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TorkelE committed Jun 6, 2024
2 parents 5277a2c + 6c79f3a commit a89e2fb
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Showing 2 changed files with 139 additions and 62 deletions.
114 changes: 56 additions & 58 deletions src/reaction.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ function metadata_only_use_rate_check(metadata)
return Bool(metadata[only_use_rate_idx][2])

# Used to promote a vector to the appropriate type. Takes the `vec == Any[]` case into account by
# returning an empty vector of the appropriate type.
function promote_reaction_vector(vec, type)
isempty(vec) && (return type[])
type_vector = type[value(v) for v in vec]
return convert(Vector{type}, type_vector)

# calculates the net stoichiometry of a reaction as a vector of pairs (sub,substoich)
function get_netstoich(subs, prods, sstoich, pstoich)
# stoichiometry as a Dictionary
Expand All @@ -85,9 +93,6 @@ function get_netstoich(subs, prods, sstoich, pstoich)
[el for el in nsdict if !_iszero(el[2])]

# Get the net stoichiometries' type.
netstoich_stoichtype(::Vector{Pair{S, T}}) where {S, T} = T

### Reaction Structure ###

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ Notes:
- The three-argument form assumes all reactant and product stoichiometric coefficients
are one.
struct Reaction{S, T}
struct Reaction{S,T}
"""The rate function (excluding mass action terms)."""
"""Reaction substrates."""
Expand All @@ -160,83 +165,76 @@ struct Reaction{S, T}

# Five-argument constructor accepting rate, substrates, and products, and their stoichiometries.
function Reaction(rate, subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich;
netstoich = nothing, metadata = Pair{Symbol, Any}[],
only_use_rate = metadata_only_use_rate_check(metadata), kwargs...)
(isnothing(prods) && isnothing(subs)) &&
throw(ArgumentError("A reaction requires a non-nothing substrate or product vector."))
(isnothing(prodstoich) && isnothing(substoich)) &&
throw(ArgumentError("Both substrate and product stochiometry inputs cannot be nothing."))

if isnothing(subs)
prodtype = typeof(value(first(prods)))
subs = Vector{prodtype}()
!isnothing(substoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("If substrates are nothing, substrate stoichiometries have to be so too."))
substoich = typeof(prodstoich)()
subs = value.(subs)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector{Q}, prods::Vector{R}, substoich::Vector{S}, prodstoich::Vector{T};
netstoich = [], metadata = Pair{Symbol, Any}[],
only_use_rate = metadata_only_use_rate_check(metadata), kwargs...) where {Q,R,S,T}
# Error checks.
isempty(subs) && isempty(prods) &&
throw(ArgumentError("A reaction requires either a non-empty substrate or product vector."))
length(subs) != length(substoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("The substrate vector ($(subs)) and the substrate stoichiometry vector ($(substoich)) must have equal length."))
length(prods) != length(prodstoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("The product vector ($(prods)) and the product stoichiometry vector ($(prodstoich)) must have equal length."))
allunique(subs) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Substrates can not be repeated in the list provided to `Reaction`, please modify the stoichiometry for any repeated substrates instead."))
S = eltype(substoich)

if isnothing(prods)
prods = Vector{eltype(subs)}()
!isnothing(prodstoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("If products are nothing, product stoichiometries have to be so too."))
prodstoich = typeof(substoich)()
prods = value.(prods)
allunique(prods) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Products can not be repeated in the list provided to `Reaction`, please modify the stoichiometry for any repeated products instead."))
T = eltype(prodstoich)

# try to get a common type for stoichiometry, using Any if have Syms
# Ensures everything have uniform and correct types.
reactant_type = promote_type(Q, R)
(reactant_type <: Num) && (reactant_type = Any)
(Q <: Num) && (subs = promote_reaction_vector(subs, BasicSymbolic{Real}))
(R <: Num) && (prods = promote_reaction_vector(prods, BasicSymbolic{Real}))
stoich_type = promote_type(S, T)
if stoich_type <: Num
stoich_type = Any
substoich′ = Any[value(s) for s in substoich]
prodstoich′ = Any[value(p) for p in prodstoich]
substoich′ = (S == stoich_type) ? substoich : convert.(stoich_type, substoich)
prodstoich′ = (T == stoich_type) ? prodstoich : convert.(stoich_type, prodstoich)
(stoich_type <: Num) && (stoich_type = Any)
substoich = promote_reaction_vector(substoich, stoich_type)
prodstoich = promote_reaction_vector(prodstoich, stoich_type)

# Checks that all reactants are valid.
if !(all(isvalidreactant, subs) && all(isvalidreactant, prods))
badsts = union(filter(!isvalidreactant, subs), filter(!isvalidreactant, prods))
throw(ArgumentError("""To be a valid substrate or product, non-constant species must be declared via @species, while constant species must be parameters with the isconstantspecies metadata. The following reactants do not follow this convention:\n $badsts"""))
throw(ArgumentError("To be a valid substrate or product, non-constant species must be declared via @species, while constant species must be parameters with the isconstantspecies metadata. The following reactants do not follow this convention:\n $badsts"))

ns = if netstoich === nothing
get_netstoich(subs, prods, substoich′, prodstoich′)
(netstoich_stoichtype(netstoich) != stoich_type) ?
convert.(stoich_type, netstoich) : netstoich
# Computes the net stoichiometries.
if isempty(netstoich)
netstoich = get_netstoich(subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich)
elseif typeof(netstoich) != Vector{Pair{BasicSymbolic{Real}, stoich_type}}
netstoich = Pair{BasicSymbolic{Real}, stoich_type}[
value(ns[1]) => convert(stoich_type, ns[2]) for ns in netstoich]

# Check that all metadata entries are unique. (cannot use `in` since some entries may be symbolics).
# Handles metadata (check that all entries are unique, remove potential `only_use_rate`
# entries, and converts to the required type.
if !allunique(entry[1] for entry in metadata)
error("Repeated entries for the same metadata encountered in the following metadata set: $([entry[1] for entry in metadata]).")

# Deletes potential `:only_use_rate => ` entries from the metadata.
if any(:only_use_rate == entry[1] for entry in metadata)
deleteat!(metadata, findfirst(:only_use_rate == entry[1] for entry in metadata))

# Ensures metadata have the correct type.
metadata = convert(Vector{Pair{Symbol, Any}}, metadata)

Reaction(value(rate), subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich′, ns, only_use_rate, metadata)
Reaction{reactant_type, stoich_type}(value(rate), subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich, netstoich, only_use_rate, metadata)

# Three argument constructor assumes stoichiometric coefs are one and integers.
function Reaction(rate, subs, prods; kwargs...)
sstoich = isnothing(subs) ? nothing : ones(Int, length(subs))
pstoich = isnothing(prods) ? nothing : ones(Int, length(prods))
Reaction(rate, subs, prods, sstoich, pstoich; kwargs...)
# Three-argument constructor. Handles the case where no stoichiometries is given
# (by assuming that all stoichiometries are `1`).
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Vector; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, subs, prods, ones(Int, length(subs)), ones(Int, length(prods)); kwargs...)

# Handles cases where `nothing` is given (instead of an empty vector).
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Nothing, substoich::Vector, prodstoich::Nothing; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, subs, Int64[], substoich, Int64[]; kwargs...)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Nothing, prods::Vector, substoich::Nothing, prodstoich::Vector; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, Int64[], prods, Int64[], prodstoich; kwargs...)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Nothing; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, subs, Int64[]; kwargs...)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Nothing, prods::Vector; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, Int64[], prods; kwargs...)

# Union type for `Reaction`s and `Equation`s.
Expand Down
87 changes: 83 additions & 4 deletions test/reactionsystem_core/reaction.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,89 @@ using ModelingToolkit: value, get_variables!
# Sets the default `t` to use.
t = default_t()

### Reaction Constructor Tests ###

# Checks that `Reaction`s can be successfully created using various complicated inputs.
# Checks that the `Reaction`s have the correct type, and the correct net stoichiometries are generated.
# Declare symbolic variables.
@parameters k n1 n2::Int32 x [isconstantspecies=true]
@species X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
@variables A(t)

# Tries for different types of rates (should not matter).
for rate in (k, k*A, 2, 3.0, 4//3)
# Creates `Reaction`s.
rx1 = Reaction(rate, [X], [])
rx2 = Reaction(rate, [x], [Y], [1.5], [1])
rx3 = Reaction(rate, [x, X], [], [n1 + n2, n2], [])
rx4 = Reaction(rate, [X, Y], [X, Y, Z], [2//3, 3], [1//3, 1, 2])
rx5 = Reaction(rate, [X, Y], [X, Y, Z], [2, 3], [1, n1, n2])
rx6 = Reaction(rate, [X], [x], [n1], [1])

# Check `Reaction` types.
@test rx1 isa Reaction{Any,Int64}
@test rx2 isa Reaction{Any,Float64}
@test rx3 isa Reaction{Any,Any}
@test rx4 isa Reaction{Any,Rational{Int64}}
@test rx5 isa Reaction{Any,Any}
@test rx6 isa Reaction{Any,Any}

# Check `Reaction` net stoichiometries.
issetequal(rx1.netstoich, [X => -1])
issetequal(rx2.netstoich, [x => -1.5, Y => 1.0])
issetequal(rx3.netstoich, [x => -n1 - n2, X => -n2])
issetequal(rx4.netstoich, [X => -1//3, Y => -2//1, Z => 2//1])
issetequal(rx5.netstoich, [X => -1, Y => n1 - 3, Z => n2])
issetequal(rx6.netstoich, [X => -n1, x => 1])

# Tests that various `Reaction` constructors gives identical inputs.
# Declare symbolic variables.
@parameters k n1 n2::Int32
@species X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
@variables A(t)

# Tests that the three-argument constructor generates correct result.
@test Reaction(k*A, [X], [Y, Z]) == Reaction(k*A, [X], [Y, Z], [1], [1, 1])

# Tests that `[]` and `nothing` can be used interchangeably.
@test Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], nothing) == Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], [])
@test Reaction(k*A, nothing, [Y, Z]) == Reaction(k*A, [], [Y, Z])
@test Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], nothing, [n1 + n2, 2], nothing) == Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], [], [n1 + n2, 2], [])
@test Reaction(k*A, nothing, [Y, Z], nothing, [n1 + n2, 2]) == Reaction(k*A, [], [Y, Z], [], [n1 + n2, 2])

# Tests that various incorrect inputs yields errors.
# Declare symbolic variables.
@parameters k n1 n2::Int32
@species X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
@variables A(t)

# Neither substrates nor products.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [])

# Substrate vector not of equal length to substrate stoichiometry vector.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [X, X, Z], [], [1, 2], [])

# Product vector not of equal length to product stoichiometry vector.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [X, X, Z], [], [1, 2])

# Repeated substrates.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [X, X, Z], [])

# Repeated products.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [Y, Z, Z])

# Non-valid reactants (parameter or variable).
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [A])
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [k])

### Test Basic Accessors ###

# Tests the `get_variables` function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,7 +125,6 @@ end
# Tests basic accessor functions.
# Tests that repeated metadata entries are not permitted.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand All @@ -60,7 +142,6 @@ end

# Tests accessors for system without metadata.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand All @@ -77,7 +158,6 @@ end
# Tests basic accessor functions.
# Tests various metadata types.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +189,6 @@ end

# Tests the noise scaling metadata.
@variables t
@parameters k η
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand Down

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