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MPI Code Generation through Domain-Specific Language Models

The imperative need to scale computation across numerous nodes accentuates the significance of efficient parallel com- puting, particularly in the realm of Message Passing Inter- face (MPI) integration. While MPI serves as a cornerstone for large-scale parallelism, its seamless integration into codebases, especially concerning domain decomposition, has proven chal- lenging. Static tools aimed at addressing this hurdle have exhib- ited limited effectiveness and scalability. Surprisingly, contem- porary language models designed for code-related problem- solving have demonstrated utility in parallel programming tasks such as OpenMP shared memory pragma generation. However, the nuanced task of generating intricate, multi-functional MPI codes across diverse locations has remained unexplored. This study first investigates the performance of state-of- the-art language models in generating MPI codes using varied context sizes for next-token predictions, employing the HP- CorpusMPI dataset (based on MPICodeCorpus and HPCor- pus). Findings reveal that widely used models like GPT-3.5 and specialized multi-lingual code models like PolyCoder exhibit notable performance degradation when generating MPI codes compared to their outcomes for general-purpose codes. In con- trast, domain-specific models like MonoCoder, pre-trained for the C and C++ languages associated with MPI, outper- form larger models, showcasing high generality capabilities, especially when local misleading semantics are mitigated. Subsequently, we introduce a dedicated downstream task, fine-tuning MonoCoder on HPCorpusMPI, resulting in the creation of MPIrigen. We propose an innovative pre-process for completion only after observing the whole code, thus en- abling better completion with a wider context. Comparative analysis against PolyCoder fine-tuning and GPT zero-shot performance, using a novel HPC-oriented evaluation method, demonstrates that MPIrigen excels in generating accurate MPI functions up to 0.8 accuracy in location and function predic- tions, and with more than 0.9 accuracy for argument predic- tions. The success of this tailored solution underscores the importance of domain-specific fine-tuning in optimizing lan- guage models for parallel computing code generation, paving the way for a new generation of automatic parallelization tools.

Desired Objective

The MPI functions in the source code are removed and concatenated with their corresponding line number to the last line. This way, MPI-rigen learns in a left-to-right fashion the relation between code and its appropriate MPI functions. Finally it gets MPI codes with functions removed and predict the locations and functions themselves.



First, clone the MPI-rigen code and datasets provided here.


Then, create the proper conda environment out of the requirements.

conda create --name <env_name> --file requirements.txt

Then, activate your environment:

conda activate <env_name>


For more information about the measures and their means of the implementations, please refer to the paper. If you found these codes useful for your research, please consider citing:


MonoCoder Scripts

The MonoCoder directory contains two self-contained scripts to fine-tune or evaluate correspondingly:

  1. This script includes the configuration for fine-tuning the model and create MPI-rigen.

  2. Use this script to regenerate results on the test split. It provides code for running the model on the test data.


Hugging Face Model

Monocoder is uploaded to Hugging Face and can be easily utilized in your own projects. Here's an example of how to use it in Python:

from transformers import GPTNeoXForCausalLM, GPT2Tokenizer

tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer(vocab_file=args.vocab_file, merges_file=args.merge_file, model_input_names=['input_ids'])
model = GPTNeoXForCausalLM.from_pretrained('MonoCoder')

Google Drive

In addition, the models can be provided on demand using the following link: Model Drive Folder.

When downloading a model folder, you can easily load it using the following Python code:

import os
from transformers import GPTNeoXForCausalLM

model = GPTNeoXForCausalLM.from_pretrained(os.path.join(args.models_dir, args.model_name))


MPI Code Generation through Domain-Specific Language Models






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