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Cars app with REST API, Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA, H2, Maven and Swagger

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Cars app with REST Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA, H2, Maven and Swagger

This is a simple REST API spring boot maven project for CRUD Operations to store/retrieve/remove cars details (brand, model, year of production, car Specifications) and using Swagger to test the Restful endpoints.


The application follows the REST architectural style

  1. Controller: is the presentation layer where the end points are located
  2. Service: is the service layer where the business logic resides
  3. Repository: is the persistence layer where the CRUD repository is located


The application is created using the following technologies

  1. Spring Boot

    • spring-boot-starter-web
    • spring-boot-starter-actuator
    • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
    • spring-boot-starter-security
    • spring-boot-starter-validation
    • spring-boot-starter-test
    • spring-boot-devtools
  2. Java 8

  3. Maven Dependency Management

  4. H2 In-Memory database

  5. Json Web Tokens (JWT)

  6. Swagger 2

Unit and Integration Tests

  1. For the Controller: it uses the Spring Boot Test framework with MockMvc, Mockito and hamcrest matchers
  2. For the Service: it uses the Spring Boot Test framework with Mockito and MockBean
  3. For the Repository: it uses the Spring Boot Test framework
  4. For the Integration Test: It uses the Spring Boot Test framework with MockMvc and hamcrest matchers

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You need to install the following software

  • Java JDK 1.8+

  • Maven 3.0+


Steps to Setup the app

  1. Clone the application

    git clone
  2. Create database schema

    The schema will be generated automatically.

  3. Initialize tables data

    The database tables will be populated with some data by default. If you want to change the default data

    • open src/main/resources/data.sql file

    • change the sql queries

  4. Change database username and password as per you want

    The default database username is sa with empty `` password. If you want to change the database username and `password`

    • open src/main/resources/ file

    • change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties as per you want

  5. Change server port as per you want

    The server will start on port 8080 by default. If you want to change the default port

    • open src/main/resources/ file

    • change server.port property and remove comment # before it

  6. Run the tests

    You can run the automated tests by typing the following command -

    mvn clean
    mvn test
  7. Run the app

    You can run the spring boot app by typing the following command -

    mvn spring-boot:run

    The server will start on port 8080 by default, So you'll be able to access the complete application on http://localhost:8080. If you changed the port in src/main/resources/ file, use your custom port http://localhost:port.

  8. Package the app

    You can also package the application in the form of a jar file and then run it like so -

    mvn clean package
    java -jar target/cars-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


To access the app use the following endpoints

  1. Metrics to monitor the app

    • View availble metrics http://localhost:8080/cars/actuator/

    • View app info http://localhost:8080/cars/actuator/info

    • Health check http://localhost:8080/cars/actuator/health

  2. Launch the H2 Console

    To see the database web console

    • http://localhost:8080/cars/h2/ use sa as a username and empty password
  3. Documentation and Examples: Swagger UI

    Use Swagger to view the available Restful endpoints, how to use and test them.

    • http://localhost:8080/cars/swagger-ui.html

    For the services that required authenticated users you must login first to get access token Bearer Token and pass it to the Authorization request header as Bearer token

    You can use username sayedbaladoh and password sayedbaladoh for login or signup first with a new user.

About me

I am Sayed Baladoh - Phd. Senior Software Engineer. I like software development. You can contact me via:

Any improvement or comment about the project is always welcome! As well as others shared their code publicly I want to share mine! Thanks!


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at



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Cars app with REST API, Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA, H2, Maven and Swagger






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