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What in the World...



📝 Description

Explore the world with 'What in the World'! Immerse yourself in global cultures through flags, currencies, languages, and more. Embark on a fun journey of discovery and become a true global citizen, one click at a time!

🎥: Preview


Installation Instructions:

In order to use this project, please follow the steps below:

  • Clone down the repository
  • CD into the repository
  • Run npm install to download all the library dependencies
  • View and interact with the project live by running npm start on the terminal and your web browswer will bring you to the local host address of http://localhost:3000/

🏫 Context:

This is my final Showcase project for Mod 3 at Turing School of Software and Design.


📚 Learning Goals:

The learning goals include gaining competency with React fundatmentals, E2E testing with Cypress, project management, and creating multi-page UX using React Router.

🖥️ Technologies Used

🌱 Wins + Challenges:


  • Project planning, time management and working within the scope of expectations.
  • I broke up all of my major tasks into smaller, digestible pieces. This allowed me to iterate through the project without any major blockers.


  • One of my biggest challenges was determining the architecture of the app that made the most sense.
  • This was my first time working with an API I found in the 'wild'. I quickly realized that I would need to spend some time studying the data and determining the best way to interact and capture the pieces that I wanted to use in my application. This was a great learning experience and exposure to public API's.