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Releases: SciViews/SciViews

Packages tabularise and inherit added + silent SciViews::R + RStudio adding removed

14 Sep 14:36
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Topics and lang= in SciViews::R

15 Sep 15:02
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SciViews::R() now accepts topics like "explore", "model" or "spatial" and it loads additional packages accordingly. It also allows to set default language via the argument lang =

Better SciViews::R

30 Aug 16:20
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SciViews::R is now better:

  • different set of packages loaded (not using the tidyverse set any more)
  • {rlang}, {broom} and {fs} added in the list of loaded packages
  • SciViews-specific conflicts functions
  • dtx= argument that allows to specify which default data frame objects to use (data.frame, data.table, or tribble tcl_df)
  • message indicating which default data frame object is in use.

Use {svBase}, {svFlow}, {data.table}, {dtplyr} and {collapse}

25 Aug 12:57
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The SciViews::R command now also loads {svBase}, {svFlow}, {data.table}, {dtplyr} and {collapse} (with {svFlow} being the {flow} package that has been renamed to avoir conflict with another {flow} package on CRAN).

Warning in SciViews::R eliminated

01 Jun 07:32
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Warning about conflicting num_ansi_colors in SciViews::R solved

Refined version with 'insert :' RStudio addin

06 Jun 20:15
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USE_RTOOLS added in appveyor.yml

Release with SciViews::R loading, flow and chart

23 Aug 11:53
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v1.1.0, flow and chart loaded with SciViews::R