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Create chemical reactions as Network of
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A network dynamics approach to chemical reaction networks
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yewalenikhil65 committed Apr 9, 2021
1 parent 336d9e2 commit 87f56c3
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146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tutorials/chemical reactions as Network of
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Based on and explanation from the paper
"A network dynamics approach to chemical reaction networks(CRN)"

The following is explanation of alternative way to express general chemical reaction networks using a network approach.(a network of intermediate complexes.)

Imagine a chemical reaction network with `ns` distinct chemical species and has `nr` unidirectional reactions denoted as `r`
using Catalyst, ModelingToolkit
using LinearAlgebra
rn = @reaction_network begin
k₁, 2A --> B
k₂, A --> C
k₃, C --> D
k₄, B + D --> E
end k₁ k₂ k₃ k₄
r = reactions(rn);
# Num. of reactions & Num. of species
nr = numreactions(rn); ns = numspecies(rn);
Let `nc` be the total number of complexes involved in the reaction network, we can easily create an array of `complexes_mat` representing unique complexes involved.

complexes_mat = [];
for i 1:numreactions(rn)
push!(complexes_mat, [r[i].substrates r[i].substoich])
push!(complexes_mat, [r[i].products r[i].prodstoich])
complexes_mat = unique(complexes_mat)
nc = length(complexes_mat) # Number of unique complexes
Since each of the `nc` complexes is a combination of the `ns` chemical species we define the `ns x nc` matrix Z with positive integer elements expressing the composition of the complexes in terms of the chemical species. The k-th column of Z denotes the composition of the k-th complex, and the matrix Z is called the complex composition matrix. Lets create this matrix from the unique complexes set that we created in `complexes_mat`
# complex composition matrix/complex stoichiometeric matrix
smap = speciesmap(rn)
Z = zeros(Int, ns, nc);
for i 1:nc
for j in 1:length(complexes_mat[i][:,1])
Z[smap[complexes_mat[i][:,1][j]] ,i] = complexes_mat[i][:,2][j]
Based on previously created `complexes_mat`, it results in a directed graph `G` with `nc` vertices and `nr` edges is called the graph of complexes(have not created thisyet) , and is defined by its `nc × nr` incidence matrix B.
which is defined as `B`
Bᵢⱼ = -1, if the ith complex is the substrate of the jth reaction,
= 1, if the ith complex is the product of the jth reaction,
= 0, otherwise
B = zeros(Int, nc, nr); # Incidence matrix
for i 1:nr
for j 1:nc
if isequal([r[i].substrates r[i].substoich], complexes_mat[j])
B[j, i] = -1; # found the reactant as complexes
if isequal([r[i].products r[i].prodstoich], complexes_mat[j])
B[j, i] = 1; # found the product as complexes
It can be immediately verified that `Z.B` equals the standard net-stoichiometric matrix, and this can be verified from catalyst.jl API function `netstoichmat`
nmat = netstoichmat(rn)'; # in-built API from Catalyst
new_stoich = Z*B
isequal(nmat, new_stoich)
It is evident that since `netstoichmat` can be factorized as `Z*B` , we can express the ODESystem represented by reaction network as
`ẋ = netstoichmat(rn)*v(x) = Z*B*v(x)`
here, `v(x)` is `oderatelaw.(equations(rn))` i.e. a vector of reaction-rate of reaction system.

Let `Zₛᵢ` be the column of Z corresponding to the substrate `Sᵢ` of the i'th reaction.
The reaction-rate of the i'th unidirectional reaction between the substrate `Sᵢ` and product `Pᵢ`,
`vᵢ[x] = dᵢ[x] kᵢ exp(Zᵀₛᵢ .log(x))`
where `kᵢ ` is rate-constants , `dᵢ[x]` is a rational function for enzyme kinetics and is `1` for mass-action kinetics

Lets define an outgoing matrix `Δ` as,

Δᵢⱼ = 0 , if Bᵢⱼ = 1
= Bᵢⱼ , otherwise
## Outgoing matrix
Δ = copy(B)
Δ[Δ.==1] .= 0
It can be shown that shown the `nc × nc` weighted Laplacian matrix associated with the complex graph of
the network is `L ( x ) = B .KD (x) ∆ᵀ` ,where `K = diagonal_matrix(parameters(rn))` and `D(x) = diagonal_matrix(dᵢ[x])`

Since our system is mass-action kinetics, we can see that `D(x) = I(nr)` i.e. identity matrix.
` K` and `D (x)` are symbolic diagonal matrices ,that are created if we use `LinearAlgebra.diagm` function from julia on `parameters(rn)`, as follows
## the Laplacian matrix/weighted Laplacian matrix of the graph of complexes
# L(x) = B.K.D(x).Δᵀ
# where K.D(x) = diag([parameters]) of nr x nr size

rate_consts = parameters(rn)
KD = diagm((map(Num, rate_consts)))

Now, we are in position to define a weighted laplacian matrix as follows
L = (B*KD)*Δ'
dxdt = -Z*L*exp.(Z'*log.(states(rn))) # array of equations
We obtain `dxdt` , as array of equations that we could also obtain by converting `rn` to `ODESystem` with `combinatoric_ratelaw = false`
Plotting the directed graph `G`, having `complexes_mat` as nodes and arrows/edges as reactions
`create_graph function` is taken from [YouTube video by Chris Lam](
using LightGraphs,GraphRecipes
function create_graph(incidence::Array{Int,2})
graph=DiGraph(n) # find nodes where edge goes out and edge goes
v_out=findall(x -> x ==-1, incidence) # edge goes out of vertex
v_in=findall(x -> x ==1, incidence) # edge goes in of vertex
# match the Cartesian index between the two lists, add edge
for i in v_in
for o in v_out
if o[1]==i[1]
add_edge!(graph, o[2], i[2])
return graph
graph = create_graph(Array(B'))

complexes_names = []
for i 1:nc
push!(complexes_names ,sum(complexes_mat[i][:,1].*complexes_mat[i][:,2]))

curves = false)

Compared to what `Catalyst.Graph(rn)` yields as

**What remains to be done is**
- 1 Testing this approach for enzyme kinetics and even more kinetics

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