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Releases: SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl


19 Sep 13:08
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DifferentialEquations v7.4.0

Diff since v7.3.0

Closed issues:

  • Some contradictory fields in SteadyStateProblem (#894)
  • [help] Difficulty adapting Matlab code to Julia (#897)
  • Lagrangian Descriptors (#899)

Merged pull requests:


31 Aug 17:14
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DifferentialEquations v7.3.0

Diff since v7.2.0

Closed issues:

  • Common interface startup costs (#312)
  • Throw an error if we see a non-common interface argument. (#334)
  • Move API docs from DiffEqDocs.jl to docstrings? (#371)
  • GMRES tie-ins for linsolve support (#453)
  • Automatic GPUified linear solves (#472)
  • Issues with complex ode15s solver (#503)
  • Julia crashes several times while using DifferentialEquations.jl (#607)
  • Non-deterministic unstable-ish Tsit5 solution (#636)
  • Failed installation if Plots.jl is previously installed on Julia 1.0.3 (#687)
  • confusing Jacobian options... (#800)
  • Error DifferentialEquations precompile (#874)
  • Strange Memory Allocations with saveat (#880)
  • how to obtain the noise realization? (#882)
  • how to get different random noise (#883)
  • Update DiffEqBase library version (#884)
  • ODE that depends nonlinearly on a jump process (#885)
  • WARNING: Method definition resize!(FastLapackInterface.QRWYWs{R, MT} (#887)
  • Failed to precompile (#889)
  • Distributed ODE doesn't work with remote host (#890)
  • Ich habe eine Frage.... (#891)
  • Call to solve fails with `LoadError: "No matching function wrapper was found" (#893)

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29 Jun 19:21
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DifferentialEquations v7.2.0

Diff since v7.1.0

Closed issues:

  • DAEs and specifying states (#490)
  • ContinuousCallback: affect! is not always called at the crossed condition (#551)
  • DABDF2 fails with discrete callbacks (#589)
  • Solving DAE with non-Vector state (#757)
  • ERROR with callback: attempt to access 1-element view(::Vector{Float64}, 1:1) with eltype Float64 at index [-1] (#798)
  • Parallel Ensamble Callback Error (#829)
  • DifferentialEquations.jl will not compile due to LinearAlgebra.SingularException(2) (#842)
  • VectorContinuousCallback not picking up threshold (#843)
  • Compatibility with ApproxFun (#847)
  • Bug (?) in integrator interface: set_u! calls are not effective before stepping the first time (#848)
  • Incorrect cache types for stiff solvers (#849)
  • Discrepancy between solution of du/dt = A(t)u computed using operator and functions based approaches (#850)
  • Number of jacobians created | Influence generation of new jacobian (#851)
  • concrete_solve() vs. solve() (#852)
  • Failure to Precompile on an M1 Mac (#853)
  • EnsembleProblem multithread issue with JumpProblem (#854)
  • Solution derivatives and events (#856)
  • Numerical issues with Stochastic two-body problem (#857)
  • Long time precompilation (#858)
  • Precompilation fails in v1.7.3 (#859)
  • Integrator.sol.retcode does not update after reinit!(integrator) (#861)
  • An SDEProblem with non-default noise_rate_prototype has issues dealing with complex-valued problems (#865)
  • Error when trying to dynamically change tstops during solve (#868)
  • Precompilation issue on 1.7.2 (#872)
  • How to customize solver algorithm: May be needed in some physical problem. (#873)
  • DiscreteProblem keyword scale_by_time=true (#875)

Merged pull requests:


11 Jan 13:17
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DifferentialEquations v7.1.0

Diff since v7.0.0

Merged pull requests:


24 Dec 11:13
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DifferentialEquations v7.0.0

Diff since v6.21.0

Closed issues:

  • Failed to precompile on M1 Mac (#830)
  • Both Symbolics and Graphs export "degree"; uses of it in module ModelingToolkit must be qualified (#834)

Merged pull requests:


21 Dec 12:47
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DifferentialEquations v6.21.0

Diff since v6.20.0

Closed issues:

  • DifferentialEquations.jl invalidates OrdinaryDiffEq.jl precompile caches for lu-factorization (#785)
  • LoadError when precompiling DifferentialEquations (#816)
  • ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching names(::Base.Broadcast.BroadcastFunction{Irrational{:log4π}}) (#818)
  • How to return a mathmatical expression of predict solution "U_predict" (#819)
  • EnsembleThreads: crash w/increase in problem size (#820)
  • How to fast find source code of function, like Dense() Chain() (#821)
  • How to get the mathematical expression of Neural Network. (#822)
  • ask for pytorch version (#823)
  • SciML/LTS killing Cxx.jl off (#828)

Merged pull requests:


12 Nov 06:51
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DifferentialEquations v6.20.0

Diff since v6.19.0

Closed issues:

  • "using DifferentialEquations" is very slow (#555)
  • Automatic solver selection for DynamicalODEProblem gives incorrect results (#681)
  • Delay Differential Equations / MethodError (#736)
  • CVODE_BDF: GMRES - different answers with save_everystep=true vs. false (#774)
  • modelingtoolkitize functions generated with metaprogramming (#781)
  • Precompilation broken for DifferentialEquations.jl (#787)
  • step!() using ImplicitEuler() Hangs and Locks up Julia Indefinitely (#789)
  • Memory leakage when integrating a simple equation (#790)
  • BoundsError: attempt to access 4-element view at index [-1] with VectorContinuousCallback (#792)
  • DifferentialEquations or OrdinaryDiffEq packages? (#793)
  • Can anyone explain why the size of "solve" is different for every run? (#794)
  • Sundials Failing to Precompile (#795)
  • worked example: several solvers give different results with save_everystep=true vs. false (#796)
  • Can't compile DifferentialEquations.jl due to a problem in module IrrationalConstants at irrationals.jl (#801)
  • SDE problem using SKenCarp with continuous callback (#802)
  • Event Handling and Callback Functions - Examples Typo (#804)
  • Solve seems to miss timesteps specified by PresetTimeCallbacks (#805)
  • I encountered a problem when using a convolutional neural network for training and solving ODE problems by using Flux package (#806)
  • LinearAlgebra.SingularException(6) (#807)
  • lazy sleeper (#808)
  • How to solve stiff Neural ODE with many params (> 2000)? (#810)
  • ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: f not defined, julia v1.6.3 (#811)
  • warning: method definition (:: type {float32}) (base. Ionic {: log π}) in module ionic constants at irrationals. JL (#812)
  • error running using --compiled-modules=no command line option (#813)

Merged pull requests:

  • Grammar, clarity, & word choice (#809) (@LilithHafner)
  • CompatHelper: bump compat for DiffEqJump to 8, (keep existing compat) (#815) (@github-actions[bot])


12 Aug 10:51
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DifferentialEquations v6.19.0

Diff since v6.18.0

Closed issues:

  • FAQ suggestion: lazily allocate buffers for use with automatic differentiation (#769)
  • Import error when using diffeqpy after updating to v6.17.2 (#775)
  • Stochastic differential equations - the timeseries_steps_mean function gives a Boundserror when accessing Ensemble solution (#778)
  • EnsembleThreads does not use multiple cores (#780)

Merged pull requests:


27 Jul 16:47
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DifferentialEquations v6.18.0

Diff since v6.17.2

Closed issues:

  • DifferentialEquations precompilation fails in Julia 1.4.2 (#768)
  • Ambiguous method error with ForwardDiff and Rodas Solver (#770)
  • Plotting Ensemble solutions blocks out "label" attribute (#771)

Merged pull requests:

  • CompatHelper: bump compat for "DiffEqJump" to "7" (#777) (@github-actions[bot])


05 Jul 02:33
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DifferentialEquations v6.17.2

Diff since v6.17.1

Closed issues:

  • Callbacks not allowed at t=0 (#601)
  • Integrator stepped past tstops but the algorithm was dtchangeable (#642)
  • "Double callback crossing floating pointer reducer errored. Report this issue." (#647)
  • Double callback crossing floating pointer reducer errored. Report this issue. (#674)
  • Floating Point Error (#688)
  • Event detection not continuously/not always triggering (#696)
  • Double callback crossing floating pointer reducer errored. Report this issue. (#724)
  • Working with ForwardDiff.Dual causes ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed (#753)
  • What happens when :autodiff=true while also specifying jac_prototype? (#756)
  • Solving DAE with non-Vector state (#757)
  • Double callback crossing floating pointer reducer error (#758)
  • Only trivial solution for in-place definition of ODE RHS (#759)
  • resizing integrator doesn't work with TRBDF2 (#761)
  • solve(EnsembleProblem(::NoiseProblem)) does not work (#766)

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