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Marco Boseggia edited this page Jul 9, 2016 · 12 revisions


General structure

As previously stated, Actorbase is an application conceived to be used in a distributed fashion, balancing load between multiple nodes as shown below:

For every incoming connection a dedicated actor, named clientactor, is spawned; it is responsible for all incoming requests from the client that is connected, and his main role is to forward these requests directly to the main actors equally distributed across the nodes of a cluster using cluster-sharding extension of Akka library. In this way, with main actors breeding their own hierarchy of subordinates, all incoming data is spread across the cluster network.


Minimum requirements

In addition to JVM version 8, for a pleasing experience Actorbase requires at minimum:

  • RAM: 1 GB;
  • Disk space: 512MB;
  • CPU: x64 - 1.2GHz;

Installation steps

The system is basically constituted of two JAR (Java Archive) shipped with all dependencies libraries, there are just a few steps to follow to have the system running and ready to receive commands:

  • run actorbase.jar in a shell;
  • run actorbasecli.jar in a second shell.

That’s really all for a basic usage, and the procedure is the same for Windows 10, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, OSX - El Capitan and following versions:

$ sbt assembly
$ ./target/scala-2.11/actorbase.jar

Once the fat-jar is generated, it is really easy to run an instance of Actorbase on every node of the cluster, giving a custom (optionally) configuration file:

$ java -Dconfig.file=/dir/dir/reference.conf -jar actorbase.jar

Default Users

When Actorbase is launched for the first time it creates two default users:

  • admin: this user has admin privileges, he can add and remove users, reset the password of an user to "Actorb4se" and he is the only one who has access to all of the collections of the database;
  • anonymous: this user is the default non-admin user. Everything that has been done by an anonymous user will not be persisted.

Both of these users will be created with the default password "Actorb4se". It is recommended for the admin to change his password after the first login.

Booting Actorbase

To successfully boot Actorbase you need to choose one of the two following procedures:

  • start up the first seed node registered in the configuration file first;
  • set up the minimum number of nodes required to the actual number of nodes that you will be using.
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