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Add docstrings for all of the problem types
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ChrisRackauckas committed Apr 26, 2022
1 parent bfc028d commit 80d0756
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Showing 11 changed files with 879 additions and 46 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ DocStringExtensions = "ffbed154-4ef7-542d-bbb7-c09d3a79fcae"
IteratorInterfaceExtensions = "82899510-4779-5014-852e-03e436cf321d"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Logging = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568"
Markdown = "d6f4376e-aef5-505a-96c1-9c027394607a"
RecipesBase = "3cdcf5f2-1ef4-517c-9805-6587b60abb01"
RecursiveArrayTools = "731186ca-8d62-57ce-b412-fbd966d074cd"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/SciMLBase.jl
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using Distributed
using StaticArrays
using Markdown

import Logging, ArrayInterface
import IteratorInterfaceExtensions
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67 changes: 66 additions & 1 deletion src/problems/bvp_problems.jl
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,73 @@ $(TYPEDEF)
struct StandardBVProblem end

@doc doc"""
Defines an BVP problem.
Documentation Page:
## Mathematical Specification of a BVP Problem
To define a BVP Problem, you simply need to give the function ``f`` and the initial
condition ``u₀`` which define an ODE:
\frac{du}{dt} = f(u,p,t)
along with an implicit function `bc!` which defines the residual equation, where
bc(u,p,t) = 0
is the manifold on which the solution must live. A common form for this is the
two-point `BVProblem` where the manifold defines the solution at two points:
u(t_0) = a
u(t_f) = b
## Problem Type
### Constructors
For any BVP problem type, `bc!` is the inplace function:
bc!(residual, u, p, t)
where `residual` computed from the current `u`. `u` is an array of solution values
where `u[i]` is at time `t[i]`, while `p` are the parameters. For a `TwoPointBVProblem`,
`t = tspan`. For the more general `BVProblem`, `u` can be all of the internal
time points, and for shooting type methods `u=sol` the ODE solution.
Note that all features of the `ODESolution` are present in this form.
In both cases, the size of the residual matches the size of the initial condition.
Parameters are optional, and if not given then a `NullParameters()` singleton
will be used which will throw nice errors if you try to index non-existent
parameters. Any extra keyword arguments are passed on to the solvers. For example,
if you set a `callback` in the problem, then that `callback` will be added in
every solve call.
### Fields
* `f`: The function for the ODE.
* `bc`: The boundary condition function.
* `u0`: The initial condition. Either the initial condition for the ODE as an
initial value problem, or a `Vector` of values for ``u(t_i)`` for collocation
* `tspan`: The timespan for the problem.
* `p`: The parameters for the problem. Defaults to `NullParameters`
* `kwargs`: The keyword arguments passed onto the solves.
struct BVProblem{uType,tType,isinplace,P,F,bF,PT,K} <: AbstractBVProblem{uType,tType,isinplace}
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68 changes: 66 additions & 2 deletions src/problems/dae_problems.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,70 @@
# f(t,u,du,res) = 0
@doc doc"""
Defines an implicit ordinary differential equation (ODE) or
differential-algebraic equation (DAE) problem.
Documentation Page:
## Mathematical Specification of an DAE Problem
To define a DAE Problem, you simply need to give the function ``f`` and the initial
condition ``u₀`` which define an ODE:
0 = f(du,u,p,t)
`f` should be specified as `f(du,u,p,t)` (or in-place as `f(resid,du,u,p,t)`).
Note that we are not limited to numbers or vectors for `u₀`; one is allowed to
provide `u₀` as arbitrary matrices / higher dimension tensors as well.
## Problem Type
### Constructors
- `DAEProblem(f::DAEFunction,du0,u0,tspan,p=NullParameters();kwargs...)`
- `DAEProblem{isinplace}(f,du0,u0,tspan,p=NullParameters();kwargs...)` :
Defines the DAE with the specified functions.
`isinplace` optionally sets whether the function is inplace or not. This is
determined automatically, but not inferred.
Parameters are optional, and if not given then a `NullParameters()` singleton
will be used which will throw nice errors if you try to index non-existent
parameters. Any extra keyword arguments are passed on to the solvers. For example,
if you set a `callback` in the problem, then that `callback` will be added in
every solve call.
For specifying Jacobians and mass matrices, see the
[DiffEqFunctions](@ref performance_overloads)
### Fields
* `f`: The function in the ODE.
* `du0`: The initial condition for the derivative.
* `u0`: The initial condition.
* `tspan`: The timespan for the problem.
* `differential_vars`: A logical array which declares which variables are the
differential (non algebraic) vars (i.e. `du'` is in the equations for this
variable). Defaults to nothing. Some solvers may require this be set if an
initial condition needs to be determined.
* `p`: The parameters for the problem. Defaults to `NullParameters`
* `kwargs`: The keyword arguments passed onto the solves.
## Example Problems
Examples problems can be found in [DiffEqProblemLibrary.jl](
To use a sample problem, such as `prob_dae_resrob`, you can do something like:
#] add DiffEqProblemLibrary
using DiffEqProblemLibrary.DAEProblemLibrary
# load problems
prob = DAEProblemLibrary.prob_dae_resrob
sol = solve(prob,IDA())
struct DAEProblem{uType,duType,tType,isinplace,P,F,K,D} <: AbstractDAEProblem{uType,duType,tType,isinplace}
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195 changes: 194 additions & 1 deletion src/problems/dde_problems.jl
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,201 @@ $(TYPEDEF)
struct StandardDDEProblem end

@doc doc"""
Defines a delay differential equation (DDE) problem.
Documentation Page:
## Mathematical Specification of a DDE Problem
To define a DDE Problem, you simply need to give the function ``f``, the initial
condition ``u_0`` at time point ``t_0``, and the history function ``h``
which together define a DDE:
\frac{du}{dt} = f(u,h,p,t) \qquad (t \geq t_0)
u(t_0) = u_0,
u(t) = h(t) \qquad (t < t_0).
``f`` should be specified as `f(u, h, p, t)` (or in-place as `f(du, u, h, p, t)`),
``u_0`` should be an AbstractArray (or number) whose geometry matches the
desired geometry of `u`, and ``h`` should be specified as described below. The
history function `h` is accessed for all delayed values. Note that we are not
limited to numbers or vectors for ``u_0``; one is allowed to provide ``u_0``
as arbitrary matrices / higher dimension tensors as well.
## Functional Forms of the History Function
The history function `h` can be called in the following ways:
- `h(p, t)`: out-of-place calculation
- `h(out, p, t)`: in-place calculation
- `h(p, t, deriv::Type{Val{i}})`: out-of-place calculation of the `i`th derivative
- `h(out, p, t, deriv::Type{Val{i}})`: in-place calculation of the `i`th derivative
- `h(args...; idxs)`: calculation of `h(args...)` for indices `idxs`
Note that a dispatch for the supplied history function of matching form is required
for whichever function forms are used in the user derivative function `f`.
## Declaring Lags
Lags are declared separately from their use. One can use any lag by simply using
the interpolant of `h` at that point. However, one should use caution in order
to achieve the best accuracy. When lags are declared, the solvers can more
efficiently be more accurate and thus this is recommended.
## Neutral and Retarded Delay Differential Equations
Note that the history function specification can be used to specify general
retarded arguments, i.e. `h(p,α(u,t))`. Neutral delay differential equations
can be specified by using the `deriv` value in the history interpolation.
For example, `h(p,t-τ, Val{1})` returns the first derivative of the history
values at time `t-τ`.
Note that algebraic equations can be specified by using a singular mass matrix.
## Problem Type
### Constructors
DDEProblem(f[, u0], h, tspan[, p]; <keyword arguments>)
DDEProblem{isinplace}(f[, u0], h, tspan[, p]; <keyword arguments>)
Parameter `isinplace` optionally sets whether the function is inplace or not.
This is determined automatically, but not inferred.
Parameters are optional, and if not given then a `NullParameters()` singleton
will be used which will throw nice errors if you try to index non-existent
parameters. Any extra keyword arguments are passed on to the solvers. For example,
if you set a `callback` in the problem, then that `callback` will be added in
every solve call.
For specifying Jacobians and mass matrices, see the [DiffEqFunctions](@ref performance_overloads) page.
### Arguments
* `f`: The function in the DDE.
* `u0`: The initial condition. Defaults to the value `h(p, first(tspan))` of the history function evaluated at the initial time point.
* `h`: The history function for the DDE before `t0`.
* `tspan`: The timespan for the problem.
* `p`: The parameters with which function `f` is called. Defaults to `NullParameters`.
* `constant_lags`: A collection of constant lags used by the history function `h`. Defaults to `()`.
* `dependent_lags` A tuple of functions `(u, p, t) -> lag` for the state-dependent lags
used by the history function `h`. Defaults to `()`.
* `neutral`: If the DDE is neutral, i.e., if delays appear in derivative terms.
* `order_discontinuity_t0`: The order of the discontinuity at the initial time point. Defaults to `0` if an initial condition `u0` is provided. Otherwise it is forced to be greater or equal than `1`.
* `kwargs`: The keyword arguments passed onto the solves.
## Dynamical Delay Differential Equations
Much like [Dynamical ODEs](@ref dynamical_prob), a Dynamical DDE is a Partitioned DDE
of the form:
\frac{dv}{dt} = f_1(u,t,h) \\
\frac{du}{dt} = f_2(v,h) \\
### Constructors
DynamicalDDEProblem(f1, f2[, v0, u0], h, tspan[, p]; <keyword arguments>)
DynamicalDDEProblem{isinplace}(f1, f2[, v0, u0], h, tspan[, p]; <keyword arguments>)
Parameter `isinplace` optionally sets whether the function is inplace or not.
This is determined automatically, but not inferred.
### Arguments
* `f`: The function in the DDE.
* `v0` and `u0`: The initial condition. Defaults to the values `h(p, first(tspan))...` of the history function evaluated at the initial time point.
* `h`: The history function for the DDE before `t0`. Must return an object with the indices 1 and 2, with the values of `v` and `u` respectively.
* `tspan`: The timespan for the problem.
* `p`: The parameters with which function `f` is called. Defaults to `NullParameters`.
* `constant_lags`: A collection of constant lags used by the history function `h`. Defaults to `()`.
* `dependent_lags` A tuple of functions `(v, u, p, t) -> lag` for the state-dependent lags
used by the history function `h`. Defaults to `()`.
* `neutral`: If the DDE is neutral, i.e., if delays appear in derivative terms.
* `order_discontinuity_t0`: The order of the discontinuity at the initial time point. Defaults to `0` if an initial condition `u0` is provided. Otherwise it is forced to be greater or equal than `1`.
* `kwargs`: The keyword arguments passed onto the solves.
The for dynamical and second order DDEs, the history function will return an object with
the indicies 1 and 2 defined, where `h(p, t_prev)[1]` is the value of ``f_2(v, u, h, p,
t_{\mathrm{prev}})`` and `h(p, t_prev)[2]` is the value of ``f_1(v, u, h, p, t_{\mathrm{prev}})``
(this is for consistency with the ordering of the intitial conditions in the constructor).
The supplied history function must also return such a 2-index object, which can be accomplished
with a tuple `(v,u)` or vector `[v,u]`.
## 2nd Order Delay Differential Equations
To define a 2nd Order DDE Problem, you simply need to give the function ``f``
and the initial condition ``u_0`` which define an DDE:
u'' = f(u',u,h,p,t)
`f` should be specified as `f(du,u,p,t)` (or in-place as `f(ddu,du,u,p,t)`), and `u₀`
should be an AbstractArray (or number) whose geometry matches the desired
geometry of `u`. Note that we are not limited to numbers or vectors for `u₀`;
one is allowed to provide `u₀` as arbitrary matrices / higher dimension tensors
as well.
From this form, a dynamical ODE:
v' = f(v,u,h,p,t) \\
u' = v \\
### Constructors
SecondOrderDDEProblem(f, [, du0, u0], h, tspan[, p]; <keyword arguments>)
SecondOrderDDEProblem{isinplace}(f, [, du0, u0], h, tspan[, p]; <keyword arguments>)
Parameter `isinplace` optionally sets whether the function is inplace or not.
This is determined automatically, but not inferred.
### Arguments
* `f`: The function in the DDE.
* `du0` and `u0`: The initial condition. Defaults to the values `h(p, first(tspan))...` of the history function evaluated at the initial time point.
* `h`: The history function for the DDE before `t0`. Must return an object with the indices 1 and 2, with the values of `v` and `u` respectively.
* `tspan`: The timespan for the problem.
* `p`: The parameters with which function `f` is called. Defaults to `NullParameters`.
* `constant_lags`: A collection of constant lags used by the history function `h`. Defaults to `()`.
* `dependent_lags` A tuple of functions `(v, u, p, t) -> lag` for the state-dependent lags
used by the history function `h`. Defaults to `()`.
* `neutral`: If the DDE is neutral, i.e., if delays appear in derivative terms.
* `order_discontinuity_t0`: The order of the discontinuity at the initial time point. Defaults to `0` if an initial condition `u0` is provided. Otherwise it is forced to be greater or equal than `1`.
* `kwargs`: The keyword arguments passed onto the solves.
As above, the history function will return an object with indices 1 and 2, with the values of `du` and `u` respectively. The supplied history function must also match this return type, e.g. by returning a 2-element tuple or vector.
## Example Problems
Example problems can be found in [DiffEqProblemLibrary.jl](
To use a sample problem, such as `prob_ode_linear`, you can do something like:
#] add DiffEqProblemLibrary
using DiffEqProblemLibrary.ODEProblemLibrary
# load problems
prob = ODEProblemLibrary.prob_ode_linear
sol = solve(prob)
struct DDEProblem{uType,tType,lType,lType2,isinplace,P,F,H,K,PT} <:
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