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TankWars is a GO implementation of a programming challenge to create an AI that plays the game like CloudWars or SpaceBumper.



The assignment is to create an Artificial Intelligence (AI) that plays the game called "TankWars", described here.

There are two players (red and blue) each controlling a side of multiple units (tanks) and buildings (base). The base slowly generates cash and spawns new units. The player can assemble personalized tanks. Tanks can move around the field and fire projectiles at other objects (tanks, buildings, rocks, ...) and destroy them.

The game ends when the opponent no longer controls any tanks or buildings.

How to compete

Download the GO source from Github or the fully compiled binaries from the release page. The simulator will act as a TCP/IP game server and simulate and visualize the game according to the formal game rules, found below.

Each player AI is a separate application written in the language of your choice that connects to the simulator via TCP/IP. The clients (player AIs) and server communicate via a simple ASCII protocol over the connection. This protocol is described in the network protocol specification.

The simulator supports several game modes (AI vs AI, AI vs Human). Feel free to try or train your AI against human players or AI's made by others entering the competition ahead of the compo tournament. Press h in the GUI for more details on playing as a human.

The source code for the simulator is also provided. Feel free to modify it to accommodate any type of testing process you prefer. You are also free to create your own simulator from scratch, if you wish to do so.

Formal game rules

Game initialization

  • The game is played in a 2D coordinate system. Default is a size of 1792 x 960 units.
  • 64-bit float values are used to represent positions and dimensions within this coordinate system.
  • All destructible objects are managed in the background as a tank. They differ to which owner they are assigned.
  • Actively controlled tanks are owner red and blue.
  • There are also passive buildings that can be assigned to a player (red_base, red_rock, neutral_rock, blue_rock and blue_base).
  • In the game logic, each object is treated as a perfect circle, even if the visual representation in the simulator is not always a perfect circle.
  • The game is initialized by predefined maps (see Fortress, Field or Random)
  • Each tank has the many properties in the simulator (see TankStatus for the list).
  • The simulator acts as a TCP/IP server, while the players act as TCP/IP clients that connect to the server. Clients for this protocol are implemented in the example code.
  • The game is executed in iterations. When the game starts, the iteration index is zero.
  • After the initialization procedure described in the protocol, the simulator then enters a loop executing iterations of the game logic until the game is finished.
  • The game runs in "real time" with seemingly smooth movements when visualized. However, internally, the simulator runs discrete iterations of the game logic, typically locked to 30 iterations per second. What happens for each iteration is described below.

Game iteration loop

For each tank in the world:

  1. If the command is 1 or -1 the position is updated with speed * MovePerTick.
  2. If the tank collides with the world border, the movement is stopped and the isBlocked flag is set.
  3. If the tank collides with another object, the movement is stopped and the isBlocked flag is set.
  4. The tank's macro function is called if set.

For each projectile in the world:

  1. The position is updated with speed * MovePerTick.
  2. If the projectile can collide and collides with another object, the projectile will explode and the damage calculation happens.
  3. Is the maximum range reached, the projectile will explode and the damage calculation happens.
  4. An object loses damage - armor HP, but at least 1 HP on hit.

General things:

  • The player gets 1/36 cash per iteration if his base exists.

Winning conditions

A player wins when his opponent runs out of units (see unitCountRed and unitCountBlue).

Weapon types

The main difficulty of the game, apart from the positioning of its units, are the different types of weapons that are available. The armor, damage and speed attributes can also be configured individually for each weapon type.

Each tank has 100 points (see tankBudget) for its attributes:

  • armor: Each armor point reduces a damage point when hit. However, there is 1 minimum damage. The value must be between minArmor and maxArmor.
  • damage: Each point increases weapon damage. The individual weapon types affect this value with multipliers. The value must be between minDamage and maxDamage.
  • speed: The value is determined indirectly by converting all unused points into speed. The speed is increased by a factor to be able to build very fast light units: speedFactor = pow(speed-minSpeed, 6) * 0.0000000007. The value must be greater than minSpeed.

Battle Tank

The Battle Tank is the strongest unit on the field. Its +50% damage multiplier can destroy light units in one hit. However, he can only shoot in movement direction his range is limited. His projectile cannot shoot over objects.

attribute value
range 338 pxl
preparation time 24 ticks (~ 800 ms)
reload time 90 ticks (~ 3000 ms)
projectile speed 600 (very fast)
damage baseDamage * 1.5
AoE radius 0
projectile collision true
any fire angle false

Rocket Launcher

The rocket launcher takes a long time to prepare after moving, but can then unleash a veritable inferno. The damage from each projectile is small, but the rate of fire is impressive. Its ability to shoot over objects makes it ideal as a second line behind the battle tanks.

attribute value
range 387 pxl
preparation time 240 ticks (~ 8000 ms)
reload time from 60 to 18 ticks based on baseDamage
projectile speed 300 (fast)
damage from 4 to 20 based on baseDamage
AoE radius 64 pxl
projectile collision false
any fire angle true


The artillery has a very long range and area damage. It is ideal for breaking down strong defenses.

attribute value
range 736 pxl
preparation time 240 ticks (~ 8000 ms)
reload time 180 ticks (~ 6000 ms)
projectile speed 300 (fast)
damage baseDamage * 0.6
AoE radius 112 pxl
projectile collision false
any fire angle true

Network protocol specification

General conventions

  1. The client sends a command to the server as a single line of text.
  2. The line begins with a command, followed by its parameters, separated by one spaces ' '.
  3. The server responds by sending a single line of text.
  4. A line of text must always be a string of ASCII characters terminated by a single, unix-style new line character '\n'.
  5. All integers represented as ASCII text.
  6. All floating point numbers are represented as ASCII text on the form 13.37
  7. The client is always the active party while the server is always the reactive party.
  8. The server never sends anything without first receiving a command from the client (except for the first connection setup).


The server is always waiting for two players. The first client connect becomes player red. The second client becomes player blue. Once two players are connected, the world becomes un-frozen and the game starts. Further connections are still possible as observer.

Immediately after the connection, the server sends the client which player he is as single line: "welcome player %s\n"

The status of the world should be queried continuously in order to be able to react to changes.

In-game commands

The following list contains the commands that the client can send to the server, and for each command a list of the possible responses from the server and their meanings.

Command: Exit

Shuts down the server os.Exit(0). This feature is useful for test automation. Do not use this command during a competition! The server doesn't respond to this command, obviously.

Command: MyName

Returns the player name of this session. There are two players, red and blue. A player can only control tanks with the same name set in the owner attribute (see command TankStatus). If the server responds with observer, then you are not an active player.

Command: GameStatus

GameStatus returns a json with all world data. The world also contains two lists. The list of tanks is explained in the section below (see TankStatus). The list of projectiles is optional and may not be available to the AI clients.

World {
	# game consts
	gameSpeed     int           # iterations/ticks/rounds per second
	movePerTick   float64       # percent of movement per tick (see attribute 'speed')
	tankRadius    int           # size of tanks, rocks, buildings, ...
	ballRadius    int           # size of projectiles
	rotationDelay int           # rotation delay in iterations
	tankBudget    int           # max. points to buy a tank (armor + damage + speed)
	minSpeed      int           # min. Speed (= budget - armor - damage)
	minArmor      int           # min. armor
	maxArmor      int           # max. armor
	minDamage     int           # min. damage
	maxDamage     int           # max. damage
	# map consts
	xWidth        int           # world BLOCK dimension X (ignore this; use screenWidth)
	yHeight       int           # world BLOCK dimension Y (ignore this; use screenHeight)
	screenWidth   int           # width of the coordinate system
	screenHeight  int           # height of the coordinate system
	# dynamic world attributes
	iteration     uint64        # current iteration/tick/round (all timers or delays work with this)
	freeze        bool          # if true, the world can't update (wait for other player)
	cashRed       int           # available capital of the player red (see tankBudget)
	cashBlue      int           # available capital of the player blue (see tankBudget)
	tanks         Tank[]        # list of objects in the world (tanks, rocks and buildings)
	projectiles   Projectile[]  # list of flying projectiles (possibly empty, depending on difficulty)
	unitCountRed  int           # red's units (player loses when the value reaches 0)
	unitCountBlue int           # blue's units (player loses when the value reaches 0)

Command: TankStatus {tankID}

This command can query the status of individual tanks. It expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found

The Tank struct represents one destructible objects in the world. There are tanks, rocks and buildings. They differ only in the owner attribute.

Tank {
	id          string     # unique id = {tankID}
	owner       string     # who controls this tank (red, blue, rock, ...)
	health      int        # health point (0 means death)
	armor       int        # armor reduces damage with each hit
	speed       int        # speed of the tank (see movePerTick)
	pos         Position   # tank position (see Position struct)
	command     int        # the active move command (1 is forward; 0 is stop; -1 is backward)
	angle       int        # angle of the tank (0=North, 180=South, 90=East, ...)
	isBlocked   bool       # true if movement has ended because the path was blocked
	activeMacro bool       # true if this tank is controlled by a macro
	alive       bool       # true if the Health is not 0
	moving      bool       # true if the tank is moving
	lastRotate  uint64     # iteration of the last rotation (see rotationDelay)
	rdy         bool       # ready to fire (see Weapon struct)
	status      string     # why can't the tank fire (see Weapon struct)
	weapon      Weapon     # the equipped weapon; can be empty (see Weapon struct)

All objects and projectiles have a position in the world. The int value is always the rounded float value.

Position {
	x  int        # x position (see screenWidth)
	xf float64    # exact x position (see screenWidth)
	y  int        # y position (see screenHeight)
	yf float64    # exact y position (see screenHeight)

The weapon is an important characteristic of a tank. There are three different types:

  • Tank: Is the cannon of a battle tank. Direct hits deal 150% base damage and the projectile is fast.
  • RocketLauncher: Medium-range light shells. The low damage is compensated by the high fire rate. Can fire in any direction.
  • Artillery: Long-range projectile with blast radius. Ideal for sieges. Can fire in any direction.
Weapon {
	typ           string     # "None", "Tank", "Artillery" or "RocketLauncher"
	rng           int        # max. weapon range
	prepTime      uint64     # how many iterations need the weapon to prepare after moving
	reloadTime    uint64     # how many iterations need the weapon to reload after fire
	projSpeed     int        # how fast will the fired projectile fly
	damage        int        # damage of the weapon
	aoeRadius     int        # projectile with area damage (optional)
	projCollision bool       # can the projectile collide with other objects on the fly (cannon)
	anyFireAngle  bool       # enables any launch direction or tank direction only
	rdy           bool       # ready to fire (status)
	status        string     # "Moving", "Preparing", "Reloading", "NoWeapon" or "Ready"
	lastMove      uint64     # iteration of last move (see prepTime)
	lastFire      uint64     # iteration of last fire (see reloadTime)

Command: CloseTargets {tankID} {filter1} ... {filter5}

CloseTargets returns all objects in the world that are theoretical in weapon range. The weapon type is irrelevant (WeaponCannon or WeaponArtillery) and the angle of the tank is ignored. The list is sorted by distance (from the closest to the farthest).

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found

Up to five filter stings can be specified, seperated by space. Objects whose owner attribute begins with a filter string are excluded. Use this, for example, as a red player to exclude other tanks from red. Or exclude rocks (owner = neutral_rock).

Target {
	tankID        string   # tank id (see Tank struct)
	distance      int      # how far away is the other tank (see Weapon range)
	relativeAngle int      # at what angle is the other tank (0=North, 90=East, ...)

Command: PossibleTargets {tankID} {filter1} ... {filter5}

PossibleTargets extends CloseTargets. It only returns objects that can actually be attacked, depending on the weapon type. Main battle tanks cannot fire in all directions. However, it may be necessary for the battle tank to change its angle. The list is sorted by the rotation required to reach the target.

This command has the same parameters as the CloseTargets command.

Command: BuyTank {armor} {damage} {weapon}

BuyTank buys a new tank and spawn random near the own base. The costs (see tankBudget) are paid with the player cash (see cashRed or cashBlue).

This command expects armor, damage and weapon. The armor and damage can be chosen freely. Unused points are converted into speed. However, there are limitations (see minSpeed, minArmor, maxArmor, minDamage and maxDamage).

The weapon attribute can be None, Tank, Artillery or RocketLauncher (see TankStatus).

There must be at least one base to send this command!

The server returns ok followed by the ID of the new tank or err followed by the error text.

Command: Fire {tankID} {angle} {distance}

Fire creates a new projectile in the world. The attributes angle (0=North, 180=South, 90=East, ...) and distance determine the direction and distance of the shot.

If anyFireAngle of the weapon (see TankStatus) is false, the attribute angle is overridden by the tank angle. There are weapons that can fire freely and there are cannons that can only fire in the direction of travel.

If projCollision of the weapon (see TankStatus) is true, the attribute distance is overridden by the max weapon range. The distance cannot be higher than the maximum weapon range. Artillery shells fly over all objects and explode where they hit. Cannonballs fly straight ahead until they hit an object.

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

A tank must stand still to fire (see rdy from TankStatus). The last movement or rotation must be at least n ticks (see prepTime) ago. After firing, the tank needs to reload (see reloadTime).

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text.

Command: FireAt {tankID} {x} {y}

FireAt is a wrapper for Fire() and convert the position to fireAngle and distance (see Fire). If the maximum range is not enough to reach the target, the projectile will explode earlier.

Command: Forward {tankID}

Forward set the command of the tank to 1. The Tank move forward until the movement is blocked (see isBlocked) or another commando is set.

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text.

Command: Backward {tankID}

Backward set the command of the tank to -1. The Tank move backward until the movement is blocked (see isBlocked) or another commando is set.

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text.

Command: Stop {tankID}

Stop set the command of the tank to 0. The Tank stops and reset the isBlocked flag.

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text.

Command: Left {tankID}

Left rotates the tank angle by -45° to the left. A turn is counted as a movement (see prepTime). Immediately after a rotation no further rotation can happen (see lastRotate and rotationDelay).

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text.

Command: Right {tankID}

Right rotates the tank angle by +45° to the right. A turn is counted as a movement (see prepTime). Immediately after a rotation no further rotation can happen (see lastRotate and rotationDelay).

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text. can't fail

Command: SetMacro {tankID} {macroName}

A predefined macro can be set for a tank. Use activeMacro to check if there is an active macro.

The following macros exist:

  • AttackMove moves the tank in the aligned direction. If the tank encounters an enemy, it stops and opens fire. If the enemy is destroyed, the tank continues to move.
  • FireAndManeuver moves the tank in the aligned direction. Whenever the weapon is loaded, the tank will stop and fire. While reloading, the tank keeps moving.
  • FireWall fires at random positions in front of the tank. Most fun in combination with the rocket launcher.
  • GuardMode makes the tank wait and attack anything that approaches. Cannons can change their angle but cannot move.

To remove a macro use SetMacro and set the macroName nil.

This command expects a tankID. If the tank is not found, an error is returned: err: tank not found. A player can only access their own tanks. If he tries to enter an ID of a foreign tank, an error is returned.

The server returns ok or err followed by the error text.

Command: SetMacroMoveTo {tankID} {x} {y}

SetMacroMoveTo is a special form of SetMacro. This command expects x,y coordinates. The macro uses Forward, Left and Right to reach the given position. If the tank becomes blocked (see isBlocked), the algorithm will be paused and must be reset manually with Forward.

To remove a macro use SetMacro and set the macroName nil.

This is not full pathfinding and does not take other objects (tanks, rocks and buildings) into account.

Invalid command

If the command is not supported, the following error is returned: err: invalid command.

Examples of server responses

This example has been formatted for clarity. In reality, the server responds with just one line.


A snapshot of the whole world.

  "gameSpeed": 30,
  "movePerTick": 0.02,
  "tankRadius": 32,
  "ballRadius": 10,
  "rotationDelay": 14,
  "tankBudget": 100,
  "minSpeed": 25,
  "minArmor": 5,
  "maxArmor": 55,
  "minDamage": 15,
  "maxDamage": 70,
  "xWidth": 28,
  "yHeight": 15,
  "screenWidth": 1792,
  "screenHeight": 960,
  "iteration": 127,
  "freeze": false,
  "cashRed": 124,
  "cashBlue": 24,
  "tanks": [
      "id": "1237",
      "owner": "red",
      "health": 100,
      "armor": 22,
      "speed": 45,
      "pos": {
        "x": 111,
        "xf": 110.99987,
        "y": 222,
        "yf": 222.00023
      "command": 1,
      "angle": 45,
      "isBlocked": false,
      "activeMacro": true,
      "alive": true,
      "moving": true,
      "lastRotate": 19,
      "rdy": false,
      "status": "Reloading",
      "weapon": {
        "typ": "Tank",
        "rng": 338,
        "prepTime": 24,
        "reloadTime": 90,
        "projSpeed": 600,
        "damage": 50,
        "aoeRadius": 0,
        "projCollision": true,
        "anyFireAngle": false,
        "rdy": false,
        "status": "Reloading",
        "lastMove": 100,
        "lastFire": 124
  "projectiles": [
      "parent": "1235",
      "pos": {
        "x": 111,
        "xf": 110.9971,
        "y": 186,
        "yf": 186.0014
      "startPos": {
        "x": 111,
        "xf": 110.99987,
        "y": 222,
        "yf": 222.00023
      "endPos": {
        "x": 222,
        "xf": 222,
        "y": 333,
        "yf": 333
      "angle": 45,
      "distance": 338,
      "speed": 600,
      "damage": 50,
      "aoeRadius": 0,
      "collision": true,
      "exploded": false
  "unitCountRed": 1,
  "unitCountBlue": 3


The status of an explicit tank.

  "id": "1236",
  "owner": "blue",
  "health": 100,
  "armor": 20,
  "speed": 50,
  "pos": {
    "x": 50,
    "xf": 50,
    "y": 444,
    "yf": 444
  "command": 0,
  "angle": 270,
  "isBlocked": false,
  "activeMacro": false,
  "alive": true,
  "moving": false,
  "lastRotate": 0,
  "rdy": false,
  "status": "Preparing",
  "weapon": {
    "typ": "Tank",
    "rng": 338,
    "prepTime": 24,
    "reloadTime": 90,
    "projSpeed": 600,
    "damage": 45,
    "aoeRadius": 0,
    "projCollision": true,
    "anyFireAngle": false,
    "rdy": false,
    "status": "Preparing",
    "lastMove": 124,
    "lastFire": 0

CloseTargets or PossibleTargets

The responses for CloseTargets and PossibleTargets are structured identically.

    "tankID": "1238",
    "distance": 222,
    "relativeAngle": 0


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