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Sayli edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the universal-learning-lab

This Project is based on creating a Lab environment which uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Automatic Speech Recognition and AI. I am sharing three major developments as a part of this wiki.

  • Number System - CBSE 9th Grade Mathematics

  • Electronic Piano Circuit - A Fun Learning Hands On Project

  • Periodic Table - An NLP Driven IoT Enabled Prototype

The below image is showing the Lab Environment which is divided into AI Enabled Teaching and LearningUniversal Learning Lab - System Overview

Universal Learning Lab - System Overview : As per the system overview, the lab uses Alexa Skill Kit,AWS,,QnA Maker and Google's Tensor Flow seq2seq library for the teaching part and a user learns by accessing the developed Alexa skills, Conversational Agents/Actions and various Conversational Bots to learn a topic of interest

Google Home introducing the User to the Lab

User Journey while choosing an experiment! Universal Learning Lab

Number System

I am studying in the 9th grade of CBSE curriculum. I am lucky to have very good teachers in my school who help me in learning the subjects but i always wondered about people of my age who don't have access to good teachers. I also love observing my teachers style of teaching which is mostly unique with every teacher.My effort here is to show a topic of the 9th Grade Mathematics covered as an Alexa skills. It is WIP but a part of it shows the way it works.

The below video shows the Number System Alexa skill which provides a quick recap of the topic and also sends a email notification to a teacher in real time.

Alexa GUI SKill on Number System AI Driven Analytics

I am working on the Analytics part under the guidance of one of my mentor

Electronic Piano Circuit

I love playing with discrete electronic circuits. I am lucky to have both my parents to be electronics engineers with a lot of hands on experience.Whenever i interacted with my friends I found them to be very good on the usage part of devices like mobiles, pc's and the likewise but they had little or no idea on the behind the scene parts of it.I have tried to create a set of skills and conversation bots in such a way that a new person should be able to make his first working gadget, that is an Electronic Piano Circuit.

  1. Converse with the Piano Circuit - QnA Maker
  2. Converse using Tensor Flow
  3. Alexa Skill to introduce Piano Circuit Steps
  4. Let's build the circuit - Hands On
  5. Troubleshoot to make it work

The above videos provide a complete experience of making an Electronic Piano Circuit using Conversational Bots and Alexa skills.I have done a part of the above work as a finalist of Intel's ISEF2017. User Journey while doing an experiment Alexa Enabled GU Skill accessing Electronic Piano

Periodic Table

Since the Periodic Table is the most important reference in the field of Chemistry i always wanted to bring it to life and make it interactive with a Physical Prototype. Below image shows an IoT enabled NLP driven Periodic Table Prototype. Periodic Table Prototype

The below two videos shows the working prototypes:

  1. Alexa-IFTTT applet driven Periodic Table
  2. Interaction with Element Copper

I have done part of the above work for my IRIS 2016 Project

I intend to make a complete working prototype of the Periodic Table of 118 Elements as part of the MIT Launch Club activity in my school.I am being invited to participate in the MIT Launch Club as part of ISEF-MIT involvement.

I wish to take this idea of Universal Learning Lab as a My Startup. I am working on creating tutorials in various languages like Hindi, Marathi,Kannada,Tamil,Malayalam etc...with the help of my friends in school and will be covering the "how to" part of most of my work so that people across India can make use of it and create or work on experiments