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ZDM / GB heterogeneous input #374

merged 36 commits into from Sep 2, 2021


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@killah-t-cell killah-t-cell commented Aug 17, 2021

I started working on @zoemcc's PR last weekend because 1. I really want us to support heterogeneous inputs and 2. I thought it would be a good learning opportunity given that Zoe has done such a great job thinking about the architecture of this. My goal was to bring this PR up to date with the code base and get rid of remaining bugs so we could merge.

At this point this is almost done and you can check out Zoe's PR for an explanation of how this works #298. This is mostly her work and I just opened a new branch because it was more pleasant to merge it bit-by-bit. I hope that is ok!

The PR is up to date with master, and I fixed a few bugs. The main bug that remains is that I still get a LoadError: DimensionMismatch("A has dimensions (3,1) but B has dimensions (2,30)") when I try to run a heterogeneous system. I am still not sure where this bug is coming from, but it probably has something to do with the fact that you need a array of chains of different input sizes to get heterogeneous systems to work and we didn't handle that correctly somewhere (probably in build_symbolic_function or discretize).

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killah-t-cell commented Aug 18, 2021

I am now running into problems with the way I define the cord (we changed it to call it input_cord). We define it like this input_cord = :(adapt(DiffEqBase.parameterless_type($θ), vcat($(interior_u_args...)))) and this is giving me a dimension error LoadError: DimensionMismatch("matrix A has dimensions (3,1), matrix B has dimensions (94,30)") . I tried to debug line by line but I don't understand why this is happening yet. Do you have any idea why? @KirillZubov

Will take a break and look at it later. Hopefully with fresh eyes.

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@KirillZubov as requested, an MWE for input_cord

## MWE
#chain = [[FastChain(FastDense(1, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, 1)) for i in 1:2]; [FastChain(FastDense(2, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, 1)) for i in 1:2]]
chain = FastChain(FastDense(2, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, 1))
ex2 = :(s(y, x))
depvar = ex2.args[1]
indvars = ex2.args[2:end]
num_depvar = dict_depvars[depvar]
interior_u_args = map(indvars) do arg
    if arg isa Symbol
        :(fill($arg, (1, $:batch_size)))
input_cord = :(adapt(DiffEqBase.parameterless_type($θ), vcat($(interior_u_args...))))
ex.args = if !(typeof(chain) <: AbstractVector)
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), input_cord, :($θ), :phi]
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), input_cord, Symbol(:($θ), num_depvar), Symbol(:phi, num_depvar)]

# 1 var
chain = FastChain(FastDense(1, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, 1))
ex2 = :(r(1))
depvar = ex2.args[1]
indvars = ex2.args[2:end]
num_depvar = dict_depvars[depvar]
interior_u_args = map(indvars) do arg
    if arg isa Symbol
        :(fill($arg, (1, $:batch_size)))
input_cord = :(adapt(DiffEqBase.parameterless_type($θ), vcat($(interior_u_args...))))
ex.args = if !(typeof(chain) <: AbstractVector)
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), input_cord, :($θ), :phi]
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), input_cord, Symbol(:($θ), num_depvar), Symbol(:phi, num_depvar)]

# bc
chain = FastChain(FastDense(1, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, numhid, Flux.σ), FastDense(numhid, 1))
ex2 = :(p(1, x))
depvar = ex2.args[1]
indvars = ex2.args[2:end]
num_depvar = dict_depvars[depvar]
interior_u_args = map(indvars) do arg
    if arg isa Symbol
        :(fill($arg, (1, $:batch_size)))
input_cord = :(adapt(DiffEqBase.parameterless_type($θ), vcat($(interior_u_args...))))
ex.args = if !(typeof(chain) <: AbstractVector)
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), input_cord, :($θ), :phi]
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), input_cord, Symbol(:($θ), num_depvar), Symbol(:phi, num_depvar)]

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KirillZubov commented Aug 19, 2021

It does not need to adapt here. cord is already adapted in the computational part.

θ = gensym("θ")
interior_u_args = [:y, :x]
julia> input_cord = :(adapt((DiffEqBase.parameterless_type($θ)), vcat($(interior_u_args...))))
:(adapt(DiffEqBase.parameterless_type(var"##θ#347"), vcat(y, x)))
julia> input_cord =  :(vcat($(interior_u_args...)))
:(vcat(y, x))

also, I think vcat should be done not in arguments of variables. it confuses and makes the inner representation hard to read

I suggest this way:

ex.args = if !(typeof(chain) <: AbstractVector)
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), Symbol(:cord,num_depvar), :($θ), :phi]
    [:($(Expr(:$, :u))), Symbol(:cord,num_depvar), Symbol(:($θ), num_depvar), Symbol(:phi, num_depvar)]

so inner representation will look like this:

(Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#338", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
              (var"##θ#3381", var"##θ#3382") = (var"##θ#338"[1:61], var"##θ#338"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2,phi3, phi4) = (phi[1], phi[2], phi[3], phi[4])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], cord[[2], :])
                  cord1 = vcat(x)
                  cord2 = vcat(y)
                  cord3 = vcat(x, y)
                  cord4 = vcat(y, x)
                  expression_of_equation(phi1(cord1,...),   phi2(cord2,...), ... derivative(phi1, u, cord1,...))
      end, ...

it's already done something similar for Quadrature
check here

vcat_expr = :(cord = vcat($(indvars...)))

and sym_prob output of this example
## Example 4, system of pde
println("Example 4, system of pde")
@parameters x, y
@variables u1(..), u2(..)
Dx = Differential(x)
Dy = Differential(y)
# System of pde
eqs = [Dx(u1(x,y)) + 4*Dy(u2(x,y)) ~ 0,
Dx(u2(x,y)) + 9*Dy(u1(x,y)) ~ 0]
# 3*u1(x,0) ~ 2*u2(x,0)]
# Initial and boundary conditions
bcs = [u1(x,0) ~ 2*x, u2(x,0) ~ 3*x]
# Space and time domains
domains = [x Interval(0.0,1.0), y Interval(0.0,1.0)]
# Neural network
chain1 = FastChain(FastDense(2,15,Flux.tanh),FastDense(15,1))
chain2 = FastChain(FastDense(2,15,Flux.tanh),FastDense(15,1))
quadrature_strategy = NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(quadrature_alg=CubatureJLh(),
maxiters =50, batch=100)
chain = [chain1,chain2]
initθ = map(c -> Float64.(c), DiffEqFlux.initial_params.(chain))
discretization = NeuralPDE.PhysicsInformedNN(chain,quadrature_strategy; init_params = initθ)
@named pde_system = PDESystem(eqs,bcs,domains,[x,y],[u1,u2])
prob = NeuralPDE.discretize(pde_system,discretization)
sym_prob = NeuralPDE.symbolic_discretize(pde_system,discretization)

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in general, it is no longer necessary to store a cord in one multidimensional array, it is outdated.
Now I think better - one coordinate in one one-dimensional vector.
but it is already another issue

cord = rand(2,10)
(x, y) = (cord[[1], :],cord[[2], :])

julia> @benchmark (x, y) = (cord[[1], :],cord[[2], :])
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 178 evaluations.
 Range (min  max):  591.865 ns  165.837 μs  ┊ GC (min  max): 0.00%  99.26%
 Time  (median):     626.309 ns               ┊ GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   795.487 ns ±   3.504 μs  ┊ GC (mean ± σ):  9.79% ±  2.22%

cord = [rand(1,10),rand(1,10)]

@benchmark (x, y) = (cord[1],cord[2])
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 973 evaluations.
Range (min  max):  72.491 ns   29.747 μs  ┊ GC (min  max): 0.00%  99.58%
Time  (median):     77.020 ns               ┊ GC (median):    0.00%
Time  (mean ± σ):   89.026 ns ± 297.478 ns  ┊ GC (mean ± σ):  3.33% ±  1.00%

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killah-t-cell commented Aug 21, 2021

Thanks! This explains a lot and cleans up a lot of the code. I have a question:

in build_symbolic_loss_function, in order to get the right cords to vcat for each equation in a system:

  cord1 = vcat(x)
  cord2 = vcat(y)
  cord3 = vcat(x, y)
  cord4 = vcat(y, x)

I need to know which dependent variables are being used in each equation. How do you recommend I do that inside of build_symbolic_loss_function?

I tried using this_eq_depvars = filter(depvar -> dict_depvar_input[depvar] ⊆ bc_indvars, depvars) but that does not work so well.

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KirillZubov commented Aug 21, 2021


function pair(eq, depvars,dict_depvars, dict_depvar_input)
    expr = toexpr(eq)
    pair_ = map(depvars) do depvar
        if !isempty(find_thing_in_expr(expr,  depvar))
            dict_depvars[depvar] => dict_depvar_input[depvar]
    Dict(filter(p -> p !==nothing , pair_))

julia> eq_pair = pair(eq, depvars,dict_depvars, dict_depvar_input)
Dict{Int64, Vector{Symbol}} with 4 entries:
  4 => [:y, :x]
  2 => [:y]
  3 => [:x, :y]
  1 => [:x]

 julia> bcs_pair = map(bc ->pair(bc, depvars,dict_depvars, dict_depvar_input),bcs)
 6-element Vector{Dict{Int64, Vector{Symbol}}}:
  Dict(1 => [:x])
  Dict(2 => [:y])
  Dict(3 => [:x, :y])
  Dict(3 => [:x, :y])
  Dict(4 => [:y, :x])
  Dict(4 => [:y, :x])

some_eq = Dx(p(x, y)) + Dy(s(y, x)) - Dy(s(0, x)) ~ p(0,0)

julia>  some_eq_pair =pair(some_eq, depvars,dict_depvars, dict_depvar_input)
Dict{Int64, Vector{Symbol}} with 2 entries:
  4 => [:y, :x]
  1 => [:x]


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        eq_pair_expr  =Expr[]
        for i in keys(some_eq_pair)
            push!(eq_pair_expr, :( $(Symbol(:cord, :($i))) = vcat($(some_eq_pair[i]...))))
        julia> eq_pair_expr
        2-element Vector{Expr}:
        :(cord4 = vcat(y, x))
        :(cord1 = vcat(x))

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killah-t-cell commented Aug 23, 2021


I now have restructured build_symbolic_loss so it outputs this for a heterogeneous system

eqs = u1(x, y) + Dx(u2(x)) ~ 0

bcs = [u1(x,0) ~ cos(x), u2(x) ~ 0]
(Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], cord[[2], :])
                      cord2 = vcat(x)
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  (+).(derivative(phi2, u, cord2, [[6.0554544523933395e-6]], 1, var"##θ#3542"), u(cord1, var"##θ#3541", phi1)) .- 0
      end)], Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], fill(0, size(cord[[1], :])))
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  u(cord1, var"##θ#3541", phi1) .- cos.(x)
      end), :((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x,) = (cord[[1], :],)
                      cord2 = vcat(x)
                  u(cord2, var"##θ#3542", phi2) .- 0

And for a normal system

# System of pde
eqs = [Dx(u1(x,y)) + 4*Dy(u2(x,y)) ~ 0,
      Dx(u2(x,y)) + 9*Dy(u1(x,y)) ~ 0]

# Initial and boundary conditions
bcs = [u1(x,0) ~ 2*x, u2(x,0) ~ 3*x]
(Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], cord[[2], :])
                      cord2 = vcat(x, y)
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  (+).(derivative(phi1, u, cord1, [[6.0554544523933395e-6, 0.0]], 1, var"##θ#3541"), (*).(4, derivative(phi2, u, cord2, [[0.0, 6.0554544523933395e-6]], 1, var"##θ#3542"))) .- 0
      end), :((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], cord[[2], :])
                      cord2 = vcat(x, y)
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  (+).(derivative(phi2, u, cord2, [[6.0554544523933395e-6, 0.0]], 1, var"##θ#3542"), (*).(9, derivative(phi1, u, cord1, [[0.0, 6.0554544523933395e-6]], 1, var"##θ#3541"))) .- 0
      end)], Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], fill(0, size(cord[[1], :])))
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  u(cord1, var"##θ#3541", phi1) .- (*).(2, x)
      end), :((cord, var"##θ#354", phi, derivative, u, p)->begin
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
          #= /Users/gabrielbirnbaum/.julia/dev/NeuralPDE/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:514 =#
              (var"##θ#3541", var"##θ#3542") = (var"##θ#354"[1:61], var"##θ#354"[62:122])
              (phi1, phi2) = (phi[1], phi[2])
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], fill(0, size(cord[[1], :])))
                      cord2 = vcat(x, y)
                  u(cord2, var"##θ#3542", phi2) .- (*).(3, x)

The normal systems and tests are working now which is good. But the heterogeneous system is still throwing out an LoadError: DimensionMismatch("A has dimensions (15,2) but B has dimensions (1,2)") error.

I think this might have something to do with discretize or with build_loss_function but right now I don't yet know.

EDIT: I had a typo. Both systems are working now! 😄

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killah-t-cell commented Aug 23, 2021

Ok so here is the current to do list before opening the PR:

  • Fix heterogeneous systems when using strategies that are not QuadratureTraning
  • Clean up pinns_pde_solve.jl (remove @shows, unnecessary spacing changes, mwe)
  • Write up tests

I plan to open the PR tomorrow.

@killah-t-cell killah-t-cell marked this pull request as ready for review August 24, 2021 07:05
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@KirillZubov this is ready for a code review. Are there any good examples of heterogeneous systems we could use for the tests and the documentation?

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killah-t-cell commented Aug 26, 2021

An update:

I cleaned up the white spaces. There are only 2 problems remaining now:

Problem 1: I am getting a BoundsError: attempt to access 1×1 Matrix{Float32} at index [[2], 1:1] in the Approximation of function 2D test. The symbolic discretization looks like this (see below). I am not yet sure how to fix this properly (all other things are working so I am not sure why this test in particular is broken).

(Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#332", phi, derivative, integral, u, p)->begin
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], cord[[2], :])
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  u(cord1, var"##θ#332", phi) .- (*).(-1, (cos).(x), (cos).(y), (exp).((+).((*).(-1, (^).((+).(-3.141592653589793, x), 2)), (*).(-1, (^).((+).(-3.141592653589793, y), 2)))))
      end)], Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#332", phi, derivative, integral, u, p)->begin
              let (x, y) = (cord[[1], :], cord[[2], :])
                      cord1 = vcat(x, y)
                  u(cord1, var"##θ#332", phi) .- u(cord1, var"##θ#332", phi)

Problem 2: The way we discretize a Integro-DE is very different. From what I gathered from looking at master, this is supposed to look a bit like this (see below). In this world I am not sure how to adapt the way we load cords to this yet. _transform_expression is calling build_symbolic_loss_function with eqs=nothing which breaks the way I find out which dependent variables are being used in each equation.

        # if eqs = nothing, this_eq_pair can't get the information it needs.
        this_eq_pair = pair(eqs, depvars, dict_depvars, dict_depvar_input)
        this_eq_indvars = sort(collect(Set(vcat(values(this_eq_pair)...))))
        eq_pair_expr = Expr[]
        for i in keys(this_eq_pair)
            push!(eq_pair_expr, :( $(Symbol(:cord, :($i))) = vcat($(this_eq_pair[i]...))))
        vcat_expr = Expr(:block, :($(eq_pair_expr...)))
        vcat_expr_loss_functions = Expr(:block, vcat_expr, loss_function)
(Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#331", phi, derivative, integral, u, p)->begin
              let (x,) = (cord[[1], :],)
                  integral(u, cord, phi, [1], RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:cord, Symbol("##θ#331"), :phi, :derivative, :integral, :u, :p), NeuralPDE.var"#_RGF_ModTag", NeuralPDE.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0x1a7e437d, 0x633f4d2b, 0x0c12a9a0, 0xdba3679e, 0x4f5c1eae)}(quote
        let (x,) = (cord[[1], :],)
            u(cord, var"##θ#331", phi)
end), Any[0], Any[RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:cord, Symbol("##θ#331"), :phi, :derivative, :integral, :u, :p), NeuralPDE.var"#_RGF_ModTag", NeuralPDE.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0xece15f21, 0xdd268b8a, 0x3a6073e5, 0x93a3d03a, 0x3d656f4c)}(quote
        let (x,) = (cord[[1], :],)
end)], var"##θ#331") .- (*).(1//3, (^).(x, 3))
      end)], Expr[:((cord, var"##θ#331", phi, derivative, integral, u, p)->begin
              let (x,) = (cord[[1], :],)
                  u(cord, var"##θ#331", phi) .- 0.0

I will be back at it tomorrow to try to figure this out.

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Ok I now fixed Problem 2 and IDEs work with the heterogeneous system. I am still getting the BoundsError: attempt to access 1×1 Matrix{Float32} at index [[2], 1:1] in the Approximation of function 2D test. The symbolic_loss_function output looks right to me (see my previous comment) so I am not sure where to look. I wonder if @KirillZubov will find something during code review or if he has any tips.

@killah-t-cell killah-t-cell changed the title ZDM / GB heterogeneous input [WIP] ZDM / GB heterogeneous input Aug 27, 2021
src/pinns_pde_solve.jl Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
test/NNPDE_tests.jl Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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killah-t-cell commented Aug 31, 2021

I know I said this before but – this is almost done now.

I am training the Kermack–McKendrick model right now. This system is big and takes a while to train. It would be maybe a good idea to use another system to do a convergence test on just to improve developer experience. I may also just be training it wrong right now (it currently stops converging when the loss hits about 80). I did not spend too much time playing with this yet, so I will try to focus on it now as it seems like this is the current bottleneck.

This PR is now 2 weeks old, so I am trying to wrap this up asap. I started writing some documentation for the feature. We can probably use the Kermack–McKendrick model there at least (as it is a pretty cool example).

I would love to get some feedback on some questions I have regarding order:

  1. I define this_eq_indvars = unique(vcat(values(this_eq_pair)...)). I wonder if this is ok or if I should be more order-aware.
  2. Heterogeneous system are currently order-dependent. That means that I need to declare the dependent variables in PDESystem in the same order that I declared the chain. Is that ok? Is there a quick fix? (which we can do in another PR maybe for the sake of de-risking)

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Yes, let's wrap it off. It seems like this is getting side tracked. Get to a version you think is ready to merge, and then let's merge and follow up with the other issues.

That means that I need to declare the dependent variables in PDESystem in the same order that I declared the chain. Is that ok?

I think that is expected. If it's u(x,y), it better always be u(x,y).

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Alright @ChrisRackauckas I pushed a version I think is ready to merge. It doesn't have a convergence test but I am still gonna try to get either this SIR model or another heterogeneous system to work. I will make another PR for that though.

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@ChrisRackauckas ChrisRackauckas left a comment

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Note this will need a breaking release.

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NNPDE should be split. It doesn't make sense to have one test set be over an hour.

@ChrisRackauckas ChrisRackauckas merged commit 34a82a7 into SciML:master Sep 2, 2021
@killah-t-cell killah-t-cell changed the title [WIP] ZDM / GB heterogeneous input ZDM / GB heterogeneous input Sep 7, 2021
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