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Merge pull request #67 from MSeeker1340/operator-composition
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Basic operator composition
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ChrisRackauckas committed Jul 16, 2018
2 parents b2ab08e + 122e1ff commit 3a5d7e2
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Showing 11 changed files with 379 additions and 262 deletions.
28 changes: 19 additions & 9 deletions src/DiffEqOperators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,19 @@ __precompile__()

module DiffEqOperators

import Base: *, getindex
import Base: +, -, *, /, \, size, getindex, setindex!, Matrix, convert
using DiffEqBase, StaticArrays, LinearAlgebra
import DiffEqBase: update_coefficients, update_coefficients!
import LinearAlgebra: mul!, ldiv!, lmul!, rmul!, axpy!, opnorm, factorize
import DiffEqBase: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, update_coefficients!, is_constant

abstract type AbstractDerivativeOperator{T} <: DiffEqBase.AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T} end
abstract type AbstractDerivativeOperator{T} <: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T} end
abstract type AbstractDiffEqCompositeOperator{T} <: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T} end

### Common default methods for the operators

### Basic Operators

### Derivative Operators
Expand All @@ -20,10 +24,16 @@ include("derivative_operators/derivative_operator.jl")

### Linear Combination of Operators
### Composite Operators

# The (u,p,t) and (du,u,p,t) interface
for T in [DiffEqScalar, DiffEqArrayOperator, FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator, DiffEqIdentity,
DiffEqScaledOperator, DiffEqOperatorCombination, DiffEqOperatorComposition]
(L::T)(u,p,t) = (update_coefficients!(L,u,p,t); L * u)
(L::T)(du,u,p,t) = (update_coefficients!(L,u,p,t); mul!(du,L,u))

export DiffEqScalar, DiffEqArrayOperator
export DiffEqScalar, DiffEqArrayOperator, DiffEqIdentity, getops
export AbstractDerivativeOperator, DerivativeOperator, UpwindOperator, FiniteDifference
export opnormbound
end # module
148 changes: 0 additions & 148 deletions src/array_operator.jl

This file was deleted.

94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions src/basic_operators.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
struct DiffEqIdentity{T,N} <: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T} end
DiffEqIdentity(u) = DiffEqIdentity{eltype(u),length(u)}()
size(::DiffEqIdentity{T,N}) where {T,N} = (N,N)
size(::DiffEqIdentity{T,N}, m::Integer) where {T,N} = (m == 1 || m == 2) ? N : 1
opnorm(::DiffEqIdentity{T,N}, p::Real=2) where {T,N} = one(T)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, ::DiffEqIdentity{T,N}) where {T,N} = Diagonal(ones(T,N))
for op in (:*, :/, :\)
@eval $op(::DiffEqIdentity{T,N}, x::AbstractVecOrMat) where {T,N} = $op(I, x)
@eval $op(x::AbstractVecOrMat, ::DiffEqIdentity{T,N}) where {T,N} = $op(x, I)
mul!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, ::DiffEqIdentity, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = Y .= B
ldiv!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, ::DiffEqIdentity, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = Y .= B
for pred in (:isreal, :issymmetric, :ishermitian, :isposdef)
@eval LinearAlgebra.$pred(::DiffEqIdentity) = true

DiffEqScalar(val[; update_func])
Represents a time-dependent scalar/scaling operator. The update function
is called by `update_coefficients!` and is assumed to have the following
update_func(oldval,u,p,t) -> newval
You can also use `setval!(α,val)` to bypass the `update_coefficients!`
interface and directly mutate the scalar's value.
mutable struct DiffEqScalar{T<:Number,F} <: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T}
DiffEqScalar(val::T; update_func=DEFAULT_UPDATE_FUNC) where {T} =
new{T,typeof(update_func)}(val, update_func)

size(::DiffEqScalar) = ()
size(::DiffEqScalar, ::Integer) = 1
update_coefficients!::DiffEqScalar,u,p,t) =.val = α.update_func.val,u,p,t); α)
setval!::DiffEqScalar, val) =.val = val; α)
is_constant::DiffEqScalar) = α.update_func == DEFAULT_UPDATE_FUNC

for op in (:*, :/, :\)
@eval $op::DiffEqScalar, x::Union{AbstractVecOrMat,Number}) = $op.val, x)
@eval $op(x::Union{AbstractVecOrMat,Number}, α::DiffEqScalar) = $op(x, α.val)
lmul!::DiffEqScalar, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = lmul!.val, B)
rmul!(B::AbstractVecOrMat, α::DiffEqScalar) = rmul!(B, α.val)
mul!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, α::DiffEqScalar, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = mul!(Y, α.val, B)
axpy!::DiffEqScalar, X::AbstractVecOrMat, Y::AbstractVecOrMat) = axpy!.val, X, Y)
Base.abs::DiffEqScalar) = abs.val)

DiffEqArrayOperator(A[; update_func])
Represents a time-dependent linear operator given by an AbstractMatrix. The
update function is called by `update_coefficients!` and is assumed to have
the following signature:
update_func(A::AbstractMatrix,u,p,t) -> [modifies A]
You can also use `setval!(α,A)` to bypass the `update_coefficients!` interface
and directly mutate the array's value.
mutable struct DiffEqArrayOperator{T,AType<:AbstractMatrix{T},F} <: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T}
DiffEqArrayOperator(A::AType; update_func=DEFAULT_UPDATE_FUNC) where {AType} =
new{eltype(A),AType,typeof(update_func)}(A, update_func)

update_coefficients!(L::DiffEqArrayOperator,u,p,t) = (L.update_func(L.A,u,p,t); L)
setval!(L::DiffEqArrayOperator, A) = (L.A = A; L)
is_constant(L::DiffEqArrayOperator) = L.update_func == DEFAULT_UPDATE_FUNC

convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, L::DiffEqArrayOperator) = L.A
setindex!(L::DiffEqArrayOperator, v, i::Int) = (L.A[i] = v)
setindex!(L::DiffEqArrayOperator, v, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {N} = (L.A[I...] = v)

Like DiffEqArrayOperator, but stores a Factorization instead.
Supports left division and `ldiv!` when applied to an array.
struct FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator{T<:Number,FType<:Factorization{T}} <: AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator{T}

Matrix(L::FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator) = Matrix(L.F)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, L::FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator) = convert(AbstractMatrix, L.F)
size(L::FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator, args...) = size(L.F, args...)
ldiv!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, L::FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = ldiv!(Y, L.F, B)
\(L::FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator, x::AbstractVecOrMat) = L.F \ x
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/common_defaults.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# The `update_coefficients!` interface
DEFAULT_UPDATE_FUNC(A,u,p,t) = A # no-op used by the basic operators
# is_constant(::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) = true # already defined in DiffEqBase
update_coefficients!(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator,u,p,t) = L

# Routines that use the AbstractMatrix representation
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) = convert(AbstractMatrix, L)
size(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, args...) = size(convert(AbstractMatrix,L), args...)
opnorm(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, p::Real=2) = opnorm(convert(AbstractMatrix,L), p)
getindex(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, i::Int) = convert(AbstractMatrix,L)[i]
getindex(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {N} =
for op in (:*, :/, :\)
@eval $op(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, x::Union{AbstractVecOrMat,Number}) = $op(convert(AbstractMatrix,L), x)
@eval $op(x::Union{AbstractVecOrMat,Number}, L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) = $op(x, convert(AbstractMatrix,L))
mul!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, B::AbstractVecOrMat) =
mul!(Y, convert(AbstractMatrix,L), B)
ldiv!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, B::AbstractVecOrMat) =
ldiv!(Y, convert(AbstractMatrix,L), B)
for pred in (:isreal, :issymmetric, :ishermitian, :isposdef)
@eval LinearAlgebra.$pred(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) = $pred(convert(AbstractArray, L))
factorize(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) =
FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator(factorize(convert(AbstractMatrix, L)))
for fact in (:lu, :lu!, :qr, :qr!, :chol, :chol!, :ldlt, :ldlt!,
:bkfact, :bkfact!, :lq, :lq!, :svd, :svd!)
@eval LinearAlgebra.$fact(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator, args...) =
FactorizedDiffEqArrayOperator($fact(convert(AbstractMatrix, L), args...))

# Routines that use the full matrix representation
Matrix(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) = Matrix(convert(AbstractMatrix, L))
LinearAlgebra.exp(L::AbstractDiffEqLinearOperator) = exp(Matrix(L))

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