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Monitor your Mysterium Network nodes using prometheus


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Release Go Report Card MIT license

mytsprom is a Prometheus exporter for monitoring Mysterium Network nodes using the api.
mystprom offers all metrics found on and more.
The monitored metrics include a wide range of vital statistics, including:

  • Node Online Status: Provides real-time information on whether a node is actively online.
  • Earning Statistics: Offers insights into earnings generated by each node and service.
  • Traffic Statistics: Tracks data transfer activities.
  • Bandwidth Statistics: Delivers detailed metrics on available internet bandwidth.
  • Version Monitoring: Keeps track of software versioning for nodes.



docker run -p 9300:9300 -e MYSTPROM_EMAIL="" -e MYSTPROM_PASSWORD="" sch8ill/mytsprom:latest



go >= 1.22

Build command:

make build



An example Grafana panel can be found in the grafana directory.

Prometheus config

Example prometheus.yml scrape config:

  - job_name: mystprom
    scrape_interval: 5m
      - targets: [ "localhost:9300" ]


name description labels type
myst_node_bandwidth Internet bandwidth of the node id, name mbit/s
myst_node_traffic Traffic transferred by the node over the last 30 days id, name terabytes
myst_node_quality Quality score assigned to the node id, name float
myst_node_service whether a service on the node is running id, name, service boolean
myst_node_service_earnings Earnings by service of node over the last 30 days id, name, service MYST
myst_token_price Current price of the MYST token currency EUR/USD
myst_node_location Location of the node id, name, location country code
myst_node_external_ip External ip address of the node id, name, ip ip
myst_node_local_ip Local ip address of the node id, name, ip ip
myst_node_isp Internet Service Provider of the node id, name, isp
myst_node_os Operating system the node is running on id, name, os os
myst_node_arch System architecture of the node id, name, arch architecture
myst_node_version Myst version the node is running on id, name, version version
myst_node_launcher_version Launcher version the node is running on id, name, version version
myst_node_vendor Vendor of the node id, name, vendor
myst_node_updated_at Last time the node was updated id, name unix time
myst_node_ip_category IP category of the node id, name, category ip category
myst_node_malicious whether the node is tagged a malicious id, name boolean
myst_node_ip_tagged whether the node is ip tagged id, name boolean
myst_node_online whether the node is online id, name boolean
myst_node_online_last_at Last time the node was online id, name unix time
myst_node_monitoring_status Monitoring status of the node id, name, status
myst_node_monitoring_failed whether monitoring on the node failed id, name boolean
myst_node_monitoring_failed_last_at Last time monitoring failed on node id, name unix time
myst_node_available_at Last time the node was available id, name unix time
myst_node_status_created_at Time the node monitoring record was created id, name unix time
myst_node_status_updated_at Last time the node status was updated id, name unix time
myst_node_created_at Time the node was created id, name unix time
myst_node_terms_version Terms version of the node id, name, version gauge
myst_node_terms_accepted_at Last time terms were accepted by node id, name unix time
myst_node_count Total number of nodes gauge
myst_node_user_id User ID of user of the node id, name, user_id
myst_node_deleted whether the node is deleted id, name boolean

CLI flags

   --email value, -m value     email address of the account [$MYSTPROM_EMAIL]
   --password value, -p value  password of the account [$MYSTPROM_PASSWORD]
   --interval value, -i value  interval the Mysterium Network api should be scraped in (default: 10m0s) [$MYSTPROM_INTERVAL]
   --metrics-address value     address the Prometheus metrics exporter listens on (default: ":9300") [$MYSTPROM_METRICS_ADDRESS]
   --refresh-file value        name of the file the refresh token is stored in (default: ".refresh_token.json") [$MYSTPROM_REFRESH_FILE]
   --help, -h                  show help


This package is licensed under the MIT License.