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TorkelE committed Apr 19, 2024
2 parents 63ffa92 + 4ea6733 commit 1e4d8fd
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Showing 18 changed files with 2,010 additions and 90 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ version = "13.5.1"
DataStructures = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8"
DiffEqBase = "2b5f629d-d688-5b77-993f-72d75c75574e"
DocStringExtensions = "ffbed154-4ef7-542d-bbb7-c09d3a79fcae"
DynamicPolynomials = "7c1d4256-1411-5781-91ec-d7bc3513ac07"
DynamicQuantities = "06fc5a27-2a28-4c7c-a15d-362465fb6821"
Graphs = "86223c79-3864-5bf0-83f7-82e725a168b6"
JumpProcesses = "ccbc3e58-028d-4f4c-8cd5-9ae44345cda5"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,20 +47,21 @@ JumpProcesses = "9.3.2"
LaTeXStrings = "1.3.0"
Latexify = "0.14, 0.15, 0.16"
MacroTools = "0.5.5"
ModelingToolkit = "9.7.1"
ModelingToolkit = "9.11.0"
Parameters = "0.12"
Reexport = "0.2, 1.0"
Requires = "1.0"
RuntimeGeneratedFunctions = "0.5.12"
Setfield = "1"
StructuralIdentifiability = "0.5.1"
SymbolicUtils = "1.0.3"
Symbolics = "5.14"
Symbolics = "5.27"
Unitful = "1.12.4"
julia = "1.9"

BifurcationKit = "0f109fa4-8a5d-4b75-95aa-f515264e7665"
DiffEqCallbacks = "459566f4-90b8-5000-8ac3-15dfb0a30def"
DomainSets = "5b8099bc-c8ec-5219-889f-1d9e522a28bf"
Graphviz_jll = "3c863552-8265-54e4-a6dc-903eb78fde85"
HomotopyContinuation = "f213a82b-91d6-5c5d-acf7-10f1c761b327"
Expand All @@ -80,4 +82,4 @@ Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

test = ["BifurcationKit", "DomainSets", "Graphviz_jll", "HomotopyContinuation", "NonlinearSolve", "OrdinaryDiffEq", "Plots", "Random", "SafeTestsets", "SciMLBase", "SciMLNLSolve", "StableRNGs", "Statistics", "SteadyStateDiffEq", "StochasticDiffEq", "StructuralIdentifiability", "Test", "Unitful"]
test = ["BifurcationKit", "DiffEqCallbacks", "DomainSets", "Graphviz_jll", "HomotopyContinuation", "NonlinearSolve", "OrdinaryDiffEq", "Plots", "Random", "SafeTestsets", "SciMLBase", "SciMLNLSolve", "StableRNGs", "Statistics", "SteadyStateDiffEq", "StochasticDiffEq", "StructuralIdentifiability", "Test", "Unitful"]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/catalyst_functionality/
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $\lambda$. For now we'll assume the cell can grow indefinitely. We'll also keep
track of one protein $P(t)$, which is produced at a rate proportional $V$ and
can be degraded.

## [Coupling ODE constraints via extending a system](@id constraint_equations_coupling_constratins)
## [Coupling ODE constraints via extending a system](@id constraint_equations_coupling_constraints)

There are several ways we can create our Catalyst model with the two reactions
and ODE for $V(t)$. One approach is to use compositional modeling, create
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/catalyst_functionality/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -701,3 +701,66 @@ rn = @reaction_network begin
nothing # hide

## Incorporating (differential) equations into reaction network models
Some models cannot be purely described as reaction networks. E.g. consider the growth of a cell, where the rate of change in cell's volume depends on some growth factor. Here, the cell's volume would be described by a normal equation. Such equations can be incorporated into a model using the `@equations` option. Here, we create a model where a growth factor ($G$) is produced and degraded at a linear rates, and the rate of change in cell volume ($V$) os linear to the amount of growth factor:
```@example eqs1
using Catalyst #hide
rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations begin
D(V) ~ G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
Here, `D(V)` indicates the (time) derivative with respect to `D`. The differential equation left and right hand sides are separated by a `~`. The left-hand side should contain differential only, the right hand side can contain any algebraic expression.

We can check the differential equation corresponding to this reaction network using latexify:
```@example eqs1
using Latexify
latexify(rn; form=:ode)
We can also simulate it using the normal syntax
```@example eqs1
using DifferentialEquations, Plots # hide
u0 = [:G => 0.0, :V => 0.1]
ps = [:p => 1.0, :d => 0.5]
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0, 1.0), ps)
sol = solve(oprob)
Here, growth is indefinite. To improve the model, [a callback](@ref advanced_simulations_callbacks) can be used to half the volume (cell division) once some threshold is reached.

When creating differential equations this way, the subject of the differential is automatically inferred to be a variable, however, any component on the right-hand side must be declare somewhere in the macro. E.g. to add a scaling parameter ($k$), we must declare that $k$ is a parameter using the `@parameters` option:
```@example eqs1
rn = @reaction_network begin
@parameters k
@equations begin
D(V) ~ k*G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
nothing #hide
If the differential does not appear isolated on the lhs, its subject variable must also be explicitly declared (as it is not inferred for these cases).

It is possible to add several equations to the model. In this case, each have a separate line. E.g. to keep track of a supply of nutrition ($N$) in the growth media, we can use:
```@example eqs1
rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations begin
D(V) ~ G
D(N) ~ -G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
nothing #hide

When only a single equation is added, the `begin ... end` statement can be omitted. E.g., the first model can be declared equivalently using:
```@example eqs1
rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations D(V) ~ G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
nothing # hide
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ext/CatalystHomotopyContinuationExtension.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module CatalystHomotopyContinuationExtension

# Fetch packages.
using Catalyst
import DynamicPolynomials
import ModelingToolkit as MT
import HomotopyContinuation as HC
import Setfield: @set
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ function steady_state_polynomial(rs::ReactionSystem, ps, u0)
eqs_pars_funcs = vcat(equations(ns), conservedequations(rs))
eqs = map(eq -> substitute(eq.rhs - eq.lhs, p_dict), eqs_pars_funcs)
eqs_intexp = make_int_exps.(eqs)
return Catalyst.to_multivariate_poly(remove_denominators.(eqs_intexp))
ss_poly = Catalyst.to_multivariate_poly(remove_denominators.(eqs_intexp))
return poly_type_convert(ss_poly)

# If u0s are not given while conservation laws are present, throws an error.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ end
function reorder_sols!(sols, ss_poly, rs::ReactionSystem)
var_names_extended = String.(Symbol.(HC.variables(ss_poly)))
var_names = [Symbol(s[1:prevind(s, findlast('_', s))]) for s in var_names_extended]
sort_pattern = indexin(MT.getname.(species(rs)), var_names)
sort_pattern = indexin(MT.getname.(unknowns(rs)), var_names)
foreach(sol -> permute!(sol, sort_pattern), sols)

Expand All @@ -104,4 +105,13 @@ function filter_negative_f(sols; neg_thres=-1e-20)
(neg_thres < sol[idx] < 0) && (sol[idx] = 0)
return filter(sol -> all(>=(0), sol), sols)

# Sometimes (when polynomials are created from coupled CRN/DAEs), the steady state polynomial have the wrong type.
# This converts it to the correct type, which homotopy continuation can handle.
const WRONG_POLY_TYPE = Vector{DynamicPolynomials.Polynomial{DynamicPolynomials.Commutative{DynamicPolynomials.CreationOrder}, DynamicPolynomials.Graded{DynamicPolynomials.LexOrder}}}
const CORRECT_POLY_TYPE = Vector{DynamicPolynomials.Polynomial{DynamicPolynomials.Commutative{DynamicPolynomials.CreationOrder}, DynamicPolynomials.Graded{DynamicPolynomials.LexOrder}, Float64}}
function poly_type_convert(ss_poly)
(typeof(ss_poly) == WRONG_POLY_TYPE) && return convert(CORRECT_POLY_TYPE, ss_poly)
return ss_poly
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/Catalyst.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,18 +30,23 @@ using ModelingToolkit: Symbolic, value, istree, get_unknowns, get_ps, get_iv, ge

import ModelingToolkit: get_variables, namespace_expr, namespace_equation, get_variables!,
modified_unknowns!, validate, namespace_variables,
namespace_parameters, rename, renamespace, getname, flatten
namespace_parameters, rename, renamespace, getname, flatten,
is_alg_equation, is_diff_equation

# internal but needed ModelingToolkit functions
import ModelingToolkit: check_variables,
check_parameters, _iszero, _merge, check_units,
get_unit, check_equations, iscomplete

# Event-related MTK stuff.
import ModelingToolkit: PresetTimeCallback

import Base: (==), hash, size, getindex, setindex, isless, Sort.defalg, length, show
import MacroTools, Graphs
import Graphs: DiGraph, SimpleGraph, SimpleDiGraph, vertices, edges, add_vertices!, nv, ne
import DataStructures: OrderedDict, OrderedSet
import Parameters: @with_kw_noshow
import Symbolics: occursin, wrap

# globals for the modulate
function default_time_deriv()
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/expression_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ function get_tup_arg(ex::ExprValues, i::Int)
return ex.args[i]

# Some options takes input on form that is either `@option ...` or `@option begin ... end`.
# This transforms input of the latter form to the former (with only one line in the `begin ... end` block)
function option_block_form(expr)
(expr.head == :block) && return expr
return Expr(:block, expr)

# In variable/species/parameters on the forms like:
# X
# X = 1.0
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122 changes: 117 additions & 5 deletions src/reaction_network.jl
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Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ const forbidden_variables_error = let

# Declares the keys used for various options.
const option_keys = (:species, :parameters, :variables, :ivs, :compounds, :observables, :default_noise_scaling)
const option_keys = (:species, :parameters, :variables, :ivs, :compounds, :observables, :default_noise_scaling,
:differentials, :equations, :continuous_events, :discrete_events)

### The @species macro, basically a copy of the @variables macro. ###
macro species(ex...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,20 +354,28 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
option_lines = Expr[x for x in ex.args if x.head == :macrocall]

# Get macro options.
length(unique(arg.args[1] for arg in option_lines)) < length(option_lines) && error("Some options where given multiple times.")
if length(unique(arg.args[1] for arg in option_lines)) < length(option_lines)
error("Some options where given multiple times.")
options = Dict(map(arg -> Symbol(String(arg.args[1])[2:end]) => arg,

# Reads options.
default_reaction_metadata = :([])
check_default_noise_scaling!(default_reaction_metadata, options)
compound_expr, compound_species = read_compound_options(options)
continuous_events_expr = read_events_option(options, :continuous_events)
discrete_events_expr = read_events_option(options, :discrete_events)

# Parses reactions, species, and parameters.
reactions = get_reactions(reaction_lines)
species_declared = [extract_syms(options, :species); compound_species]
parameters_declared = extract_syms(options, :parameters)
variables = extract_syms(options, :variables)
variables_declared = extract_syms(options, :variables)

# Reads more options.
vars_extracted, add_default_diff, equations = read_equations_options(options, variables_declared)
variables = vcat(variables_declared, vars_extracted)

# handle independent variables
if haskey(options, :ivs)
Expand All @@ -391,6 +400,9 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
species = vcat(species_declared, species_extracted)
parameters = vcat(parameters_declared, parameters_extracted)

# Create differential expression.
diffexpr = create_differential_expr(options, add_default_diff, [species; parameters; variables], tiv)

# Checks for input errors.
(sum(length.([reaction_lines, option_lines])) != length(ex.args)) &&
error("@reaction_network input contain $(length(ex.args) - sum(length.([reaction_lines,option_lines]))) malformed lines.")
Expand All @@ -402,7 +414,7 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))

# Creates expressions corresponding to actual code from the internal DSL representation.
sexprs = get_sexpr(species_extracted, options; iv_symbols = ivs)
vexprs = haskey(options, :variables) ? options[:variables] : :()
vexprs = get_sexpr(vars_extracted, options, :variables; iv_symbols = ivs)
pexprs = get_pexpr(parameters_extracted, options)
ps, pssym = scalarize_macro(!isempty(parameters), pexprs, "ps")
vars, varssym = scalarize_macro(!isempty(variables), vexprs, "vars")
Expand All @@ -412,6 +424,9 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
for reaction in reactions
push!(rxexprs.args, get_rxexprs(reaction))
for equation in equations
push!(rxexprs.args, equation)

Expand All @@ -420,11 +435,13 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))

$rxexprs, $tiv, setdiff(union($spssym, $varssym, $compssym), $obs_syms),
$pssym; name = $name, spatial_ivs = $sivs, observed = $observed_eqs);
$pssym; name = $name, spatial_ivs = $sivs, observed = $observed_eqs,
continuous_events = $continuous_events_expr, discrete_events = $discrete_events_expr);
default_reaction_metadata = $default_reaction_metadata
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -799,6 +816,101 @@ function make_observed_eqs(observables_expr)

# Reads the variables options. Outputs:
# `vars_extracted`: A vector with extracted variables (lhs in pure differential equations only).
# `dtexpr`: If a differentialequation is defined, the default derrivative (D ~ Differential(t)) must be defined.
# `equations`: a vector with the equations provided.
function read_equations_options(options, variables_declared)
# Prepares the equations. First, extracts equations from provided option (converting to block form if requried).
# Next, uses MTK's `parse_equations!` function to split input into a vector with the equations.
eqs_input = haskey(options, :equations) ? options[:equations].args[3] : :(begin end)
eqs_input = option_block_form(eqs_input)
equations = Expr[]
ModelingToolkit.parse_equations!(Expr(:block), equations, Dict{Symbol, Any}(), eqs_input)

# Loops through all equations, checks for lhs of the form `D(X) ~ ...`.
# When this is the case, the variable X and differential D are extracted (for automatic declaration).
# Also performs simple error checks.
vars_extracted = []
add_default_diff = false
for eq in equations
if (eq.head != :call) || (eq.args[1] != :~)
error("Malformed equation: \"$eq\". Equation's left hand and right hand sides should be separated by a \"~\".")

# Checks if the equation have the format D(X) ~ ... (where X is a symbol). This means that the
# default differential has been used. X is added as a declared variable to the system, and
# we make a note that a differential D = Differential(iv) should be made as well.
lhs = eq.args[2]
# if lhs: is an expression. Is a function call. The function's name is D. Calls a single symbol.
if (lhs isa Expr) && (lhs.head == :call) && (lhs.args[1] == :D) && (lhs.args[2] isa Symbol)
diff_var = lhs.args[2]
if in(diff_var, forbidden_symbols_error)
error("A forbidden symbol ($(diff_var)) was used as an variable in this differential equation: $eq")
add_default_diff = true
in(diff_var, variables_declared) || push!(vars_extracted, diff_var)

return vars_extracted, add_default_diff, equations

# Creates an expression declaring differentials. Here, `tiv` is the time independent variables,
# which is used by the default differential (if it is used).
function create_differential_expr(options, add_default_diff, used_syms, tiv)
# Creates the differential expression.
# If differentials was provided as options, this is used as the initial expression.
# If the default differential (D(...)) was used in equations, this is added to the expression.
diffexpr = (haskey(options, :differentials) ? options[:differentials].args[3] : MacroTools.striplines(:(begin end)))
diffexpr = option_block_form(diffexpr)

# Goes through all differentials, checking that they are correctly formatted and their symbol is not used elsewhere.
for dexpr in diffexpr.args
(dexpr.head != :(=)) && error("Differential declaration must have form like D = Differential(t), instead \"$(dexpr)\" was given.")
(dexpr.args[1] isa Symbol) || error("Differential left-hand side must be a single symbol, instead \"$(dexpr.args[1])\" was given.")
in(dexpr.args[1], used_syms) && error("Differential name ($(dexpr.args[1])) is also a species, variable, or parameter. This is ambigious and not allowed.")
in(dexpr.args[1], forbidden_symbols_error) && error("A forbidden symbol ($(dexpr.args[1])) was used as a differential name.")

# If the default differential D has been used, but not pre-declared using the @differenitals
# options, add this declaration to the list of declared differentials.
if add_default_diff && !any(diff_dec.args[1] == :D for diff_dec in diffexpr.args)
push!(diffexpr.args, :(D = Differential($(tiv))))

return diffexpr

# Read the events (continious or discrete) provided as options to the DSL. Returns an expression which evalutes to these.
function read_events_option(options, event_type::Symbol)
# Prepares the events, if required to, converts them to block form.
(event_type in [:continuous_events, :discrete_events]) || error("Trying to read an unsupported event type.")
events_input = haskey(options, event_type) ? options[event_type].args[3] : MacroTools.striplines(:(begin end))
events_input = option_block_form(events_input)

# Goes throgh the events, checks for errors, and adds them to the output vector.
events_expr = :([])
for arg in events_input.args
# Formatting error checks.
# NOTE: Maybe we should move these deeper into the system (rather than the DSL), throwing errors more generally?
if (arg isa Expr) && (arg.head != :call) || (arg.args[1] != :(=>)) || length(arg.args) != 3
error("Events should be on form `condition => affect`, separated by a `=>`. This appears not to be the case for: $(arg).")
if (arg isa Expr) && (arg.args[2] isa Expr) && (arg.args[2].head != :vect) && (event_type == :continuous_events)
error("The condition part of continious events (the left-hand side) must be a vector. This is not the case for: $(arg).")
if (arg isa Expr) && (arg.args[3] isa Expr) && (arg.args[3].head != :vect)
error("The affect part of all events (the righ-hand side) must be a vector. This is not the case for: $(arg).")

# Adds the correctly formatted event to the event creation expression.
push!(events_expr.args, arg)

return events_expr

# Checks if the `@default_noise_scaling` option is used. If so, read its input and adds it as a
# default metadata value to the `default_reaction_metadata` vector.
function check_default_noise_scaling!(default_reaction_metadata, options)
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