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Maike Rodrigo edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 6 revisions

Follow the steps below to be able to contribute to this project by creating scripts, packages, doing changes, and more.

Setting up the Git tool and your GitHub account

This session is a guide for those who are not familiarized with Git & If you are already familiar with these tools you can skip to the next session

1. Download git

Git is a version control tool, allowing many people can change files simultaneously, without the risk of lost changes or overwriting it.

2. Login or Create your account

3. Create your access token

The support for password authentication was removed, you need to use a personal access token to manage your repositories via terminal.


Setting up a working copy of this project

If you already have Git downloaded on your computer and a GitHub account but this is the first time you contribute to a project, follow the steps below:

1. Fork this repository

Go to the project repository.

and fork by clicking on the upper-left button.

This will make a independent copy of this repository in your GitHub, allowing you to make changes without affecting this repo, except via Pull Requests.

2. Clone the forked repository

After forking, your copy will be listed on your repositories list.

open the repository

copy the link provided by clicking on the button Code

Open a bash terminal (if you are using Windows, make sure of using the git bash), navigate to the desired folder, and clone the forked repository to your machine:

    git clone<username>/mlops_project.git

3. Create your branch

Create your branch open a terminal inside the repository forked and type:

    git checkout -b my_branch

then push your branch to your forked repository:

    git push --set-upstream origin my_branch

4. Set up the environment

Create a python environment, using venv or any tool you desire. With the environment activated, install the dependencies running:

    make requirements

This is a very important step, that will check the python version installed, install the requirements, and pre-commit

5. Make your contributions!

Now you can start contributing to this project! Usually, it is easier to start contributing with the project’s documentation, Wiki or fixing a bug that you found or that it's in the project’s issue tracker.

If you feel intimidated to contribute, check the opensource guide on how to contribute.

When you feel ready, check these pages to learn more about the project's struture and to [how to contribute] to the MLops Project!

See also the Project Template, Writing Good Commit Messages