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Self-hosted Kubernetes

The self-hosted Kubernetes example shows how to use matchbox to network boot and provision a 3 node "self-hosted" Kubernetes v1.6.4 cluster. bootkube is run once on a controller node to bootstrap Kubernetes control plane components as pods before exiting.


Follow the getting started tutorial to learn about matchbox and set up an environment that meets the requirements:

  • Matchbox v0.6+ installation with gRPC API enabled
  • Matchbox provider credentials client.crt, client.key, and ca.crt
  • PXE network boot environment
  • Terraform v0.9+ and terraform-provider-matchbox installed locally on your system
  • Machines with known DNS names and MAC addresses

If you prefer to provision QEMU/KVM VMs on your local Linux machine, set up the matchbox development environment.

sudo ./scripts/devnet create


Clone the matchbox project and take a look at the cluster examples.

$ git clone
$ cd matchbox/examples/terraform/bootkube-install

Copy the terraform.tfvars.example file to terraform.tfvars. Ensure references your matchbox credentials.

matchbox_http_endpoint = ""
matchbox_rpc_endpoint = ""
ssh_authorized_key = "ADD ME"

cluster_name = "demo"
container_linux_version = "1353.7.0"
container_linux_channel = "stable"

Provide an ordered list of controller names, MAC addresses, and domain names. Provide an ordered list of worker names, MAC addresses, and domain names.

controller_names = ["node1"]
controller_macs = ["52:54:00:a1:9c:ae"]
controller_domains = [""]
worker_names = ["node2", "node3"]
worker_macs = ["52:54:00:b2:2f:86", "52:54:00:c3:61:77"]
worker_domains = ["", ""]

Provide an assets_dir for generated manifests and a DNS name which you've setup to resolves to controller(s) (e.g. round-robin). Worker nodes and your kubeconfig will communicate via this endpoint.

k8s_domain_name = ""
asset_dir = "assets"

Note: The cached-container-linux-install profile will PXE boot and install Container Linux from matchbox assets. If you have not populated the assets cache, use the container-linux-install profile to use public images (slower).


You may set certain optional variables to override defaults. Set experimental_self_hosted_etcd = "true" to deploy "self-hosted" etcd atop Kubernetes instead of running etcd on hosts directly.

# install_disk = "/dev/sda"
# container_linux_oem = ""
# experimental_self_hosted_etcd = "true"

The default is to create a Kubernetes cluster with 1 controller and 2 workers as an example, but check multi-controller.tfvars.example for an example which defines 3 controllers and 1 worker.


Fetch the bootkube Terraform module for bare-metal, which is maintained in the in the matchbox repo.

$ terraform get

Plan and apply to create the resources on Matchbox.

$ terraform plan
Plan: 37 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Terraform will configure matchbox with profiles (e.g. cached-container-linux-install, bootkube-controller, bootkube-worker) and add groups to match machines by MAC address to a profile. These resources declare that each machine should PXE boot and install Container Linux to disk. node1 will provision itself as a controller, while node2 and noe3 provision themselves as workers.

The module referenced in will also generate bootkube assets to assets_dir (exactly like the bootkube binary would). These assets include Kubernetes bootstrapping and control plane manifests as well as a kubeconfig you can use to access the cluster.

$ terraform apply
module.cluster.null_resource.copy-kubeconfig.0: Still creating... (5m0s elapsed)
module.cluster.null_resource.copy-kubeconfig.1: Still creating... (5m0s elapsed)
module.cluster.null_resource.copy-kubeconfig.2: Still creating... (5m0s elapsed)
module.cluster.null_resource.bootkube-start: Still creating... (8m40s elapsed)
Apply complete! Resources: 37 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

You can now move on to the "Machines" section. Apply will loop until it can successfully copy the kubeconfig to each node and start the one-time Kubernetes bootstrapping process on a controller. In practice, you may see apply fail if it connects before the disk install has completed. Run terraform apply until it reconciles successfully.


Power on each machine (with PXE boot device on next boot). Machines should network boot, install Container Linux to disk, reboot, and provision themselves as bootkube controllers or workers.

$ ipmitool -H -U USER -P PASS chassis bootdev pxe
$ ipmitool -H -U USER -P PASS power on

For local QEMU/KVM development, create the QEMU/KVM VMs.

$ sudo ./scripts/libvirt create
$ sudo ./scripts/libvirt [start|reboot|shutdown|poweroff|destroy]


Install kubectl on your laptop. Use the generated kubeconfig to access the Kubernetes cluster. Verify that the cluster is accessible and that the apiserver, scheduler, and controller-manager are running as pods.

$ KUBECONFIG=assets/auth/kubeconfig
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                STATUS    AGE   Ready     3m   Ready     3m   Ready     3m

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   checkpoint-installer-p8g8r                 1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system   kube-apiserver-s5gnx                       1/1       Running   1          41s
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-3438979800-jrlnd   1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-3438979800-tkjx7   1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system   kube-dns-4101612645-xt55f                  4/4       Running   4          13m
kube-system   kube-flannel-pl5c2                         2/2       Running   0          13m
kube-system   kube-flannel-r9t5r                         2/2       Running   3          13m
kube-system   kube-flannel-vfb0s                         2/2       Running   4          13m
kube-system   kube-proxy-cvhmj                           1/1       Running   0          13m
kube-system   kube-proxy-hf9mh                           1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system   kube-proxy-kpl73                           1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system   kube-scheduler-694795526-1l23b             1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system   kube-scheduler-694795526-fks0b             1/1       Running   1          13m
kube-system         1/1       Running   2          10m

Try restarting machines or deleting pods to see that the cluster is resilient to failures.

Going Further

Learn more about matchbox or explore the other example clusters.