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TorkelE committed Jun 4, 2024
2 parents 940861e + af9f801 commit e180b0f
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Showing 3 changed files with 141 additions and 69 deletions.
123 changes: 59 additions & 64 deletions src/reaction.jl
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ function metadata_only_use_rate_check(metadata)
return Bool(metadata[only_use_rate_idx][2])

# Used to promote a vector to the appropriate type. Takes the `vec == Any[]` case into account by
# returning an empty vector of the appropriate type.
function promote_reaction_vector(vec, type)
isempty(vec) && (return type[])
type[value(v) for v in vec]

# calculates the net stoichiometry of a reaction as a vector of pairs (sub,substoich)
function get_netstoich(subs, prods, sstoich, pstoich)
# stoichiometry as a Dictionary
Expand All @@ -85,9 +92,6 @@ function get_netstoich(subs, prods, sstoich, pstoich)
[el for el in nsdict if !_iszero(el[2])]

# Get the net stoichiometries' type.
netstoich_stoichtype(::Vector{Pair{S, T}}) where {S, T} = T

### Reaction Structure ###

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,19 +138,19 @@ Notes:
- The three-argument form assumes all reactant and product stoichiometric coefficients
are one.
struct Reaction{S, T}
struct Reaction{T}
"""The rate function (excluding mass action terms)."""
"""Reaction substrates."""
"""Reaction products."""
"""The stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants."""
"""The stoichiometric coefficients of the products."""
"""The net stoichiometric coefficients of all species changed by the reaction."""
netstoich::Vector{Pair{S, T}}
netstoich::Vector{Pair{Any, T}}
`false` (default) if `rate` should be multiplied by mass action terms to give the rate law.
`true` if `rate` represents the full reaction rate law.
Expand All @@ -160,83 +164,74 @@ struct Reaction{S, T}

# Five-argument constructor accepting rate, substrates, and products, and their stoichiometries.
function Reaction(rate, subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich;
netstoich = nothing, metadata = Pair{Symbol, Any}[],
only_use_rate = metadata_only_use_rate_check(metadata), kwargs...)
(isnothing(prods) && isnothing(subs)) &&
throw(ArgumentError("A reaction requires a non-nothing substrate or product vector."))
(isnothing(prodstoich) && isnothing(substoich)) &&
throw(ArgumentError("Both substrate and product stochiometry inputs cannot be nothing."))

if isnothing(subs)
prodtype = typeof(value(first(prods)))
subs = Vector{prodtype}()
!isnothing(substoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("If substrates are nothing, substrate stoichiometries have to be so too."))
substoich = typeof(prodstoich)()
subs = value.(subs)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Vector, substoich::Vector{S}, prodstoich::Vector{T};
netstoich = [], metadata = Pair{Symbol, Any}[],
only_use_rate = metadata_only_use_rate_check(metadata), kwargs...) where {S,T}
# Error checks.
isempty(subs) && isempty(prods) &&
throw(ArgumentError("A reaction requires either a non-empty substrate or product vector."))
length(subs) != length(substoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("The substrate vector ($(subs)) and the substrate stoichiometry vector ($(substoich)) must have equal length."))
length(prods) != length(prodstoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("The product vector ($(prods)) and the product stoichiometry vector ($(prodstoich)) must have equal length."))
allunique(subs) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Substrates can not be repeated in the list provided to `Reaction`, please modify the stoichiometry for any repeated substrates instead."))
S = eltype(substoich)

if isnothing(prods)
prods = Vector{eltype(subs)}()
!isnothing(prodstoich) &&
throw(ArgumentError("If products are nothing, product stoichiometries have to be so too."))
prodstoich = typeof(substoich)()
prods = value.(prods)
allunique(prods) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Products can not be repeated in the list provided to `Reaction`, please modify the stoichiometry for any repeated products instead."))
T = eltype(prodstoich)

# try to get a common type for stoichiometry, using Any if have Syms
# Ensures everything have uniform and correct types.
subs = promote_reaction_vector(subs, BasicSymbolic{Real})
prods = promote_reaction_vector(prods, BasicSymbolic{Real})
stoich_type = promote_type(S, T)
if stoich_type <: Num
stoich_type = Any
substoich′ = Any[value(s) for s in substoich]
prodstoich′ = Any[value(p) for p in prodstoich]
substoich′ = (S == stoich_type) ? substoich : convert.(stoich_type, substoich)
prodstoich′ = (T == stoich_type) ? prodstoich : convert.(stoich_type, prodstoich)
(stoich_type <: Num) && (stoich_type = Any)
substoich = promote_reaction_vector(substoich, stoich_type)
prodstoich = promote_reaction_vector(prodstoich, stoich_type)

# Checks that all reactants are valid.
if !(all(isvalidreactant, subs) && all(isvalidreactant, prods))
badsts = union(filter(!isvalidreactant, subs), filter(!isvalidreactant, prods))
throw(ArgumentError("""To be a valid substrate or product, non-constant species must be declared via @species, while constant species must be parameters with the isconstantspecies metadata. The following reactants do not follow this convention:\n $badsts"""))
throw(ArgumentError("To be a valid substrate or product, non-constant species must be declared via @species, while constant species must be parameters with the isconstantspecies metadata. The following reactants do not follow this convention:\n $badsts"))

ns = if netstoich === nothing
get_netstoich(subs, prods, substoich′, prodstoich′)
(netstoich_stoichtype(netstoich) != stoich_type) ?
convert.(stoich_type, netstoich) : netstoich

# Computes the net stoichiometries.
if isempty(netstoich)
netstoich = get_netstoich(subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich)
elseif typeof(netstoich) != Vector{Pair{BasicSymbolic{Real}, stoich_type}}
netstoich = Pair{BasicSymbolic{Real}, stoich_type}[
value(ns[1]) => convert(stoich_type, ns[2]) for ns in netstoich]

# Check that all metadata entries are unique. (cannot use `in` since some entries may be symbolics).
# Handles metadata (check that all entries are unique, remove potential `only_use_rate`
# entries, and converts to the required type.
if !allunique(entry[1] for entry in metadata)
error("Repeated entries for the same metadata encountered in the following metadata set: $([entry[1] for entry in metadata]).")

# Deletes potential `:only_use_rate => ` entries from the metadata.
if any(:only_use_rate == entry[1] for entry in metadata)
deleteat!(metadata, findfirst(:only_use_rate == entry[1] for entry in metadata))

# Ensures metadata have the correct type.
metadata = convert(Vector{Pair{Symbol, Any}}, metadata)

Reaction(value(rate), subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich′, ns, only_use_rate, metadata)
Reaction{stoich_type}(value(rate), subs, prods, substoich, prodstoich, netstoich, only_use_rate, metadata)

# Three argument constructor assumes stoichiometric coefs are one and integers.
function Reaction(rate, subs, prods; kwargs...)
sstoich = isnothing(subs) ? nothing : ones(Int, length(subs))
pstoich = isnothing(prods) ? nothing : ones(Int, length(prods))
Reaction(rate, subs, prods, sstoich, pstoich; kwargs...)
# Three-argument constructor. Handles the case where no stoichiometries is given
# (by assuming that all stoichiometries are `1`).
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Vector; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, subs, prods, ones(Int, length(subs)), ones(Int, length(prods)); kwargs...)

# Handles cases where `nothing` is given (instead of an empty vector).
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Nothing, substoich::Vector, prodstoich::Nothing; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, subs, Int64[], substoich, Int64[]; kwargs...)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Nothing, prods::Vector, substoich::Nothing, prodstoich::Vector; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, Int64[], prods, Int64[], prodstoich; kwargs...)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Vector, prods::Nothing; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, subs, Int64[]; kwargs...)
function Reaction(rate, subs::Nothing, prods::Vector; kwargs...)
Reaction(rate, Int64[], prods; kwargs...)

# Union type for `Reaction`s and `Equation`s.
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86 changes: 82 additions & 4 deletions test/reactionsystem_core/reaction.jl
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Expand Up @@ -36,13 +36,94 @@ let
@test issetequal(get_symbolics(rx4), [X, t, Y, η1, η2])

### Reaction Constructor Tests ###

# Sets the default `t` to use.
t = default_t()

# Checks that `Reaction`s can be sucesfully created using various complicated inputs.
# Checks that the `Reaction`s have the correct type, and the correct net stoichiometries are generated.
# Declare symbolic variables.
@parameters k n1 n2::Int32 x [isconstantspecies=true]
@species X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
@variables A(t)

# Creates `Reaction`s.
rx1 = Reaction(k*A, [X], [])
rx2 = Reaction(k*A, [x], [Y], [1.5], [1])
rx3 = Reaction(k*A, [x, X], [], [n1 + n2, n2], [])
rx4 = Reaction(k*A, [X, Y], [X, Y, Z], [2//3, 3], [1//3, 1, 2])
rx5 = Reaction(k*A, [X, Y], [X, Y, Z], [2, 3], [1, n1, n2])
rx6 = Reaction(k*A, [X], [x], [n1], [1])

# Check `Reaction` types.
@test rx1 isa Reaction{Int64}
@test rx2 isa Reaction{Float64}
@test rx3 isa Reaction{Any}
@test rx4 isa Reaction{Rational{Int64}}
@test rx5 isa Reaction{Any}
@test rx6 isa Reaction{Any}

# Check `Reaction` net stoichiometries.
issetequal(rx1.netstoich, [X => -1])
issetequal(rx2.netstoich, [x => -1.5, Y => 1.0])
issetequal(rx3.netstoich, [x => -n1 - n2, X => -n2])
issetequal(rx4.netstoich, [X => -1//3, Y => -2//1, Z => 2//1])
issetequal(rx5.netstoich, [X => -1, Y => n1 - 3, Z => n2])
issetequal(rx6.netstoich, [X => -n1, x => 1])

# Tests that various `Reaction` constructors gives identical inputs.
# Declare symbolic variables.
@parameters k n1 n2::Int32
@species X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
@variables A(t)

# Tests that the three-argument constructor generates correct result.
@test Reaction(k*A, [X], [Y, Z]) == Reaction(k*A, [X], [Y, Z], [1], [1, 1])

# Tests that `[]` and `nothing` can be used interchangeably.
@test Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], nothing) == Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], [])
@test Reaction(k*A, nothing, [Y, Z]) == Reaction(k*A, [], [Y, Z])
@test Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], nothing, [n1 + n2, 2], nothing) == Reaction(k*A, [X, Z], [], [n1 + n2, 2], [])
@test Reaction(k*A, nothing, [Y, Z], nothing, [n1 + n2, 2]) == Reaction(k*A, [], [Y, Z], [], [n1 + n2, 2])

# Tests that various incorrect inputs yields errors.
# Declare symbolic variables.
@parameters k n1 n2::Int32
@species X(t) Y(t) Z(t)
@variables A(t)

# Neither substrates nor products.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [])

# Substrate vector not of equal length to substrate stoichiometry vector.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [X, X, Z], [], [1, 2], [])

# Product vector not of equal length to product stoichiometry vector.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [X, X, Z], [], [1, 2])

# Repeated substrates.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [X, X, Z], [])

# Repeated products.
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [Y, Z, Z])

# Non-valid reactants (parameter or variable).
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [A])
@test_throws ArgumentError Reaction(k*A, [], [k])

### Tests Metadata ###

# Tests creation.
# Tests basic accessor functions.
# Tests that repeated metadata entries are not permitted.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand All @@ -60,7 +141,6 @@ end

# Tests accessors for system without metadata.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand All @@ -77,7 +157,6 @@ end
# Tests basic accessor functions.
# Tests various metadata types.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species X(t) X2(t)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +188,6 @@ end

# Tests the noise scaling metadata.
@variables t
@parameters k η
@species X(t) X2(t)

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/reactionsystem_core/reactionsystem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ end
### Check ODE, SDE, and Jump Functions ###

# Test by evaluating drift and diffusion terms.

u = rnd_u0(rs, rng)
p = rnd_ps(rs, rng)
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