combat Tab or pop the Combat Tracker out.
  • Show each user's assigned Character and any Actors they have ownership.
    • You can click each actor to conveniently open their sheet!

Actor Sheets

  • You can now right click on an image in the Character or NPC sheet to either see an enlarged version of the actor's portrait or the token's image. (By @mhilbrunner)
    • On the popped out window, you can also share the image with players.
  • NPC disposition button was improved in a few ways (by @mhilbrunner):
    • The tooltip now explains dispositions, and that Foundry's Neutral and Secret dispositions should not be used in Shadow of the Weird Wizard (or only used with care).
    • The toggle button is now able to display all Foundry's token dispositions, and highlights non-recommended dispositions (like Neutral and Secret) in a warning yellow, and with an appended (!).
    • Linked tokens are now properly updated with the new disposition.
    • Fixed a rare condition where the sheet could be re-rendered before the data updating was finished, resulting in the sheet mistakenly showing the previous disposition.

Chat Messages

  • When a world is loaded for the first time, a welcome chat message is printed to the chat, and is visible to everyone. This message has a lot of useful information and links about the system module and Shadow of the Weird Wizard itself. (By @mhilbrunner)
  • CRITICAL: Fixed speaker names being broken in chat messages. (By @mhilbrunner)

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