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Sweep Line 2D

Justin edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 3 revisions

CGAL provides a sweep line algorithm for the intersection of curves. The sweep line can check if a intersect exists, get all the intersection points and find the unique sub curves from a intersections.

Note - For intersection operations it is recommended to use the EEK kernel. Precision maybe a issue if the EIK kernel is used.

This is provided through the SweepLine class of which a static instance can be used as follows.

//Create some segments
var segments = new Segment2d[]
    new Segment2d(new Point2d(1,5), new Point2d(8,5)),
    new Segment2d(new Point2d(1,1), new Point2d(8,8)),
    new Segment2d(new Point2d(3,1), new Point2d(3,8)),
    new Segment2d(new Point2d(8,5), new Point2d(8,8))

//Get a instance to the sweep line
var instance = SweepLine<EEK>.Instance;

var doIntects = instance.DoIntersect(segments, segments.Length);

//Find all the unique segments
var subCurves = instance.ComputeSubcurves(segments, segments.Length);

//Find all the intection points
var points = instance.ComputeIntersectionPoints(segments, segments.Length);

Below is a image of the intersecting segments.


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